АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника
Exercise 37 Read and translate the compound words.Week-days, air-resistance, dark-blue, reference-book, day-off, south-west, life-story, mapmakers, fellow-workers, newcomer, present-day, out-break, upland, best-seller, fast-tracker, down town, west-Ukrainian, out-of-date, long-standing, well-paid, second-liner, clockwise, two-thousand-year-old, world-famous, right-hand, overcome, Middle Eastern, undertake, upward, ill-timed, best-selling, cold-blooded, kind-hearted, far-reaching, middle-aged, sunshine, afternoon, beforehand, son-in-law, blackboard, letterbox, daybreak, ice cream, nightfall, dark-eyed, newly discovered, the Sun-at-centre-picture, single-handed efforts, framework, shipbuilding, guardsman, gooseberry, goodwill, godlike, godfather, freeholder, foxhole, foxtail, fingerprint, footfall, flagship, firewood, fireworks, dreamlike, dressmaker, changeability.
Exercise 38 Make up compounds by combining a word from A with a word from B.
Exercise 39 Put one word into the gap to form three compound nouns. Model: tooth ache, brush, paste 1. Dining, living, changing ... 2. ... lights, warden, jam. 3. ... way, racing, bike. 4. Cooking, telephone, note ... 5. ... engine, place, works. 6. Birthday, credit, get-well ... 7. ... dresser, brush, cut. 8. ... conditioning, mail, port. 9. ... cup, spoon, pot. 10. ... glasses, bathing, set. 11. News, travel, estate ... 12. Wrapping, writing, toilet ... 13. Chair, fire, dust ... 14. ... case, shop, worm.
Exercise 40 a) Match a word in A with a word in B to make a new compound noun.
B) Fill in the gaps with the correct compound noun from mentioned above. 1. Stop the car! The ... are red. 2. Heathrow is one of the biggest ... in the world. 3. Harrods is the best ... in London, but it’s very expensive to go shopping there. 4. We waited in the rain at the ... for an hour before the bus came. 5. All big towns have a ... every morning when people go to work, and again in the evening when they go home. 6. Sun and Sea is the best ... in the town. They have good, cheap holidays. 7. I hate driving on the M25. It goes around London and it’s one of the busiest ... in the country. 8. The ... was very big and I couldn’t find the ... . A man told me that it was near Platform 1. 9. No, I didn’t borrow this book from the library. I bought it at a ... . Exercise 41 The following is a list of colloquial names for various social types, i.e. different kinds of people you may meet at parties and elsewhere. Use the most suitable one to complete each description below. wet blanket, gossip, gate-crasher, Don Juan, wallflower, chatterbox, good mixer, social climber, femme fatal, life and soul of the party
1. He’s very lively and the centre of the group he’s in. People always have a good time when he’s there. He’s the ... . 2. She’s so negative and boring. She has a depressing effect on any group of people she’s with. She’s a ... . 3. She’s confident and interested in other people. She likes to meet different kinds of people. She’s a ... . 4. He goes to parties and other occasions without an invitation. He just walks in. He’s a ... . 5. Unfortunately she is not usually asked to dance by anyone. She just stands there hoping. She’s a ... . 6. He just can’t stop talking. He goes on and on excitedly, about totally unimportant things. He’s a ... . 7. He loves to discuss and pass on news and rumours about people’s private life. He’s a ... . 8. She’s dangerously attractive to men. Half the men she meets falls in love with her. She’s a ... . 9. He knows he’s attractive to women. They always fall for him. He’s got lots of girlfriends. He’s a ... . 10. She’s very conscious of her social position and is always trying to improve it by meeting upper-class people. She’s a ... .