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Every Saturday night at six o’clock during (0) A summer months up to 500 disco fans climb aboard a train in Turin in Italy. They (1) ____ the next hours dancing away until the train (2) ____ a popular disco at one of the towns (3) ____ the Adriatic coast. The whole trip (4) ____ eighty dollars, including entrance into the disco.

Italian railways started the idea (5) ____ a way of trying to reduce the growing numbers of young people (6) ____ have accidents every weekend as they drive 400 kilometers to the coast.

Even (7) ____ the train pulls away from the platform the disco car is crowded with people (8) ____ all kinds of fashionable clothes. The discos stay open until four in the morning and (9)____ at 5.30 the train is ready to begin its journey back to Turin. It will arrive in (10) ____ for its exhausted passengers to get home for Sunday lunch!


A the A go A comes A in A pays A as A what A until A dressing A then A turn B one B spend B travels B to B charges B like B these B before B having B where B case C that C do C reaches C for C makes C such C who C above C wearing C when C fact D those D take D arrives D on D costs D that D they D after D showing D since D time


COMPARATIVE ADJECTIVES   When we compare two things we use the comparative form of adjectives: aadjectives of one syllable: adjective + er. Example: nice – nicer (than) b adjectives of two syllables ending in –y: adjective + ier. Example: pretty – prettier(than) cadjectives with two, three or more syllables: more + adjective. Example: interesting – more interesting (than)
SUPERLATIVE ADJECTIVES   When we compare three or more things we use the superlative form of adjectives. aadjectives of one syllable: adjective + est. Example: slow – (the) slowest b adjectives of two syllables ending in –y: adjective + iest. Example: noisy – (the) noisiest c adjectives with two, three or more syllables: most + adjective. Example: beautiful – (the) most beautiful  
NOTE: Irregular forms   Good – better - the best / bad – worse – the worst Much – more - the most / little – less – the least Far – farther/further – the farthest/the furthest Many/lots – more – the most  

Complete the table with the right form of degree of comparison.

Adjective Comparative Superlative
big tall happy cheap beautiful bad horrible dirty low high nice good small expensive bigger the biggest


Compare the following items, as in the example.

1 a pebble / a stone / a rock (big)

A stone is bigger than a pebble.

A rock is the biggest of all.


2 cotton / wool / iron (heavy)



3 bronze / silver / gold (expensive)



4 a bicycle / a car / a train (fast)



5 a cheetah / a cat / a snail (slow)



6 a sheep / a horse / a giraffe (tall)



7 steel / wood / wool (soft)





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