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The Restaurant Press Kit - Its Structure and Peculiarities

Owning a restaurant, you probably want positive articles about your restaurant to be published in media. So, you should do as much as possible to make it easy to find all the information which is needed for reporters. The best idea to realize it is press kit.

The press kit (media kit as it may also be called) is a packet of information in printed or online form, which may help reporters write true and accurate articles. In other words, the restaurant press kit is like a resume for your establishment. The main purpose of the press kit is to win the attention of readers and make a good lasting impression.

The press kit help reporters in writing the articles, because they can save a lot of time and improve accuracy. It is explained by the fact that all necessary information is in one place.

Lets find out about the structure of the restaurant press kit. First thing that the media kit should include is the letter of introduction (or pitch letter as it may be called). You should be very careful while writing it because the letter of introduction will give the first impression to a reporter of reader. You can include such information as: the description why your restaurant is newsworthy and attractive, a table of contents, not wide description of the items which are enclosed in the actual restaurant press kit, all contact information.

The next structural unit of the press kit is the information on the establishment. Information on the company as a rule include the company history, the profile of the establishment, bio sheets of your key staff members. Don't forget to include the CEO, managers and chefs to that list. It would be good to place recent press publications and articles about your restaurant here. If there are some articles in online sources, you may include links to such sources.

Next structural unit is press releases. Here you may use such information as audio and video files of radio or TV interviews, any speeches or performances which may be suitable for online media kits.

Financial information is the last structural unit. It is very popular and useful to provide the press kit with the financial statements and additional investor-related news. It's reasonable to include the section of the frequently asked questions. They will be able to help the editor determine what questions to ask you in an interview.

Beside this information, which was mentioned above, you may include also information about recent awards, nonprofit and community-service involvement , different pictures or logos, upcoming promotions or special events , columns and features which were written by your key staff members , company officers or senior management .

Restaurant press or media kit is considered to be a key to publicity. You must write true press kit because the publicity want the true information. Check you restaurant press kit and make sure that it is complete and include all necessary information which will help reporters make their work easier.



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