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Watch Part 1 and check your answers to activity 5.

7 While watching tick (ü) the TRUE statements.

1 They're filming a riding school tomorrow. £
2 Julia is supposed to ride a horse. £
3 Vanessa has to do the whole story sitting on a horse. £
4 Vanessa could ride when she was young. £
5 Julia thinks she might fall off. £
6 Julia say they can film other riders instead of Vanessa. £
7 Julia won't have to change the script £


Correct the FALSE statements in activity 7.

Write two false statements and one true statement about Part 1. Show your statements to your partner to decide which of them are false and which are true.

Choose and underline the best verb.

Julia Hi there! Every thing OK?
Vanessa Hi! Oh, yes! No problems. Thanks. No, everything's fine.
Julia Vanessa Are you sure? You look worried? You should/might talk about it. Is it Michael? Michael? No! It's nothing to do with Michael! It's, um, much worse than that!
Julia Vanessa Worse than that? Come on, you can/can't tell me. Well, it's this film shoot tomorrow. At the riding school.
Julia Vanessa Yes? What about it? Well, I was looking at the script. It says here that I'm supposed/obliged to ride a horse.
Julia Good idea, isn't it? You can/have to do the whole story sitting on a horse!
Vanessa Julia Do I really have to? Oh. No, you mustn't/don't have to if you don't want to. Of course not. But you can ride a horse, can't you? You told me you could/couldn't
Vanessa Well, I could, yes. I used to ride a lot when I was young. I was quite good, actually.
Julia Vanessa So what's the problem? Well, you see, I haven't ridden a horse for ages, and now I don't know if I can. I might/won't fall off. In fact, I think I'm certain to fall off. It might/must ruin the programme.
Julia I see. Well, don't worry. Honestly, you can't/don't have to ride the horse if you don't want to. There are sure to be people at the riding school. We can film them.
Vanessa Julia Oh, thanks, Julia! That's really kind. You don't mind, do you? No! Of course not. No problem! I'// have to/should change the script, of course, but don't worry about it.
Vanessa I'll help you. It won't take long.


Julia makes another suggestion to Vanessa. Before watching guess what it is.

Here are some answers to questions in Part 2. Write the questions.

1 ____________________________________________________

We could ask them for a small one.

2 ___________________________________________________

... the last time I rode a horse, I fell off.

3 ___________________________________________________

No, I didn't break anything.


Decide who answers the questions in activity 12.


Watch Part 2 and check your answers to activities 11, 12 and 13.


Дата добавления: 2015-08-05; просмотров: 177; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!; Нарушение авторских прав

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