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F)The claimA claim is a specific way to apply for project money. First you must to write a short project specification according to a standard claim template. The written application should be short (1-2 pages) and include the aim of the project, background, time plan, required resources and expected results. The written application is submitted to one of the internal R&D-councils. Then at the monthly R&D-council meeting, you must give a 20 minutes oral ”claim”, after which the R&D- council will take the decision whether or not to grant the claim. Thus, you know if the project is granted before leaving the meeting. A claim could range from applying for several million dollars for special equipment to the permission to use your own working hours as only resource. Since all employees are paid their salary anyway, the claim functions as a way to legitimize the use of company time for a certain project. This legitimization process is linked to the project organization. • Purpose: To get project money and/or legitimization of a project; • Structure: The written application should be short (1-2 pages) and include the aim of the project, background, time plan, required resources and expected results. The oral claim is limited to 20 minutes and should cover the same topics as the 6. How to Make a Conversation Flow как грамотно поддерживать беседу $('#ad-3-placeholder').append($('#ad-3').show()); We all seem to know someone with the gift of gab. The just seem to naturally know how to make a conversation flow; even if it's with someone they are just meeting for the first time. Here are some tips on how to make conversation flow by concentrating on why we talk to each other in the first place. 1. The golden rule. The reason we talk to other people is to connect, on a heart-to-heart level. If a conversation is steered only by your head, there is probably not going to be a flow to it. Use the golden rule when you enter that room full of strangers. You want to feel noticed and understood. Start by noticing and understanding others! 2. Smile! Have you noticed that person who walks into a room 'smiling at the world?' When they do talk to someone their voices are warm and friendly. Smiling will make you look confident and relaxed, which makes people want to approach you. Don't be surprised if someone comes up to you and says: "Wow, you seem like a happy person! Can I sit with you, today?" 3. Are you listening? By far, people who know how to make conversation flow know when to be the one who isn't talking! How many times have you been on the phone and can tell that the person you are talking to is distracted with something else. For whatever reason - they are not really listening to you. People who do a lot of networking have an underlying belief that everyone they meet is the most incredibly interesting person in the world. You can never find that out, unless you listen to what someone has to say. Furthermore, if you are worried about what to talk about with someone, listening with your heart and not reacting with your head will never leave you without something to add to the conversation. 4. Remember past conversations. Start up a conversation by remembering tidbits of any past talks you may have had. You remember this was the person that was trying to train their new pet dog. You can start up a friendly conversation with: "So how's Sam doing? Did you ever get him to rollover and play dead?" This demonstrates your interest in the other person and it is always appreciated. 5. Eye Contact. Another key in learning how to make conversation flow is to remember to maintain eye contact with whomever you are talking to. You only have had to be on one bad date with someone who keeps looking around at all the other potential 'dates' in the room, while you are talking to them, to know that the person is just not that interested! Learning how to make conversation flow sometimes takes practice, but it can lead to quality, heart-to-heart connections. 7. Business correspondence. General notions Деловая корреспонденция – Business Correspondence – отличается от представленных выше регистров тем, что общение осуществляется в письменной форме: 1. В отсутствие непосредственного контакта с собеседником возрастает роль того, как письменное высказывание оформлено, так как именно оно создает впечатление не только об авторе сообщения, но и об организации, которую он представляет. 2. Особую значимость приобретает официально-деловой стиль (formal style). В письменном общении с деловыми партнерами следует отказаться от разговорных фраз, проявлений фамильярности.
В целях обеспечения эффективности письменной деловой коммуникации необходимо научиться: § воспроизводить все составляющие цельноблочного формата (block style layout) в строго определенной последовательности с соблюдением рекомендаций в отношении планомерного использования официального бланка организации (letterhead), соответствующих интервалов (line spaces) и полей (margins); § использовать преимущественно официально-деловой стиль, который проявляется в подборе как лексических единиц (слов, терминов и выражений), так и синтаксических конструкций; § выражать мыслт кратко, избегая слишком длинных предложений, абзацев и текстов; § оформлять письма аккуратно и профессионально, не забывая о том, что то впечатление, которое о вас у читающего письмо, написанное вами, может сказаться на характере и ходе вашего дальнейшего делового общения.