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Activity 6. “Walking is a virtue, tourism is a deadly sin.” – Bruce Chatwin

Step 1. Your group mates decided to visit Kharkiv next week. And you are in charge to find some information about this city. Trying to do it quicker, you decided to ask questions about the landmarks of Kharkiv on the Internet. Using the prompts below, make up the questions:

· What/you/tell/me about the symbol of Kharkiv, known as the Mirror Stream (rotunda)?

· What/popular sights/in Kharkiv?

· What/monasteries (churches, cathedrals)/be/in Kharkiv?

· What/you/hear/about the State Industry building?

· What/monuments/worth/mention/in Kharkiv?

· Where/the monument to Taras Shevchenko/situate?

· Where/you/find/the House with a Spire?


Step 2. You live in Kharkiv. You found some questions about the landmarks of your native city on the Internet and decided to help. You also found the pictures of the seven wonders of Kharkiv. Then, to your surprise, you came across seven statements about them on the Internet. Now find the picture to each statement and give more detailed information about each of them to help the students from another city see the main landmarks:

· The monument to one of the greatest poets of Ukraine is situated in the centre of Kharkiv.

· You can see the House with a Spire in Constitution Square.

· People listen to organ music in the Assumption/Dormition Cathedral.

· The Sate Industry building is in the biggest square of Europe.

· The Annunciation Cathedral is beautifully illuminated at night.

· The Mirror Stream/Spurt is the main symbol of Kharkiv.

· The Holy Shroud (the Protection/Intercession of the Most Holy Virgin) Monastery is visited by many Kharkivites every day.

Step 3. “It is always sad to leave a place to which one knows one will never return.” –Gustave Flaubert

You got the answer to your questions and the words below to talk about the seven wonders of Kharkiv. Now discuss with your partners which of them is worth seeing and why. Use the prompts:

chapel church cathedral castle architectural ensemble fortress monument, Syn. memorial to erect a monument (to) palace каплиця церква собор замок архітектурний ансамбль фортеця монумент, пам’ятник спору́ди́ти пам’ятник палац
sights pl, Syn. places of interest визначні пам’ятки, визначні місцини, славні місця міста, принади міста
to see the sights (of) Syn. to do the sights; to go sightseeing оглядати визначні пам’ятки, місцини, славні місця міста, принади міста
tower башта
exhibition виставка
museum archaeological museum home museum mansion museum museum of regional studies the Museum of Nature antiquity   archaeological find baroque style classic(al) style Gothic style Renaissance style музей археологічний музей дім-музей музей-садиба краєзнавчий музей музей природи старожитність, стародавність, древність, старовина, археологічна знахідка стиль бароко класичний стиль готичний стиль стиль ренесанс
to be built in the Gothic (baroque, classic, Renaissance, etc.) style Бути збудованим у готичному (бароко, класичному, ренесанс ті ін.) стилі
arch column cupola, Syn. dome bronze ivory marble porcelain guide-book route tour, Syn. excursion арка колона купол бронза слонова кістка мармур фарфор довідник, путівник маршрут подорож; екскурсія
to make a tour of the town ancient   memorial picturesque   unique chronicle to admire to be famous for smth.   to be worth seeing e.g. This town is worth seeing. to date back to   e.g. This fortress dates back to the 1st century B. C.   to erect a monument здійснити екскурсію містом старожитній, стародавній, древній, античний меморіальний мальовничий, яскравий, барвистий, образний, живописний винятковий, рідкісний, унікальний літопис, хроніка захоплюватися чимось (кимось) бути знаменитим (відомим) чимось, славитися чимось. бути вартим огляду Це місто варто побачити. сягати корінням (чогось), історія (чогось) сягає (якогось часу), брати/вести початок (з), мати джерела (десь) Ця фортеця веде/бере початок/походить з/історія цієї фортеці сягає I ст. до н. е. споруджувати пам’ятник

Homework 1.

Your sister got a task at school. She was given two photos and has to answer who these two people in the photos are and how they are connected with Kharkiv. Do your best to help her.


Homework 2.

A friend of yours, who is a foreigner, is coming to see you at the weekend. Get ready to meet him and show him round the city. Think about the following:

- what sights you’ll wish to show him (including various natural sights and scenes of natural beauty, for example, the mineral water spring in Sarzhyn Yar, etc);

- what Ukrainian souvenirs you can present to him, their meaning/purpose and the places where you can buy them;

- what places to eat out at you can recommend to him.

Report everything to the class. Use pictures to illustrate your choice.


Дата добавления: 2015-08-05; просмотров: 151; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!; Нарушение авторских прав

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