

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника


4.14 Read the dialogue and find the difference between a tortoise and a turtle. Then make your own dialogue. Tell about the pets you have got now or used to have before or maybe you’d like to have. Use the texts above if you need.

- Have you got a pet now?

- Yes, I have.

- What is it? Is it a bird or an animal?

- It is an animal.

- What kind of animal is it?

- It is a tortoise.

- Are you sure it is a tortoise and not a turtle?

- Yes, I am.

- Why are you so sure?

- By chance a man in Crimea told me it was. Once I took my pet along with me to the Crimea for my vacations. He looked at its legs and said it was a tortoise. Later I visited the Institute of the Southern Seas in the city of Sevastopol and saw turtles in the sea-aquarium. Their legs differ from that of tortoises. By the way that aquarium was established by Mickluho-Macklay, and now the institute has a very rich collection of different sea animals and fish.

- What do you feed your pet?

- I give it cabbage, carrot, apple and other fruit and vegetables.

- Does your pet appreciate you?

- I don’t know. But I do so much.

4.15 What is the dialogue about? Where does it happen?

A: Hello. Looking for something in particular, sir?

B: Actually, yes. I want a pet for my son. It’s his birthday, you see.

A: How old is he?

B: He’s 8 this coming Sunday. Maybe a dog is a good idea.

A: Well, dogs are playful but they need a lot of care and this is maybe too much responsibilityfor an eight-year-old.

B: I see.

A: What about a rabbit?

B: A rabbit? Don’t they smell a lot?

A: Well, you do need to clean out the cage regularly. But they don’t need walks, and they aren’t as noisy as dogs.

B: That’s true. I see you’ve got some tortoises over there. They’re easy to take care of, aren’t they?

A: Tortoises are much easier than rabbits or dogs. They don’t do very much.

B: I guess you’ve got a point there.

A: What you need is a pet that is friendly and playful but doesn’t take up too much time.

B: What about a kitten, then?

A: Kittens are sweet and easy to look after. We have some over there. Let’s have a look.

B: That’s one’s cute. I think I’ll have that one.

A: Excellent choice, sir, and perfect for a young boy.

Match the words in bold with their definitions.

a) duty, being the person who must do smth.

b) need / require

c) take care of

d) next

e) to take everything out and clean inside

f) feeding / exercise / etc.

g) often, once a day / week / etc.

4.17 Read the dialogue again and find four pets. What are pros and cons of having each as a pet? List them, and then tell your partner.

Look at the advertisement and complete he gaps.

a) white b) 3 c) eyes d) 957333 e) white f) 1st December g) $50


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