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Thank You, Mother

Вiдкритий позакласний захiд

з англійської мови

в 7 класі


-to teach poems and songs about mothers;

-to develop the skills of reciting;

- to develop listening and speaking skills and imagination;

- to review lexical material and use it in the speech;

- to develop skills and involve pupils in the process of communication.

-to inform about the history of Mother’s Day and traditions of its celebration;

-to present quotations and jokes of prominent people

-to instill in the students’ a sense of respect and admiration for mother and Motherhood


Tape recorder, cassette, large sheet of plain paper for each group, card in a form of sun, photos of kids and their mothers, poster with the quiz, pictures of famous people, cards with sayings and proverbs.

Хід заходу

Mother means Kindness

Mother means Patience

And Happiness, too,

Mother means Sharing and

Mother means Caring

Mother means all this...

For Mother means you!

A Mother's Prayer(Celin Dion)

I pray you'll be my eyes

And watch her where she goes

And help her to be wise

Help me to let go

Every mother's prayer

Every child knows

Lead her to a place

Guide her with your grace

To a place where she'll be safe

I pray she finds your light

And holds it in her heart

As darkness falls each night

Remind her where you are

Every mother's prayer

Every child knows

Need to find a place

Guide her with your grace

Give her faith so she'll be safe

Lead her to a place

Guide her with your grace

To a place where she'll be safe


Oh, Mother’s Day is here,

Let’s all give a cheer.

For the mother’s we all love,

More and more each year!

The sun is so bright today because it’s mother’s day

The sky is so blue today because it’s mother’s day

And we are now so gay because it’s mother’s day

I wish I could tell you

“I wish I could tell you, mom

how much you mean to me…..

but there are no words to say

how much I admire you ….

how much I appreciate you..

how much I thank you

for everything you’ve done.”

Thank You, Mother

“When I was a little baby,

You rocked me through the night.

When I got scared from a nightmare,

You took away my fright.

You chase away my fears.

You dry up all my tears.

You are always there.

You always care.

You taught me how to smile.

Thank you, Thank you Mother

Thank you most of all for loving me.

Mommy, Mommy, I Love You: ( Tune – “Twinkle, Twinkle” )

Mommy, mommy, I love you.

Yes, I do, yes, I do.

You are sweet and oh so fine,

I’m so glad that you are mine.

Mommy, mommy, I love you.

Yes, I, yes, I, yes I do!

Mother’s hands ... They can do everything: wash, clean, cook, look after their children, treat, teach and do many other things.

We can remember mother’s hands since early childhood. We felt how warm our mother’s hands were even before we learnt to walk and when we were stillm trying to say our first words. These hands took care of us day and night.

Game 1 (2 teams сomplete sentences): Make a list of some things your mother does for you

My mom always...

My mum helps me...

My mom does the....

My mom goes to...

My mum takes me...

My mum gives me...

My mum...

Where would we be without Moms?

“Where would we be without Moms?

Where would we be without those ladies?

Helping us all year long

And the love you give is just amazing.

Growing up

Getting up

Feeling good each day

Is easy to do.

Helping hands


Showing us the way

We tip our hats to you.

Oh, oh, Moms, Moms, where would we be?

Oh Moms, there’s no debate,

Mom, Moms, where would we be?

Oh Moms, we think you’re great.”

Game 2 “Write your resolutions” on the beams of the sun

Dear Mummy,

You do so many things to help me

On Mother’s Day I’ll use my helping hands to help you.

I will.....


Help your mother lay the table

With a knife and fork and spoon.

Help your mother lay the table every afteernoon!

Help your mother clear the table

Take the knife and fork and spoon.

Help your mother clear the table every afternoon!

Game 3 “Match the photos”. Ask your guests to bring with them a baby photos of their children and a baby photo of the mother. This game is funnier if you have many families at your party. Mix all the photos on the table and first ask the mothers the match the baby photos with the kids names. Write the kids names on papers if you want to make the game easier. For each correct pairing give to mom one point. Now the kids have to find out which is their mothers baby photo and to place it next to their baby photo. If the kid pairs the photos correctly give him one point too. At the end of the game calculate the points. Prepare interesting small gifts for the winner.

Mother's Day

Mum your’re the best,

And I owe you the rest,

I make some mess,

And you make it less,

Mum I love you,

And so do you,

So I'll make you happy,

And you'll feel merry.

"Happy Mother's Day" means more

Than have a happy day.

Within those words lie lots of things

We never get to say.

It means I love you first of all,

Then thanks for all you do.

It means you mean a lot to me,

And that I honor you.

But most of all, I guess it means

That I am thinking of

Your happiness on this, your day,

With pleasure and with love.


Game 4: Springtime means a time of new birth. Adult animals give birth to baby animals. Every mother knows her baby---but do you? Take the quiz!


Дата добавления: 2015-08-05; просмотров: 163; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!; Нарушение авторских прав

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