

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Exercise1. Find adjectives and adverbs in the text and make up sentences with them.


Choose the right variant


1. The exam was quite easy —______we expected.

a) more easy that c) easier than

b) more easy than d) easier as

2. The more electricity you use,______.

a) your bill will be higher

b) will be higher your bill

c) the higher your bill will be

d) higher will be your bill

3. He's a fast runner. I can't run as______as he.

a) fast c) faster

b) fastly d) fastest

4. The film was really boring. It was______I've ever seen.

a) most boring film c) the film more boring

b) the more boring film d) the most boring film

5. My book is______interesting______yours.

a) as, as c) as, like

b) like, like d) like, as

6. My house is______ height______his.

a) as, as c) as, the same

b) the same, as d) the same, the same

7. John's grades are______his sister's.

a) the higher than c) higher than

b) the highest as d) more high than

8. His drawings are as perfect as his______.

a) instructor b) instructor's

c) instructors d) instructor drawings

9. The salary of a professor is higher than______a secretary.

a) — c) has

b) one of d) that of

10.1 feel______today than I did last week.

a) much better c) no better

b) more good d) more better

11. No animal is so big______King Kong.

a) as c)than

b) so d) that

12. Her sport car is different______Kate's.

a) like c) from

b) as d) so

13. California is farther from New York______Pennsylva­nia.

a) as c) like

b) than d) from

14. This encyclopedia costs______the other one.

a) more c) twice as many as

b) twice more than d) twice as much as

15. The hotter it is,______I feel.

a) the more miserable c) more miserable

b) the miserable d) most miserable

16. The more you study,______you will become.

a) the more smart c) smarter

b) the more smarter d) the smarter

17. No sooner had he started out for California______it started to rain.

a) that c) no sooner

b)than d)-

18. Of the two books, this one is the______.

a) the most interesting c) more interesting

b) most interesting d) the more interesting

19. These shoes are______of all.

a) less expensive c) the less expensive

b) the least expensive d) least expensive

20. He drives______than Bob.

a) more cautiously c) the most cautiousliest

b) cautiouslier d) more cautious

Lesson 6 Microorganisms - producers of biologically active agents

I. Topical vocabulary

English Russian Kazakh
Beneficial Выгодный Пайдалы
Convert Новообращенный, преобразовать Өзгерту, қайта құру
Husbandry Земледелие Егін шаруашылығы
Unintentionally Неумышленно Байқаусыз
Antimutagenicity Антимутагенность Антимутагендік
Immunostimulatory Иммуностимуляционный Иммунды стимуляциялық
Cholesterol Холестерин, холестерол Холестерин, холестерол
Pathogenic Патогенный Патогендік
Concentration Концентрация Шоғырлау
Exclude Исключать Шығару, жою
Modified Изменённый, модифицированный Өзгерген

II. Read the text


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