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Complex subject

The subjective infinitive construction consists of

1) a nominal element - a noun in the common case or a pronoun in the nominative case, and

2) a verbal element — an infinitive which denotes a state or an action performed by a person or non-person expressed by the nominal element.

He is said to have been sent to New York. - Говорят, что его послали в Нью-Йорк.

Не_ seemed to be a nice man. Он казался милым человеком.

Dinny is likely to come today. Вероятно, Динни приедет сегодня.


But unlike other infinitive constructions this one does not form one part of the sentence and does not make one whole as it is split into two parts by a finite verb which is placed between them. The first part of the construction (the nominal one) forms the subject of the sentence and the infinitive makes part of a compound verbal predicate.


The Subjective Infinitive Construction

Noun in the common case or pronoun in the nominative case A finite verb Infinitive    
The painter    
He seemed to see   nothing.

The subjective infinitive construction is used with a number of finite verbs which can be either active or passive. They all have the general meaning of attitude or comment when used with this construction.

The verbs used in the passive voice fall into four groups:

verbs of sense perception;

verbs of mental perception;

verbs of saying and reporting;

verbs of inducement, compulsion and permission.


1. Verbs of sense perception {to hear, to see, to observe, to watch).When in the passive form these verbs are followed by a to-infinitive.With this construction they express the idea of evidence of some fact. Here also belong other verbs which in the passive voice express the idea of evidence. (to find, to discover,etc.)

He was seen to cross the river. (Somebody was a witness of this fact) Видели, как он пересек реку.

They were heard to enter the house. (Somebody heard it happen) - Слышали, как они вошли в дом.


Note:If a process is meant, non-perfect participle I active is used:

They were seen swimming across the river.


2.Verbs of mental perception (to think, to know, to consider, to believe, to suppose, to expect, etc.). All of them express some kind of expectation, of opinion or of attitude to the action expressed by this infinitive. With the verb to expect the infinitive in this construction can refer to a future action.

He was supposed to marryher. (Somebody was of the opinion that he should marry her. or Somebody expected him to marry her.) Предполагалось, что он на ней женится.

The soldiers were expected to do their duty in the coming battle. -Ожидаюсь, что солдаты выполнят свой долг в предстоящем сражении.


3. Verbs of saying and reporting (to say, to report).They denote different kinds of judgement or comment of the action (state) expressed by the infinitive.

The treaty is said to have been signed yesterday. - Говорят, что соглашение было подписано вчера.

A new star was reported to have appeared in the East. -Сообщили, что на Востоке появилась новая звезда.

4. Verbs of inducement, compulsion and permission (to make, to allow, to let, etc.). When used in the passive voice the verbs to make and to let are followed by a to-infinitive.

She was allowed to enter the room. - Ей разрешили войти в комнату.

She was made to take pony-riding, or piano-exercise. - Ее заставили заняться верховой ездой или игрой на фортепиано.


In all the above mentioned cases (except group 4) the sentences with the subjective infinitive constructions are translated into Russian by a Russian complex sentence with an indefinite-personal main clause (неопределенно-личное предложение).

While sentences with the verbs of group 4 are translated into Russian by simple sentences though also indefinite-personal ones.


The verbs used in the active voiceare:

to seem, to appear — кажется, по-видимому, похоже;

to happen, tochance (the latter is literary) - случаться, случайно произойти

to prove, to turn out— оказаться


The young people happened to meet the famous musician in the street. — Молодые люди случайно встретились со знаменитым музыкантом на улице.

Не turned out to live_in Hastings. - Оказалось, что он живет в Гастингсе.

On the long journey he proved himself to be an amusing companion. -Во время длинного путешествия он оказался забавным спутником.


The subjective infinitive construction is used with some modal phrases (to be likely, to be unlikely, to be sure, to be certain). Sentences of this kind are rendered in Russian by a simple sentence with a modal word(обязательно, наверняка, несомненноto be certain, to be sure; вероятно - to be likely; вряд ли- to be unlikely).

I'll be sure to do that. - Я обязательно это сделаю.

The secret is certain to come out. — Этот секрет, наверняка, станет известным.

I suspected that he was unlikely to require my presence. — Я предполагал, что он вряд ли попросит, чтобы я присутствовал.


With all these modal phrases the infinitive denotes an action referring to the future, so they cannot be followed by a perfect infinitive with reference to the past.



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