

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Lesson 2. Q.1: Give the scientific term for:

Q.1: Give the scientific term for:

1- The sum of potential and kinetic energies of an object under the effect of gravity is constant.

2- It composed of an acid solution with two different metals dipped in that connects from outside with electric wire.

3- Energy is neither destroyed nor created from nullity but can change from one from into another.

4- The pollution which caused by the cellular phones stations.

[ ]

5- The pollution which is caused by car exhausts.

Q.2: Write the scientific reason for:

1- Law of conservation of mechanical energy is applied by the motion of simple pendulum.


2- The needle of magnetic compass moves (deflects) in the lemon and electricity activity.


3- There is some harm of technology applications of energy transformation.


4- The motion of the swing looks like the motion of the pendulum.


5- Increasing the temperature of the electric lamp after a period of turning it on.


6- It is preferable to establish the stations of cellular phones away from the human buildings.

Q.3: Choose the correct answer:

1- In the solar heaters, the solar energy is directly transforms into - energy. [Kinetic – sound – electric – light]

2- The electric energy transforms into kinetic energy in .................

[Electric lamp – cellular phone – electric fan – electric bell]

3-when you pull the arrow and strings the -energy is changed into energy.

[Kinetic into potential – potential into kinetic – kinetic into heat]

3- During the hitting a -, .................energy is transformed into energy.

[Kinetic – sound – kinetic – potential – sound – kinetic]

4- Sum of potential and kinetic energies is energy.

[Mechanical – chemical – light]

Q.4: What is meant by (Define):

* Law of conservation of mechanical energy.


* Energy conservation law.


Q.5: Complete the following:

1- During rubbing of your hand energy is converted into energy.

2- Any body still conserve the .................energy that changes between .................and potential energies.

3- Energy neither - .................nor but change from one form to another form.

4- In the electric cell energy is changed into energy.

5- In the dynamo energy is changed into energy.

6- In photosynthesis energy is changed into energy.

7- In motor energy is changed into energy.

Q.6: Explain an activity to show:

1- Law of conservation of mechanical energy.


2- The idea working of simple electric cell.


3- Electric circulation.


Q.7: Mention 3 harms of technology applications of energy transformation.



Q.8: On operating a car engine, several transformations of energy take place. Mention some of these transformations explain this with a simple diagram.



Lesson 3


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