

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Make up all possible questions to these sentences according to the model.

Model: There is a white plate near the cup.
Ø General question: Is there a white plate near the cup?  
Ø Alternative questions: Is there a white or blue plate near the cup? Is there a white plate or a red pen near the cup? Is there a white plate near or behindthe cup? Is there a white plate near the cup or near the box?



Ø Disjunctive question: There is a white plate near the cup, isn’t there?  
Ø Special questions: What is there near the cup? What colour is the plate? Where is the white plate?  

1. There are big sofas in the room. 2. There is little milk in the glass. 3. There is a red flower near the table on the floor. 4. There is much tea in the cup. 5. There are many grey pencils in the bag. 6. There are several green apples on the plate.

Rewrite the following sentences in the plural form.

1. Is there a cup on the floor? 2. There is a book on the desk. 3. There is a picture on the wall. 4. Is there a basket in the classroom? 5. There is a table and a chair here. 6. Is there a bag on the chair? 7. Is there a sofa in the room? 8. There is a blue curtain on the curtain rail. 9. There isn’t any apple on the plate. 10. There is no computer on the table.

Fill in the blanks with the verb to be in the necessary form and appropriate prepositions. Make shifts if needed.

1. There _____ a book _____ the bag. 2. There _____ no milk _____ the glass. 3. There _____ two pens _____ the desk. 4. There _____ some pictures _____ the wall. 5. There _____ no coffee _____ the cup? 6. There _____ no clocks _____ the wall. 7. There _____ a few apples _____ the basket. 8. There _____ many beds _____ the room. 9. There _____ a little milk _____ the bottle. 10. There _____ a lot of boxes _____ the corner. 11. There _____ much tea _____ the cup. 12. There _____ any students _____ the classroom? 13. There _____ a great number of chairs _____ the table. 14. There _____ enough paper _____ the file. 15. There _____ not any water _____ the bottle. 16. There _____ any windows _____ the room? 17. There _____ several pencils _____ the box. 18. There _____ little chalk _____ the table. 19. There _____ a great amount of snow _____ the street. 20. There _____ plenty of coffee _____ the jar?

Fill in the blanks with some, any, no and their derivatives.

1. There is _____ chalk somewhere. 2. There are _____ books on the sofa. 3. Is there _____ on the desk? 4. Are there _____ students in the classroom? 5. Is there _____ milk in the cup? 6. There is _____ in the street. 7. Are there _____ pictures in the book? 8. Are there _____ books in the bag? 9. There is _____ on

the table. 10. There are _____ pictures on the wall. 11. There is _____ coffee in the jar. 12. Are there _____ books on the desk? 13. Is there _____ in the room? 14. There are _____ glasses in the box. 15. Is there _____ in the bag?


Make up affirmative and negative sentences with the there is/there are construction.

1. milk – glass 2. blackboard – wall 3. pictures – sofa 4. eraser – box 5. books – bags 6. pens and pencils – desk 7. windowsills – windows 8. doors – classroom 9. table, some chairs – room 10. clock – bottle 11. paper – file 12. chairs – table 13. coffee – cup 14. balls – basket 15. apple – floor


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