

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника


When did _______________ become a real sport? It is difficult to say who has ______________

the sport of snowboarding, although most people ____________ that it has developed because _____________ wanted to surf in the snow. People used a lot of different things as __________.

In 1965 a company _______________ the “Snufer” as a child’s toy. In 1977 you could buy the “flying Yellow Banana” which was _____________ a skateboard. Many people tried to make the sport more ______________. In 1985 the first snowboarding ____________ started and it was very popular. More _____________ magazines appeared in the last few years. Snowboarders had a bad boy image in the beginning but that has ________________ now. Snowboarding is now an Olympic _____________ and the _______________ of snowboarders has grown to about five million.


Exercise 89 Put the letter in the correct order to make words complete.

  1. In boxing you wear _____________ (velogs) on your hands.
  2. Swimmers often use ____________ (sloggeg) when they swim under the water.
  3. You need a ____________ (tiskc) to play hockey.
  4. Everyone is so happy when the _____________ (croes) is 2 – 0 for their team.
  5. Table tennis is an ____________ _________ (donior amge).
  6. When a player is tired you send on a __________________ (tistubteus).
  7. It’s great when you _____________ (ebat) your opponents, but you don’t always have to ___________ (niw).
  8. You have to ________________ (natir) hard if you want to win a ___________ (erca).


Exercise 90Write the correct word next to the definition.

  1. You hit this when you play tennis and kick it when you play football. ____________
  2. You hit the ball with this in games like tennis and badminton. _______________
  3. You wear this to protect your eyes when you go skiing. _______________
  4. In tennis, you need to hit the ball over this. ______________
  5. You wear this on your feet when you play football. ______________
  6. These help you move quickly on ice. ____________
  7. You wear these on your hands when boxing or when you go skiing. _____________
  8. You wear these on your legs when playing sport or on a hot day. ____________


Exercise 91 Complete the text with the correct form of the verb.

beat play (x2) score train meet win


Brazil’s footballers are famous all over the world – but have you heard of Marts Vieira da Silva – better known as Marta? Many people say she is the best woman football player in the world. She started _______________ football at the age of eight. As a child, her hero was the famous Brazilian Pele but up to now she has never ___________ Brazil’s most famous footballer.

In 2007 Women’s World Cup in China, Marta _____________ seven goals but sadly for Marta, her team didn’t ____________ the competition. Germany ____________ Brazil 2 – 0 in the final.

She is now ____________ for Umea, a team in Sweden. Marta knows that you can’t succeed without hard work. “I want to be the best and that’s why I always __________ hard”, she says.


Exercise 92 Complete the sentences with the words below. There are four extra.

champion rubbish medal speed kick athlete tournament opponent strength goggles disabled knock down
  1. Donavan Bailey was a famous _____________ in the 1990s.
  2. The world _______________ is the best person in the world at a particular sport.
  3. The World Cup is the world’s most famous football ___________________.
  4. Only __________ people can compete in the Para-Olympics.
  5. Everyone at the Olympic Games hopes to win a gold ____________.
  6. Your ______________ is the person you are playing against.
  7. Tennis players can hit the ball at a _____________ of more than 200 km per hour.
  8. Physical _______________ is very important for a boxer.


Exercise 93 Match the numbers and letters.

1. Anna was already competing a. a tennis tournament last week.

2. Pete is a talented b. world champion in 1999.

3. They won c. six medals.

4. We played in d. internationally when she was ten.

5. She became the chess e. strength and speed to swim well.

6. You need f. disabled athlete.



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