

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Prefixes can sometimes be added to the words to change their meaning. Match the following prefixes with their corresponding definitions.

1 inter- 2 post- 3 bi- 4 pre- 5 multi- 6 ex- 7 un-


amore than one; many

b later than; after

c before; in preparation

dformer and still living

ebetween; among a group

f two; twice; double

gcontrary action


Are there any prefixes in the following words? What is their meaning?

Inadequate, innovation, to rearrange, refinement, to improve, telecommunication, telegraph, television, telephone, impossible.


Give your own examples.



Exercise 9: Match the definition with the term

A method of communicating by sending electric signals through wires or by radio waves. A television
A substance that you take to treat a disease or medical problem B sundial
A machine used for printing newspapers, books or magazines C microchip
An object that doctors put into someone’s body during a medical operation D implant
An object that measures time by the position of a shadow made in sunny weather, consisting of a pointed metal piece on top of a flat piece of stone E drug
A very small piece of silicon that contains the electronic connections for making a computer work F telegraph
A piece of electrical equipment with a screen, used for watching programmes G press



Exercise 10: Reading


The basis for modern telecommunications was created in the 19th century. The telecommunication, which was invented in 1837, meant that messages could be sent round the world. Then in 1876 the telephone followed. 1 [ ] It was only with the invention of the radio in 1901 that people were capable of sending messages through the air over long distances.

The idea of sending images along with sound seemed to be impossible. Although cinema had been invented in 1895, there seemed no way to get moving pictures to fly through the air. John Logie Baird in Britain worked on mechanical systems. This used spinning discs inside the television which allowed light through small holes. 2 [ ] The story of electronic television goes back to 1922.

American student Philo Farnsworth from Rigby, Idaho read an article in a magazine that described mechanical television. He was fascinated by electricity and built electrical machines for his parents’ farm. 3 [ ] Gradually, an idea that magnets could be used to control to make a picture formed in his mind.

Studying at Brigham Young University Farnsworth continued to develop his ideas about electronic television. All the time he was looking out for the chance to raise money to develop his world-changing invention. 4 [ ] One day Farnsworth found people who agreed to provide some of the money. He finally registered the patents for his idea in 1927. He managed to see the first images on his system. It was still many years before television became the force it is today, but it was on its way. Shortly after the end of the World War II, TV pictures were being broadcast into homes across America and, soon across Europe and the rest of the world.

5 [ ] Billions of people every day stay up to date with the news, follow sports competitions or laugh at a comedy show.


Exercise 11: Choose from the sentences A-F the one which fits each gap [1-5] in the Ex.10. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.

ATelevision became a part of everyday life, as it still is.

BIt finally came when he got a job with two rich investors.

CHowever, wires were needed to connect people who wanted to communicate.

DNobody understood how it worked, but it was very impressive.

E Although the images were sent, they were very basic.

FAs he worked in the fields, his brain played with the idea of television.

Exercise 12: Match these dates to what happened.

  1. 1837
  2. 1876
  3. 1895
  4. 1901
  5. 1922
  6. 1927


AElectronic TV was first explained.

BThe telephone was invented.

CThe radio was invented.

DThe telegraph was invented.

E The first pictures were seen on electronic TV.

F The cinema was invented.


Exercise 13: Prepare a report or presentation on the topic “The greatest developments”.


Grammar review:



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