

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Раздел 3.1.


3.1.1. Прочитайте предложения в видо-временной форме Present Indefinite страдательного залога, задайте общий вопрос и дайте отрицательный ответ:



He is often asked. Is he often asked? No, he isn’t often asked.


1.The shops are usually closed at this time. 2. The students are examined in June. 3. The bills are paid every day. 4. The office is cleaned every evening. 5. These books are published in Italy. 6. The museum is always opened in the daytime. 7. The children are taught French at school. 8. She is often told the news at work. 9. He is seldom asked this question. 10. She is often invited to dinner.


3.1.2. Прочитайте предложения в видо-временной форме Past Indefinite страдательного залога, задайте общий вопрос и дайте отрицательный ответ:



He was asked yesterday. Was he asked yesterday? No, he wasn’t asked yesterday.


1. She was excited by the news yesterday. 2. Coffee was prepared some minutes ago. 3. He was chosen for this position a week ago. 4. We were invited to the party last weekend. 5. He was answered yesterday. 6. Carol was asked about the accident when she came to the police station. 7. They were taught economics last term. 8. This book was published a year ago. 9. This shop was closed yesterday. 10. The dinner was cooked quickly when we returned home.


3.1.3. Прочитайте предложения в видо-временной форме Future Indefinite страдательного залога, задайте общий вопрос и дайте отрицательный ответ:


He will be asked tomorrow. Will he be asked tomorrow? No, he won’t be asked tomorrow.


1. The library will be closed tomorrow. 2. The plan will be improved tomorrow. 3. The article will be published next month. 4. The problem will be solved in two days. 5. The dinner will be served in quarter of an hour. 6. My friend will be chosen for the position of Sales Manager next week. 7. He will be asked at the next lesson. 8. The goods will be sent next Monday. 9. He will be invited to the conference in a week. 10. The report will be corrected the day after tomorrow.


3.1.4. Переведите предложения на английский язык.


1. Меня часто спрашивают об этом. 2. Журнал принесут завтра. 3.Это сообщение было получено вчера. 4. Когда был открыт этот музей? 5. Контракты всегда обсуждают в деталях. 6. Машину починят через неделю. 7. Почему всегда задают эти вопросы? 8. Проблема была решена очень быстро. 9. Его вчера пригласили на обед. 10. Книга будет опубликована в следующем году.


3.1.5. Прочитайте предложения в видо-временной форме Present Continuous страдательного залога, задайте общий вопрос и дайте отрицательный ответ:



He is being asked now. Is he being asked now? No, he isn’t being asked now.


1. He is being examined now. 2. The text is being translated in the auditorium at this moment. 3. The lunch is being served at present. 4. The book is being read in the reading-room just now. 5. The report is being made in the office at the moment. 6. The articles on inflation are being written now. 7. The message is being sent to London at the moment. 8. This book is being published in Oxford at present 9. The tests are being checked now. 10. They are being told now what has happened.


3.1.6. Прочитайте предложения в видо-временной форме Past Continuous страдательного залога, задайте общий вопрос и дайте отрицательный ответ:



He was being asked when she came. Was he being asked when she came? No, he wasn’t being asked when she came.


1. The lunch was being served in the dinning room at a quarter past noon. 2. They were being trained on banking at this time last year. 3. She was being taught the French language the whole month before she went to Paris. 4. This novel was being written when it happened. 5. The new house was being built when they arrived. 6. The car was being repaired from eight till eleven in the morning. 7. The problem was being discussed when I came into the office. 8. The students were being given a lecture on psychology when it happened. 9. The thief was being asked about the robbery when they saw him. 10. The flowers in the garden were being watered at this time yesterday.


3.1.7. Прочитайте предложения в видо-временной форме Present Perfect, Passive Voice, задайте общий вопрос и дайте отрицательный ответ:



He has been already invited. Has he been invited yet? No, he hasn’t been invited yet.


1. The message has been already sent to London and Liverpool. 2. All the books have been already sold. 3. The new house has been just built near the hospital. 4. This play has been shown twice on TV. 5. This article has been already published in the Times. 6. The exhibition has been just opened in Paris. 7. Two contracts have been discussed this week. 8. Their advertisement has been just shown on TV. 9. Dinner has been already served in the dinning-room. 10. A new manager has been just introduced to his chief.


3.1.8. Прочитайте предложения в видо-временной форме Past Perfect, Passive Voice, задайте общий вопрос и дайте отрицательный ответ:



He had been examined by three o’clock yesterday. Had he been examined by three o’clock yesterday? No, he hadn’t been examined by three o’clock yesterday.


1. He had been sent abroad when she arrived. 2. The work had been done by last weekend. 3. The program of the concert had been changed when we bought the tickets. 4. We had been invited to the party when she asked us to dinner. 5. The house had been painted when the rain began. 6. The article had been published when new information was got. 7. The lunch had been served in the dinning-room by the time they came back. 8. By this time yesterday the decision had been already made. 9. When he returned from abroad the book had been translated. 10. The exhibition had been closed when I came to the gallery.


3.1.9. Прочитайте предложения в видо-временной форме Future Perfect, Passive Voice, задайте общий вопрос и дайте отрицательный ответ:



He will have been examined by tomorrow. Will he have been examined by tomorrow? No, he won’t have been examined by tomorrow.


1. The work will have been finished by five o’clock tomorrow. 2. Our message will have been sent to Liverpool by noon. 3. The test will have been written by two o’clock. 4. The books will have been returned to the library by July. 5. All the documents will have been checked by Friday. 6. This contract will have been signed in London by the beginning of October. 7. The article on marketing will have been translated into Russian when the sales manager comes. 8. The goods will have been examined by tomorrow. 9. The date of our departure will have been changed when the top manager calls. 10. A new shop will have been built in our district by next month.


3.1.10. Переведите предложения на английский язык


1. Много новых зданий было построено в нашем городе в этом году. 2.Его сообщение получено на этой неделе.. 3. Билеты на поезд были куплены сегодня. 4. Контракт был подписан в этом месяце.. 5. Сообщение из Лондона было уже получено, когда пришёл управляющий. 6. Когда позвонил директор, информация была уже отправлена. 7. Работа была сделана, когда он пришёл. 8. Текст был уже переведён, когда закончился урок. 9. Завтра к трём часам доклад будет написан. 10. Книги будут возвращены в библиотеку к концу июня.


3.1.11. Вставьте недостающие части речи.


Существительное Глагол Прилагательное Наречие
note note notable notably



3.1.12. Отработайте произношение слов, уточнив транскрипцию по словарю:


consideration n take into consideration faithfulness n trait n desire n retain v behaviour n initial a contemporary a point n point of view differentiate v sharp a completely adv accustom v extremely adv experience n slightly adv rent v extreme n absurd n forbid v (forbade, forbidden) force v entire a supply n inconvenience n tap n imagine v fill up v washbasin n communal a fade v rinse v instead adv advert n (advertisement) remain v silent a order in order to content n ensure v total a внимание принимать во внимание, учитывать верность, честность особенность, свойство желание, страсть удерживать, сохранять поведение, поступки начальная, заглавная современный точка, пункт, вопрос точка зрения отличать, различать острый совершенно, полностью приучать крайне, чрезвычайно опыт слегка, немного арендовать крайность, чрезмерность абсурд запрещать, не давать сделать   заставлять силой полный, целый запас неудобство, беспокойство кран, пробка, затычка воображать, представлять себе заполнять, наполнять умывальная раковина общественный, коммунальный увядать полоскать, ополоснуться вместо, взамен объявление   оставаться, пребывать молчаливый порядок, последовательность для того, чтобы содержимое, содержание обеспечивать, гарантировать, всеобщий



Переведите данные словосочетания на русский язык.


Faithfulness to traditions, to retain ways of life, initial form, subject of sharp criticism, point of view, drive on the left, stick to their old system, extremely inconvenient, get used to, to take out good insurance, the ban on changing, it is forbidden, to do without double-glazed windows, to cause surprise, washing under two separate taps, any communal place, to fade away completely, get out without rinsing off, the main opponents, a deep-running link, to ensure their national integrity, the distinctive national traits, in the face of.


3.1.14. Прочитайте текст и назовите, какие национальные особенности отметил автор статьи:




No discussion on the English way of life, or indeed anything to do with England, is possible without taking into consideration such important aspects of the English character as their faithfulness to traditions, or as some people prefer to call this trait, conservatism. Indeed this desire to retain ways of life and behaviour, rituals and customs in their initial form sometimes leads to what are, from a contemporary and non-English point of view, absurdities. This desire is what differentiates the English from most other nations, and is the subject of sharp criticism from the latter but, at the same time, makes England an interesting place to visit as a tourist.

We can start with a well known fact that in English cars the steering wheel is on the right and they drive on the left. The English steadfastly stick to their old system and do not want to become “like everybody else”. Theoretically, there is not a big difference. The problem starts when you get behind the wheel, because it is in completely different position from that to which you have grown accustomed. Two balancing factors should be noted. The first is that it is extremely inconvenient, a lot more so than you imagined. The second is that you get used to it very quickly. Your first experience of independent travel around England is probably going to be slightly unpleasant, amusing and sometimes sad, all at the same time, and so when you rent a car in England do not forget to take out good insurance.

The desire to keep everything the way that it is, sometimes taken to absurd extremes, has penetrated every aspect of English life and is rising noticeably year on year as a way of preserving the distinctive national character. The struggle against any kind of innovation affects English houses. It is forbidden to make any changes to them, unless they are modern buildings, but most English prefer to live in old houses. The ban on changing even windows and doors in these old houses forces the entire country to do without double-glazed windows, which can be cold.

Such loyalty to old traditions almost never fails to move you. But English piping, plumbing and the water supply system usually give rise to a number of inconveniences which never fail to cause surprise among foreign users. It is hard to understand how anybody could find it convenient washing under two separate taps, one with hot and the other with cold water. At home it is possible to imagine filling up the washbasin and then splashing yourself from there. But this separation is a complete mystery when it comes to stations, restaurants, hostels, in a word any communal place, and in this case the desire to wash yourself fades away completely.

It gets worse. The traditional English bath (and they are in the majority, with the only exceptions being hotels in large cities) has two separate taps and no shower. According to this surprising national idea you should fill it with water, and some sort of bath salts, luxuriate in that, wash his head and then get out without rinsing off. Note that hotels which have installed a modern shower instead are less popular among the locals and adverts will particularly play on the fact that the hotel has a traditional bathroom.

The French, who are the main opponents of the English and have had the bravery to criticize them (everybody else prefers to remain silent so as not to put their foot in it), believe that all of this is done specially in order to inconvenience foreigners. The English themselves instinctively feel a deep-running link between form and content: change one and you will inevitably change the other. Preserving two taps, steering wheels on the right ultimately helps to ensure their national integrity and protects the distinctive national traits of their character in the face of total globalisation.


3.1.15. Укажите, какие предложения соответствуют содержанию текста, подтвердите свои ответы фактами из текста:


1. When you rent a car you can do well without insurance.

1. English faithfulness to traditions can be called conservatism.

2. The English are criticized because they don’t stick to their traditions.

3. The English drive on the right.

4. It’s very difficult to get used to driving on the left.

5. The desire to retain rituals and customs in their initial form never leads to absurdities.

6. The desire to keep everything the way that it is may be called globalisation.

7. The English put innovations to their old houses.

8. They prefer to live in modern new houses.

10.They do without modern double-glazed windows.

11.It is very convenient to wash under two separate taps.

12.Any communal place in England has got the same sinks with two taps.

13.Most hotels have got traditional English bathrooms.

14.Most locals prefer to stay at the hotel with traditional bathroom.

15.It is pleasant to get out of the bath without rinsing off.

16.The Spanish are the main opponents of the English.

17.Other nations prefer to remain silent.

18.Faithfulness to traditions helps the English to ensure their national identity.

19.The English want to inconvenience foreigners.

20.They feel the deep link between form and content.


3.1.16. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:


1.What should one take into consideration when discussing the English way of life?

2. What does it sometimes lead to?

3. What desire differentiates the English from most other nations?

4. Do you think it is an interesting place to visit? Why?

5. How do they drive?

6. And how do we drive in this country?

7. Can one get used to drive on the left quickly?

8. What are you recommended to do if you rent a car to travel around England?

9. What has penetrated every aspect of English life?

10. Do the English want to change their houses?

11. Where do most English prefer to live?

12. Why do they do without modern double-glazed windows?

13. How do the English wash in a traditional house?

14. Do you do it in the same way in Russia?

15. What is so special in the traditional English bath?

16. Do you think you will use more water taking a shower than running a bath?

17 Who are the main opponents of the English?

18.Why does everybody except the French prefer to remain silent?

19.What do the Frenchmen believe?

20.What do the English instinctively feel?


3.1.17. Прочитайте текст. Найдите английские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:


Сохранять молчание, раковина, арендовать автомобиль, хорошо известный факт, называть эту черту, ополаскивать, желание сохранить образ жизни, с современной точки зрения, сохранить всё как есть, воздействовать, воображать/представлять; для того, чтобы причинить неудобство иностранцам; совершенно отличная позиция от, борьба против, главные оппоненты, поведение, быть немного неприятным, острая критика, запрещено, в их начальной форме, абсурдные крайности, любое общественное место, различать/отличать, два отдельных крана, левостороннее движение, форма и содержание, приверженность традициям, система водоснабжения, неизбежно, принимать во внимание, полная тайна, быть приверженцем старой системы, привыкнуть к, помогать обеспечивать/предоставлять, большое отличие, перед лицом общей глобализации, заставить силой всю страну, реклама, количество неудобств, взять хорошую страховку, пытаться обойтись без, чрезвычайно неудобный, oпыт самостоятельного путешествия, запрет на изменение.


3.1.18. Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения, используя данные слова и словосочетания:


1. C современной точки зрения это кажется удивительным.

2. Они стали моими главными оппонентами в этом споре.

3. У меня ещё не было опыта самостоятельного путешествия.

4. В городе запрещено ходить по траве.

5. Мне не нравится эта черта его характера.

6. У него большое желание ничего не менять и сохранить свой образ жизни.

7. Он работает в страховой компании.

8. У меня немного неприятное чувство после его слов.

9. Старые традиции и обычаи воздействуют на нашу современную жизнь.

10.Ты быстро привыкнешь к этому.

11.Я знаю, потому что это хорошо известный факт.

12.Никто не любит острой критики.

13.Он не учел, что управляющий отсутствовал.

14.Посмотри! Кто-то сломал кран горячей воды.

15.Ты нашел там какие-нибудь неудобства?

16.Я попытаюсь обойтись без твоей помощи.

17.Сполосни посуду теплой водой!

18.Мне не нравится его поведение.

19.Я не могу представить себе, как он это сделал.

20.Он попытался обойтись без моей помощи.


3.1.19. Прочитайте текст и найдите предложения, сказуемые которых выражены страдательным залогом.


3.1.20. Сократите текст, опустив несущественные детали.


3.1.21. Составьте план и передайте содержание текста по ключевым словам:


Way of life, faithfulness, differentiate, steering wheel, drive, inconvenient, insurance, changes, ban on changing. force, separate taps, fill up, rinse, criticize, form and content, protect, trait, in the face of.


3.1.22. Расскажите, какие традиции и обычаи существуют в нашей стране, какие из них вы соблюдаете.



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