

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

B) result

He was done enough for me to hate him. – Он сделал достаточно, чтобы я его возненавидела.

They spoke too fast for us to understand. – они говорили так быстро, что мы не могли их понять.


86. Grammatical categories of the Gerund. What do they indicate? When may the active form of the Gerund be passive in meaning?

The Gerund has the grammatical categories of tense and voice.


Voice Tense Active Passive
Indefinite asking being asked
Perfect having asked having been asked


The active form of the gerund indicates that the doer of the action is denoted by the subject of the sentence, the passive form - that the doer of the action is not denoted by the subject.

I'm looking forward to sendingmy children to the country for the holiday. — Я очень хочу отправить детей в деревню на каникулы.

I'm looking forward to being sentto London on business. Я очень хочу, чтобы меня отправили в Лондон в командировку.

Note: In certain cases the gerund though active in form may be passive in meaning. It occurs when the gerund is used after the verbs "want", "need", "deserve", "require" and after the adjective "worth".

The house needs painting. Этот дом необходимо покрасить.

This museum is worth visiting. Этот музей стоит посетить.

The perfect form is used to present the event as prior to another event (expressed by the predicate verb).

I'm surprised at your having missedso many lessons this term. - Я удивлен, что ты пропустил...

The non-perfect form is generally used to present the event as non-prior to another event (simultaneous, posterior or referring to no particular time).

I'm surprised athis missinglessons so often. - Я удивлен, что он пропускает ...


87. What is Gerund? How to distinguish it from the Participle 1 and the Verbal Noun? How to translate the Gerund into Russian?

The Gerund is the non-finite form of the verb that combines features of both the verb and the noun. On the one hand, it expresses an action:

Running is my favourite sport. I like to hear good singing.

Besides, if it is formed from a transitive verb it can take object, as ordinary verbs.

I hate losing my temper.

On the other hand, the gerunds denote the names of objects or realia. We can put ordinary nouns instead of them.

You won't do any good by crying (by tears).

And the gerunds can be also followed by preposition, just as nouns do.

He is fond of swimming in deep water.

He crossed the room without looking at the people.

The Verbal Noun is formed with the help of an -ing ending which is added to a verb, possesses features of an ordinary noun, can be used in the singular or in the plural form and can be proceeded by an article (Participle I and Gerund never do that):

The sitting(s) of the committee will begin on Monday. Where did they get these findings?

The Participle I is the non-finite form of the verb which is partly a verb because it is formed of verbs and expresses an action, and partly an adjective because it denotes the quality or the feature of an object. It cannot be followed by prepositions and cannot be proceeded by articles.

The woman sitting there is our teacher.

The Gerund can be translated into Russian by:

- Noun

Reading English books every day will improve your knowledge of the language. – Ежедневное чтение английских книг улучшит ваше знание языка.


- Infinitive

Does you son like skating? – Ваш сын любит кататьсяна коньках?


- The Russian «деепричастие»

He left the room without saying good-bye. – Он вышел из комнаты, не простившись.


- Verb

I remember hearingthis song in my childhood. — Я помню , что слышалэту песню в детстве.


- Subordinate clause

The patients' quick recovery depends on their following the doctor's advice. - Быстрое выздоровление больных зависит от того, будут ли они следовать советам врача.

88. What is the Participle 1? How to translate it into Russian?

The Participle 1 is the non-finite form of the verb which is partly a verb because it is formed of verbs, and partly an adjective because it denotes the quality or the feature of an object.

It is also called the present participle.

Listen to that singing bird.

Here the word singing denotes the quality of a bird, so it is partly an adjective. But at the same time it is part of the verb to sing and it denotes an action.


The present participle is translated into Russian by:

- the Russian "действительное причастие"

The man writing something at the table is my brother. - Человек, что-то пишущий за столом, мой брат.

- the Russian "деепричастие"

Having slept for two hours he felt rested. - По спав два часа , он почувствовал себя отдохнувшим.

- the Subordinate clause

When crossing the street, first look to the left. - Когда переходите улицу, посмотрите сначала налево.


Voice Tense Active Passive
Indefinite asking being asked
Perfect having asked having been asked


89. What is the Participle 2? The functions of the Participle 2 in the sentence?

Participle II has no tense-forms. It expresses either that the action of the participle precedes the action of the finite form of the verb, or that it is simultaneous to the action of the finite form. In most cases it denotes priority or refers to no particular time.

He is a man loved and admired by everybody. She took the long forgotten letter out of the bag.

Participle II of most verbs has only one form. If the verb is regular, we add -ed (-d) to the infinitive: work - worked. Participle II of irregular verbs is their "third" form. It should be noted that some irregular verbs have two different forms of Participle II:

awake - awaked/awoken mow - mowed/mown
burn - burned/burnt show - showed/shown
dream - dreamed/dreamt spell - spelled/spelt
hang - hanged/hung spill - spilled/spilt
lean - leaned/leant swell - swelled/swollen
leap - leaped/leapt tread - trodden/trod
learn - learned/learnt wake - waked/woken
light - lighted/lit    


Note also that the form hanged is used when hang means “to kill somebody by trying a rope around their neck”.

Some verbs have different participle forms for verbal and adjectival use. Cf.:

You have drunk too much. He has shaved and washed. The trousers have shrunk. The ship has sunk.



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