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Read Theme 6 and be ready to answer the questions given in 2.3.



1.1. Do the following exercise paying special attention to the sounds /P/, u:/, sentence stress and nuclear tones.

Student A Student B
1 You can look some food in a cool new cook book. Where…? What book…?
2 You can always find a good excuse why you shouldn’t have to cook. Why …?
3 There was a rude dude in the mood for food.   What mood… ? Was there…or…?
4 We see June once in a blue moon. Whom…? How often …?
5 He who excuses himself, accuses himself. What…?


Radio Programme

Judith Brookes: In the Food Programme studio today, we have two cooks, Julian

Woolf and Susan Fuller. They are going to choose Christmas presents for a new cook. Julian Woolf, your kitchen is full of useful tools. If you could choose just two things for a new cook, what would you choose?


Julian Woolf: I’d choose a fruit juice maker. You just put the fruit in and it produces fruit juice. It’s super. And secondly, I’d choose a really good butcher’s knife. Every good cook could do with a good knife.


Susan Fuller: I’d choose a good cookery book, full of beautiful pictures. He could look at the book, and it would give him good ideas. And secondly, I’d choose a computer.

Revise reading rules by transcribing the following words.

The word Its transcription The word Its transcription
lifelong, a.   foster, v.  
responsibility, n.   hone, v.  
physical, a.   rewarding, a.  
well-being, n.   insult, v.  
belief, n.   contemptuously, adv.  

LPhonetic Theory Discussion Section.

Learn the following words and phrases to Theme 6.

# The English word/phrase Its Ukrainian equivalent
to undergo various changes зазнавати різноманітних змін
isolative pronunciation ізольована вимова
phonetic properties фонетичні властивості
to govern some processes управляти деякими процесами
the stressed (unstressed) vocalism наголошений (ненаголошений) вокалізм
the positional length variant of a vowel позиційний варіант довжини голосного
to end abruptly закінчуватися раптово, різко
to undergo obscuration ставати нечітким, слабким, неясним
qualitative, quantitative, zero reduction якісна, кількісна, нульова редукція
notional words, form words повнозначні та службові слова

Read Theme 6 and be ready to answer the questions given in 2.3.


The allophones of the vocalic phonemes (i.e. actual realizations of the phonemes in speech) can undergo various changes as compared with their isolative pronunciation. The phonetic properties of the vowels in connected speech, first of all, depend on the type of position (syllable) they are used in: 1) stressed (accented) or 2) unstressed (unaccented).

Stressed and unstressed vowels can undergo different phonetic processes, thus there exist phonetic laws governing the pronunciation of the stressed vocalism and the unstressed vocalism.


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