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Робота з словниками.


англійської мови

на тему:

6 клас

    Вчитель англійської мови Самойлюк Г.Ю.    

c. Вишенька – 2015



§ Практична: розвивати вміння усного мовлення за темою: “ Shops and Shopping”, вдосконалювати навики аудіювання, діалогічного та монологічного мовлення.

§ Розвиваюча: розвивати мовленнєву реакцію, слухову пам’ять, увагу, вміння працювати в парах та групах.

§ Виховна: виховувати культуру поведінки, шанобливе ставлення до людей та один до одного.

Обладнання:тематичні малюнки, роздатковий матеріал, картки з лексикою, тексти для читання, картки для проведення тесту, пісня групи “ABBA”.


Хід уроку

  Whoever said money can’t buy happiness simply didn’t know where to go shopping. Bo Derek

I. Організаційний момент

T: Hello, girls and boys! Nice to meet you how are you feeling today? I hope you are fine and ready to work. Let’s start the class. Today’s lesson will be devoted to shops and shopping.


Робота з словниками.

1. Warming up.

T: Listen to the key words and repeat them, pay attention to the pronunciation.

Key Words: Clothes

Clothes: blouse, boots, coat,

dress, jacket, jeans, jumper,

skirt, shirt, shoes, shorts, socks,

T-shirt, top, trainers, trousers

Adjectives: long/short, baggy/

tight, dark/light, bright

Answer the question; What are your favourite clothes (to ask 3-5 pupils).

Учні відповідають на запитання.


2. Listen to the dialogues and your task is to understand what Adam, Zeki, Rachael and Tania has bought?

A) Adam, Zeki, Rachel and Tania gо shopping in Camden Market.

Assistant: Can l helpyou?

Rachel: Yes, I'm looking for tops.

Assistant: What size are you?

Rachel: Medium.

Assistant: What colour do you want?

Here are some nice ones. Rachel: Thanks.

Tania: What about this one? Rachel: No, it's too short.

Tania: Oh, come on! Try it on. Rachel: I’m not sure. How much is it?

Tania: Eight pounds.

Rachel: Oh, all right. Can I try this one on, please?

Assistant: Sure. The changing room is over there.



B) Rachel tries the top on.

Rachel: Is it okay? What do you think? Is it long enough?

Tania: It's fine, Rachel. It really suits you. Honestly.

Rachel: All right. I'd like this one, please.

The girls meet the boys later.

Rachel: Hi there. We got a couple of tops. What did you get?

Adam: Zeki got a computer game and I bought the new

Dido album.

Tania: Dido!?

Zeki: Yeah, Adam's in love with Dido.

Adam: No, I'm not!

Zeki: She's old enough to be your granny.

Adam: Very funny!

Rachel: Oh, stop it you two! Let's go home.


( answers: Rachael & Tania – a couple of tops

Zeki: - a computer game

Adam – the new Dido album)


3. Each modern city or even town is a shoppers’ paradise with plenty of large department stores as well as thousands of smaller shops. Let’s name the types of shops.

Task 1. You are shown the cards. Look carefully at the cards and guess what type of shop is this










Answers: This is a …

I can see …

Task 2. Now pupils you’ ll get cards and your task is to match the pairs.

1) boutique a) lilies
2) antique shop b) jeans
3) butcher’s c) plane ticket
4) jeweler’s d) bar of chocolate
5) flower stall e) a packet of painkillers
6) bakery f) old clocks
7) confectioner’s g) a loaf of bread
8) supermarket h) gold ring
9) chemist’s 10) travel agent’s i) sugar j) lamb chops


1 – b 6 – g

2 – f 7 – d

3 – j 8 – I

4 – h 9 – e

5 – a 10 – c


Now your task is to ask and answer

the questions: e.g. – What can you buy at a boutique?

You can buy jeans at a boutique.


Дата добавления: 2015-08-05; просмотров: 128; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!; Нарушение авторских прав

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