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An aircraft hitting a bird may create an emergency situation, known as Birdstrike.The seriousness of this emergency depends on: · the size of the bird · the speed of the aircraft at impact · where it hits the aircraft.
Its effects may be very severe. The most dangerous strikes are to the · windshield · engine
A strike of this nature may lead to the ultimate loss of the aircraft. Strikes other than windshield and engine may impair the flying characteristics of the aircraft, making levels and headings difficult to maintain and safe landings difficult. They may ultimately lead to loss of control, or even structural failure. The likelihood of birdstrike varies depending on the level, the location and the time of year. The greatest risk of birdstrike is below 1000 ft above GND, with decreasing risk between 1000 ft and 5000 ft. The risk above 5000 ft is much less but there is still some risk from migrating geese or other large birds, which have been encountered above 20000ft. The risk is also higher in spring and autumn.
Birdstrike on windshield · loss of visibility · may need nav, and landing assistance · may require to operate by IFR · loss of pressure / emergency descent · pilot injury · poor communication owning to noise · may need to terminate flight and land at next suitable aerodrome
Birdstrike on landing gear A birdstrike on the gear, or undercarriage, can cause serious problems and structural damage · damaged landing gear may collapse when plane lands · if the strike happens on take-off it may not be possible to retract the landing gear · if gear cannot be retracted, the aircraft must terminate flight and land as soon as possible · handling may be restricted owning to speed limits on extended landing
Birdstrike on fuselage · smaller aircraft are more endangered · stability may be reduced · urgent landing be necessary
Birdstrike on engine · engine may shut down · engine may catch fire · turbine engines more sensitive to damage · single engine aircraft are more vulnerable
Birds on hydraulics · this situation is complex · may affect multiple systems: flight controls gear extension brakes flaps / rudder / elevator nosewheeel steering
ATC In the event of birdstrike, Remember: · Follow the ASSIST code of practice
· Find out if the pilot can still control the aircraft · Allow a Long Final if requested · Check RWY if birdstrike is during or after take-off