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There are many higher educational establishments in Samara. The University of Architecture and Civil Engineering is one of them. It trains highly-qualified specialists for the construction and service industries.

The University was founded in 1930. It’s a state supported institution. This means the tuition is free.

To be admitted into the University applicants are to pass entrance examinations. Students are able to study at full-time or extra-mural departments.

The University is a federal organization comprising Institutes: Institute of Ecology and Engineering Life Support Systems, Institute of Economics and Management, Institute of Architecture and Design, Construction Institute, Institute of Pre-Higher Education.

There are ten faculties at the University: Faculty of Architecture, Faculty of Design, Faculty of Industrial and Civil Engineering, Faculty of Construction Engineering, Faculty of Transport and Town Development, Faculty of Engineering Life Support Systems, Faculty of Engineering Economics, Faculty of Information Systems and Technologies, Correspondence Engineering Faculty and Correspondence Faculty of Economics.

The University provides training in specialties such as civil engineering, heating, ventilation and gas, water supply and sewerage, power construction, town planning, building materials, production of precast units, etc.

The University has a big library, many classrooms, well-equipped labs, a big computer center, an assembly hall and a canteen.

The course of studies lasts 5 – 6 years depending upon the particular faculty or department requirements.

The higher education curriculum is very intense and students have to work hard to meet its requirements. The academic year in Russia’s higher educational institutions begins on the first of September and is divided into two semesters. During this time students attend lectures, seminars and tutorials in many different subjects. The first- and second- year students study general engineering subjects such as maths, physics, chemistry, mechanics, strength of materials, elements of machines, drawing, computer engineering, a foreign language as well as a number of other subjects.

Specialization begins in the third year with further subjects available. The students acquire not only theoretical knowledge of construction science and engineering but also obtain production experience. They do practical work under the supervision of specialists. At the end of each semester students obtain credits and take exams. Those who do well receive grants. On graduating from the University our students receive a special higher-school certificate.

The graduates with an inclination towards research work have the opportunity to continue their studies at post-graduate courses.

However, studies are not the only thing that makes up a student’s life. The University offers a variety of leisure facilities. The University has a big sports complex for those who go in for sports. Students from out of the city live in the dormitory or in privately rented accommodation. Most students find it interesting but difficult to study at the University, especially the first-year students as they do not know how to organize their work and time.


Exercise I

Answer the following questions using the vocabulary from the text.

1. What is the full name of the University you study at?

2. When was it founded?

3. How many faculties are there at the University? What are they?

4. What should one do to become a student?

5. Why do some people choose the extra-mural department?

6. What specialists does the University train?

7. What subjects do students study in the first and second years?

8. When does specialization begin?

9. Do all students pay for their tuition?

10. Most students get grants, don’t they?

11. Where can students out of the city live?

12. Why have you chosen the University of Architecture and Civil Engineering?

13. What did you do to be admitted into the University?

14. Are you a full-time student?

15. How much do you pay for your tuition?

16. Do you receive a grant?

17.What faculty do you study at?

18.What qualification does the University award?

19. What do you plan to do when you graduate from the University?

20. What do you think your chances are in that field?


Exercise II

Give synonyms to the following words and word-combinations:

University, to train, construction, to study, to provide, auditorium, structural materials, to sit for examinations, to work hard, to begin, to acquire, scientific work, chance, canteen, to found, to graduate, work.

Exercise III

Give antonyms to the following words and word-combinations:

Full-time department, private, to be able to, to begin, to work, a foreign language, theoretical, at the end of, to pass one’s exam, town.


Exercise IV

Translate from Russian into English:

1.В каком университете Вы учитесь?

2.На каком факультете Вы учитесь?

3.Когда Вы поступили в университет?

4.Вы студент третьего курса, не так ли?

5.Сколько раз в году у Вас сессия?

6.Где Вы берете специальную литературу?

7.Сколько экзаменов у вас в эту сессию?

8.Вы уже сдали экзамен по английскому языку?

9.Какую оценку Вы получили?

10.Когда Вы закончите университет?


Exercise V

Read the dialogues and translate them:


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