

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

III. Answer the questions. 1. Where can microorganisms be found?

1. Where can microorganisms be found?

2. Are bacteria and archaea almost always microscopic?

3. What is virus?

4. Name the classification of microorganisms.

5. What can you say about prokaryotes and eukaryotes?

6. What are bacteria and archaea?

7. Which group of organisms is not easy to classify?

8. Where does protist diversity exist?

9. What do microscopic arthropods include?

10. How can some green algae be classified?


IV. Complete the sentences

1. The green algae are a large group of………

2. Some simple animals……..

3. Studies from 2001-2004 have shown that…….

4. The nucleus is an organelle……

5. Archaea differ from bacteria…….

6. Under optimal conditions bacteria……

7. The prokaryotes are the most……

V. Retell the text



Grammar: Future Perfect


We use the Future Perfect to say that something will already be completed before a given moment in the future.

The Future Perfect = will have+ Past Participle.( done, seen, written)


Positive Negative Questions
I will have eaten I willnot have eaten Will I haveeaten?
You will have eaten You willnot have eaten Will youhave eaten?
Hewill have eaten He willnot have eaten Will he haveeaten?
Shewill have eaten Shewillnot have eaten Will she have eaten?
Itwill have eaten It willnot have eaten Will it haveeaten?
Wewill have eaten We willnot have eaten Will we haveeaten?
Youwill have eaten You willnot have eaten Will youhaveeaten?
They will have eaten They willnot have eaten Will they have eaten?


“ I think we’ll have finished all this before dark.”

We are late. The film will already have started by the time we get to the cinema.

They will have finished their compositions by 7 o’clock in the evening.


1. Completion before a specified point in the future

2. Actions or situations that will last in the future (for a specified time)

3. Certainty that an action was completed

Use 1: Completion before a specified point in the future

The first use of this tense is to talk about future actions that will be finished before some specified point in the future.

· Before they come, we will have cleaned up the house.

· John will have eaten the whole cake, by the time the birthday party starts!

Use 2: Duration in the Future


Another use of this tense is to talk about actions will last after a given point in the future.

· By the next year, I will have known Monica for 30 years.

· Patrick will have lived in Hong Kong for 20 years by 2012.

Common Time Expressions

Time expressions that are commonly used with the Future Perfect:

• By

• By the time

• Before

• By tomorrow/7 o'clock/next month

• Until/till


Use 3: Certainty About the Near Past

The last use is to express conviction that something happened in the near past.

• The train will have left by now. We have to look for another way to get there. (I'm sure the train has left)

• The guests will have arrived at the hotel by now. (I'm sure the guests have arrived at the hotel)


Contracted forms (more)


Example: She'll have finished = she will have finished


Example: She won't have finished = she will not have finished


The Future Perfect appears in two forms: "will" form and "going to" form which can be used interchangeably.

Example: • "She will have finished" means "she is going to have finished"


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