

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Exercise 6 Write one sentence instead of the given two using the Complex Object according to the model.

Model: I saw John every day. He often spoke with his girlfriend.

I often saw John speak with his girlfriend.

1. I watched the sun. It rose. 2. I heard him. He sang an English song. 3. We noticed a man. The man cleaned his shoes. 4. He saw two girls. They danced on the stage. 5. She watched the children. They ran about and played in the garden. 6. I saw her every morning. She arranged her hair carefully. 7. Every night we saw our neighbour. He listened to the news. 8. John heard his daughter. She talked loudly. 9. We saw Roger. He crossed the road. 10. They heard their father. He played the piano every night.


Exercise 7 Join these pairs of sentences, deciding when to use a bare infinitive or –ing.

1. She crossed the road. I saw her. 2. She was crossing the road. I caught sight of her. 3. Something’s burning. I can smell it. 4. They sang a song. I listened to them. 5. She was shouting at the children. I heard her. 6. I watched the man. He bumped into a woman and snatched her handbag. 7. We saw a group of men outside the pub. They were fighting. 8. We saw a man. He threw a brick at the shop window. 9. I heard someone. They broke down the door. 10. I observed a blue car. It was driving very fast towards the motorway. 11. We heard something. People were shouting and screaming. 12. I noticed a woman. She put two tins in her bag and left the store without paying.

Exercise 8 Read the sentence and write a second one from the words given according to the model.

Model: Jill didn’t have any money. (she / want / Ann / lend her some) – She wanted Ann to lend her some.

1. Tom’s parents were disappointed when he decided to leave home. (they / want / Tom / stay with them) 2. Please don’t tell anyone that I’m leaving my job. (I / not / want / anyone / know) 3. There’s a football match next Saturday between England and Scotland. (you / want / Scotland / win?) 4. Unfortunately someone had told Sue that I was going to visit her. (I / want / it / be a surprise)


Exercise 9 Translate the sentences using the Complex Object.

1. Вони очікують, що ви будете на концерті. 2. Я побачила як таксі зупинилося біля супермаркету. 3. Він хоче, щоб ми розказали йому усе. 4. Вона спостерігала як він вийшов з будинку. 5. Його листи примушували її сміятися. 6. Вона чула, як під’їхала машина. 7. Вона бачила, як Том вийшов з воріт зі своєю сестрою. 8. Я ніколи не чула, щоб він так багато говорив. 9. Він спостерігав, як дружина налила кофе та поставила чашку на стіл. 10. Чи хочете ви, щоб я вам допоміг? 11. Я не хочу, щоб ви мені щось розповідали про своїх батьків. 12. Я бачила, що Марі пакувала ящик. 13. Він відійшов та спостерігав, як ми збирали гілки. 14. Ви хочете щоб я пішла туди зараз? 15. Через деякий час він почув, що двері відкрилися та закрилися.


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