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A how long dolphins live D what dolphins are B how dolphins communicate E where dolphins live C how deep dolphins dive F how they stay warm


Dolphins, like you and me, are mammals. They have babies and feed them on milk. They are warm- blooded. They have teeth, the four-chambered heart. Dolphins also have hair, but not very much. A dolphin's skin is very delicate and easily injured by rough surfaces--very similar to human skin. Dolphins are not fish, but they live in water. They can swim very well. They do not have legs but a tail. Also they have got fins to swim well. They weigh from seventy to five hundred kilos. Dolphins live in warm seas in many different parts of the world. They eat fish. Their life- period is about fifty years.

Bottlenose dolphins are shallow divers and typically don't go deeper than 150 feet. Even though their internal temperature is about 98 degrees, they need to conserve their body heat in colder water. Like most whales, the dolphin's body is surrounded by a thick layer of fat (called blubber) just under the skin that helps keep the dolphin warm. In 1965 Anthropologist Gregory Bateson made the discovery that dolphins live in social groups dominated by a leader. This tie is so strong that dolphins kept in total isolation will suffer ill health and possibly death.

Just like dogs, cats, and other mammals dolphins communicate by using sound, vision, touch, and taste. Dolphins don't have the ability to smell, however. Scientists do not think that dolphins have a language like humans. Each dolphin can make a unique signature whistle that may help individual dolphins recognize each other, but it may just help a dolphin know that some other dolphin is nearby. We don't know how intelligent they are because no one has given them an intelligence test! Most scientists believe that dolphins are on a level with chimpanzees and dogs. Dolphins can learn to perform certain actions. They learn best when actions are broken into small steps and they are given food or other rewards.


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