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English-englisha)Cambridge Business English Dictionary, b)Longman Business English Dictionary, For instance, the latest edition of the 3)Shorter Oxford Dictionary(3,888 pages in two volumes) recently made headlines by advocating the elimination of hyphens in 18,000 words based on corpus research documenting the actual usage of words on the internet, blogs, and international English publications. The same innovative research methods have allowed the editors at Longman Dictionary to produce an innovative line of quality niche reference works. The Longman Business English Dictionary, published in 2007, targets the practical language needs of business professionals and MBA students in an engaging yet authoritative manner. This 593-page dictionary, with vocabulary words printed in bright blue ink and definitions in black ink, allows users to quickly scan pages in an efficient manner. The clean layout and logical organization, including a rating of the top 3 thousand words in modern usage, encourages the reader to browse. The $39.95 book also includes a CD-rom so owners can easily access the content on their laptops while leaving the heavy reference book at home. Designed to help readers easily find words, this modern dictionary uses a “nesting” technique to group a family of words that have a common word together. As the editors explain, “There are, for example, many different types of shares: advancing shares, capital shares, fully paid shares, split shares, etc. “Share” has an entry at its alphabetical place and all the different compound words referring to different types of share are ordered within that main entry.” The technique also creates a primer on the subject of “shares”, saving users time and adding greater nuance and clarity. The editors have also included both British and American spellings, reflecting the needs of business professionals working around the globe. It also sidesteps an old and pointless debate as an estimated 700 million speakers of English as a second language conduct business in “global English.” Words are marked BrE for British English and AmE for American English. The inclusion of definitions from business publications such as The Financial Times, The Wall Street Journal and The Economist also adds value for MBA students and business managers. Other impressive features include the listings of meanings by frequency for business professionals, numerous cross-references, and the capitalization of synonyms adds to the dictionary’s considerable practicality for ESL students. Further, the effective use of color for “Word Focus” boxes provides valuable background information. Likewise, the dictionary puts collocations – words that often go together – in bold highlight- “Clean out” and “Clean up” can clearly be seen under the word Clean. d) 1. International Business English terms Dictionary / English / Mezhdunarodnye terminy delovogo angliyskogo yazyka Tolkovyy slovar/ na angliyskom yazyke by red. Klark Dzh. (2006)