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Переведите слово из скобок и вставьте в предложение.1. The flight was …… (отложить) by three hours. 2. My plane …… (взлетать) in 30 minutes. 3. Somebody tried to …… (захватить) when we flied to Greece last year. 4. At the terminal they will give you a …… (посадочный талон). 5. The plane will …… (приземлиться для дозаправки) at Bangkok. 6. They tried to …… (провезти контрабандой) many expensive things. 7. You can relax after you go through …… (таможня). 8. It’s faster to travel by …… (самолет). 9. If you go abroad you will fly by a …… (чартерный рейс). 10. …… (капитан) is the most important person on the plane. 11. His flight was …… (отменен) because of poor weather conditions.
The Present Continuous Tense (НАСТОЯЩЕЕ ДЛИТЕЛЬНОЕ ВРЕМЯ)
Обозначает действие, которое происходит в момент речи.
Сигнальные слова: ü now ü at the (this) moment Образование повествовательного предложения
eg: I am working. They are playing football.
Please be quiet. I'm working. (= I'm working now) Look! Joy iswearing her new hat. (= she's wearing it now) Образование вопросительного предложения:
Am/is/are + подлежащее + глагол -ing Is he working today? Is Mr. Smith working today? Where are they going? Where are those people going? (not 'Where are going those people?')
Why are you wearing a coat? It's not cold today. 'What's Roy doing?' 'He's cooking the dinner.'
Образование отрицательного предложения: подлежащее + am/is/are not + глагол –ing He is not (isn’t) working today. They are not (aren’t) going home. I am not reading now. (=I’m not reading now.)
You aren’tsleeping, I know it. She isn’t walking at the moment. I’m notwatchingTV.
Глаголы, которые не употребляются во времени Present Continuous. 1. know – знать 2. want – хотеть 3. need – нуждаться 4. like – нравиться, быть похожим 5. love – любить 6. hate – ненавидеть 7. see – видеть 8. hear – слышать 9. believe – верить 10. understand – понимать 11. remember – помнить 12. forget – забывать
eg: I understand everything. (not “I’m understanding everything”) She remembers all their words. (not “She is remembering all their words”) Past Continuous Tense (ПРОШЕДШЕЕ ДЛИТЕЛЬНОЕ ВРЕМЯ)
Обозначает действие, которое происходило в определенный момент в прошлом. Этот момент, как правило, указан.
Сигнальные слова: ü from 6 till 7 yesterday (the day before yesterday, etc.) ü the whole [houl] day yesterday (two days ago, etc.) ü all day long yesterday
Образование повествовательного предложения:
eg:The sun was shining and the birds were singing. I was working.
I was listening to you very carefully. In 1980 they were living in Canada. Образование вопросительного предложения:
eg: Was he listening to music? Were they watching TV the whole evening yesterday? Were we having breakfast together with them? Were you walking the dog yesterday evening? Образование отрицательного предложения:
eg:They weren’t working at ten o’clock yesterday. He wasn’t wearing a jacket yesterday.
She wasn’twalking the dog at 6 yesterday. I wasn’t watching the concert in the evening two days ago. Future Continuous Tense (БУДУЩЕЕ ДЛИТЕЛЬНОЕ ВРЕМЯ)
Обозначает действие, которое будет происходить в определенный момент в будущем. Этот момент, как правило, указан. Сигнальные слова: ü at 6 o’clock tomorrow ü from 6 to 7 next/on Sunday ü the whole day tomorrow (the day after tomorrow, etc.) ü when I come, do, etc.
Образование повествовательного предложения:
eg:Shewill beworkingat home the whole day tomorrow. Beth will bewriting a letter at this time.
Peter will be reading the whole night tomorrow. Tom will be having a bath at this time tomorrow.
Образование вопросительного предложения:
eg: Will you be working all the morning tomorrow? Shall we be staying here all the weekend?
What will you be doing at 6 tomorrow? Willhe be waitingfor me, when I come? Образование отрицательного предложения:
eg:They will not be staying at the new hotel the whole week. We shan’t be havingcoffee, when you come.
I shall/will be listening to music all day long tomorrow. They will be waiting for you at home.
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