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Theme 1. Methods of examination in prosthodontic department: clinical and additional (static and dynamic). Black’s cavity classification. Dental patient’s record filling.

Course. 2 Module.

Propaedeutic Prosthodontics.


Theme 1. Methods of examination in prosthodontic department: clinical and additional (static and dynamic). Black’s cavity classification. Dental patient’s record filling.

1.Female patient, 64 year-old, complains about partially edentulous upper and lower jaws. Point the most usable classification of partially edentulous jaws.

A. *By Kennedy

B. By Gavrilov

C. By Grozovsky

D. By Betelman

E. By Kantorovich


2.Male patient, 54 year-old, wants to restore his dental arches in posterior sites. What is the first step of patient examination?

A. *Complains

B. Dental history

C. Extra-oral examination

D. Instrumental examination

E. Health history


3.Male patient, 55 year-old, complains about absence of teeth in lateral sites, impossibility of chewing. Dentist decides to conduct functional test using 8 gram of hazel. The time is measured from starting and till swallow reflex appears. Two measurements are evaluated: the time of chewing and food remainder which are compared with healthy index. Who was the author of this test?

A. *Rubinov

B. Gelman

C. Christensen

D. Kondrashov

E. Oxman


4.Male patient, 44 year-old, is evaluated the percent of lost masticatory efficiency. Objectively: 17 16 15 25 26 27 36 37 47 teeth are missed. What is the percentage of lost masticatory efficiency by Agapov?

A. *60

B. 20

C. 40

D. 75

E. 80


5.Male patient, 68 year-old, with partially edentulous jaws wants to restore them. What are the main methods of patient’s examinations?

A. *Visual examination, palpation, probing, auscultation, percussion

B. Radiology, gnathodynomometry, palpation

C. Masticatiography, odontoparodontogram, probing

D. Palpation, radiology, test of masticatory efficiency

E. Probing, auscultation, radiology, myography


6. Male patient, 64 year-old, complains about teeth lost that has occurred during last 10 years owing to caries. Objectively: lower one-third of patient’s face is shortened, nasolabial and labiomental grooves are deepened.

16 24 25 26

46 33 34 35

Which occlusal relationship is determined?

A. *Bite doesn’t determined

B. Open bite

C. Cross-bite

D. Progenic bite

E. False progenic bite


7.Male patient, 68 year-old, with partially edentulous jaws, visits dental clinic. Doctor is holding first clinical step. What should he do after patient’s examination?

A. *To make diagnosis

B. To take health and dental history

C. To analyze complains

D. To take full anatomic impression

E. To examine diagnostic casts


8.Male patient, 70 year-old, with partially edentulous jaws, visits dental clinic. What should doctor do after extra-oral examination and complains?

A. *To make intra-oral examination

B. To take health and dental history

C. To make diagnosis

D. To make treatment planning

E. To make teeth preparation


9.Instrumental methods of examination are the following, except:

A. *Palpation

B. Percussion

C. Auscultation

D. Probing


10.Additional methods of dental patient examination are the following except:

A. *cold temperature reaction

B. Reography

C. X-ray

D. EPT (electric pulp test)

E. scanning


11.Female patient, 29 year-old, wants to restore her tooth. Objectively: 24 tooth has damages on mesial and occlusal surfaces, proximal tooth contact is ruined. According to Black’s cavity classification the damage of this tooth is determined as:

A. *Class II

B. Class I

C. Class III

D. Class IV

E. Class V


12.Male patient, 40 year-old, wants to restore his tooth. Objectively: 36 tooth has deep cavity on occlusal surface, all walls of cavity are preserved. According to Black’s cavity classification the damage of this tooth is determined as:

A. *Class I

B. Class II

C. Class III

D. Class IV

E. Class V


13.Male patient, 25 year-old, complains about esthetic problem in frontal region of upper jaw. 12 11 21 22 teeth are restored with fillings that located on proximal surfaces and incisal edges. Determine the defect.

A. *Tooth defect class IV by Black

B. Tooth defect class I by Black

C. Tooth defect class II by Black

D. Tooth defect class III by Black

E. Tooth defect class V by Black


14.Male patient, 27 year-old, complains about upper and lower teeth mobility. Objectively: dental arches are intact. Doctor analyses dental arches relationships in central occlusion. Which of the following methods should be used?

A. *Diagnostic casts examination

B. Radiography

C. Gnathodynomometry

D. Masticatiography

E. Electromyography


15.Female patient, 34 year-old, wants to restore lower jaw. Objectively: lower teeth are mobile of I-II degree. Which of the following methods should be used for examination?

A. *Radiography

B. Masticatiography

C. Galvanometry

D. Electromyography

E. Myotonometry



16.Static methods are the following EXCEPT:

A. *Method of Gelman

B. Method of Oxman

C. Method of Agapov

D. Method of Konjushko

E. Method of Kurlandsky


17. The most informative radiology method in order to determine the sizes of upper and lower jaw is:

A. *Teleradiography

B. Dental X-ray

C. Panoramic X-ray

D. Dental tomography

E. Radiokynematography


18.Radiographic methods of examination are the following, EXCEPT:

A. *Masticatiography

B. Panoramic zonography

C. Teleradiography

D. Sialography

E. Tomography


19.Doctor holds examination of the patient. The patient was interviewed on his dental history. Which step is the following?

A. *External examination

B. Health history

C. Complaints

D. Internal examination

E. Instrumental examination


20.Male patient complains about great number of cervical defects in frontal teeth. Determine the defect by Black’s classification.

A. *5

B. 1

C. 2

D. 3

E. 4



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