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Friday, June 12th Final project meeting


“STUdents self-governance &

Democratic Involvement in Kazakhstan” (STUDIK)

Final Meeting Astana

Th – 13th June 2015




Monday, June 8th

Time Activity Location
All day Arrival of participants H Hotel “Torgai” Mirzoyan str. 15 or other (tbd)



Tuesday, June 9th

Time Activity Location
9:30 Meeting of project participants (accompanying participants to the meeting premises) H Astana, Satpaev str. 2, Main building of ENU
9:30 – 09:50 A short campus guide H Astana, Satpaev str. 2, Main building of ENU (and Campus)
10:00 – 10:10 Address of Welcome (Duman Aitmagambetov, ENU) H Astana, Munaytpassov str. 5, Educational-laboratory building of ENU, room 821
10:10 – 10:20 Address of Welcome (Prof. Holger Kuße, TUD) H Astana, Munaytpassov str. 5, Educational-laboratory building of ENU, room 821
10:20 – 10:30 Address of Welcome (Christian Gerhardts, TUD EPC, Head of Unit) H Astana, Munaytpassov str. 5, Educational-laboratory building of ENU, room 82.1
10:30 – 10:45 Address of Welcome (National Coordinator NEO, Mrs.Sh.Tasbulatova ) H Astana, Munaytpassov str. 5, Educational-laboratory building of ENU, room 82.1
10:45 – 11:10 Presentation of the state of the project (Ekaterina Bratchikova, TUD) H. Astana, Munaytpassov str. 5, Educational-laboratory building of ENU, room 821
11:10 – 11:50 Presentation of project activities by Kazakh co-ordinator UIB (Meruert Narenova, UIB) H Astana, Munaytpassov str. 5, Educational-laboratory building of ENU, room 821
11:50 – 14:00 Lunch break H tbd
14:00 – 16:30 Presentation of project activities by Kazakh partners II(15 min per partner institution) - KKSU (Kyzyl-Orda State University) - EKSTU (East Kazakhstan State Technical University) - KIU (Kazakhstan Innovative University) - ArSPI (Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute) - ASA (Alliance of Students Almaty) - YCK (Youth Congress of Kazakhstan) - SSKNU (Students Senate of Kazakh National University) H Astana, Munaytpassov str. 5, Educational-laboratory building of ENU, room 821
16:30 – 18:00 Collection of travel documents I and Coffee break (Please bring along all original travel documents, incl. return travel) (Ina-Maria Stiehler, TUD) H Astana, Munaytpassov str. 5, Educational-laboratory building of ENU, room 821
19:30 Project dinner H


Wednesday, June 10th

Time Activity Location
09:00 – 12:00 Presentation of project activities by Kazakh partners I(15 min per partner institution) - ENU (Eurasian National University) - KazUIR&WL (Kazakh Ablai khan University of International Relations and World Languages) - SKSU (Auezov South-Kazakhstan State University) - TIHU (Taraz Innovative Humanitarian University) - WKATU (West Kazakhstan Agrarian Technical University) - KSU (Kostanay State University) - CSUTE (Caspian State University of Technologies and Engineering) H Astana, Munaytpassov str. 5, Educational-laboratory building of ENU, room 821
12:00 – 12:30 Presentation of student workshops: impressions and prospects -Information Systems Management Institute, Riga (Irina Boisina, ISMA) H. Astana, Munaytpassov str. 5, Educational-laboratory building of ENU, room 821
12:30 – 14:00 Lunch break H tbd
14:00 – 14:30 Influence of the project on the progress of the SSG organisation in Kazakhstan/ Summary/impressions and future prospects - Ministry of Education and Science of RK (Yuliya Idiyatova) H. Astana, Munaytpassov str. 5, Educational-laboratory building of ENU, room 821
14:30 – 15:00 Presentation of the workshops: impressions and prospects - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (Florian Weinberger, BOKU) H Astana, Munaytpassov str. 5, Educational-laboratory building of ENU, room 821
15:00 – 15:30 Coffee break H. Astana, Munaytpassov str. 5, Educational-laboratory building of ENU, room 821
15:30 – 17:00 Administrative and financial project management and open questions (Ina-Maria Stiehler, TUD) H. Astana, Munaytpassov str. 5, Educational-laboratory building of ENU, room 821


Thursday, June 11th Final Conference

Time Activity Location
09:30 – 09:45 Address of Welcome (Duman Aitmagambetov, ENU) H Astana, Munaytpassov str. 5, Educational-laboratory building of ENU, room 821
09:45 – 10:00 Address of Welcome (Prof. Holger Kuße, TUD) H Astana, Munaytpassov str. 5, Educational-laboratory building of ENU, room 821
10:15 - 10:30 Address of Welcome (Christian Gerhadts, TUD EPC, Head of Unit) H Astana, Munaytpassov str. 5, Educational-laboratory building of ENU, room 821
10:30 – 11:00 Project overview and summary (Meruert Narenova, UIB) H Astana, Munaytpassov str. 5, Educational-laboratory building of ENU, room 821
11:00 – 13:00 Project highlights I - staff workshops in Dresden and Vienna: overview and best practice (TIHU, WKATU, CSUTE, ArSPI) - Cooperation with the SSG organisations of Kazakhstan (Florian Weinberger, BOKU)   - students workshops in Dresden and Riga: summary and prospects (ASA: Akerke Kungazykyzy, YCK, SSKNU, KazUIR&WL) Astana, Munaytpassov str. 5, Educational-laboratory building of ENU, room 821
13:00 – 14:30 Lunch break H
14:30 – 16:30 Project highlights II - students workshops in Vienna and Kaunas: summary and prospects (EKSTU: Nazerke Toktarbekova,SKSU: Aknur Raiymbekova, YCK) - Summary of the workshops and project from the organizers in Riga and Kaunas (ISMA: Irina Boisina, ASU: Migle Navasinskaite) - SSG Elections: field reports (represented by student board members ENU, UIB, KKSU)   - Achievements at the Kazakh Universities (represented by student board members ENU, KIU,KSU) H Astana, Munaytpassov str. 5, Educational-laboratory building of ENU, room 821
16:30 – 17:15 Summary/impressions and future prospects - Ministry of Education and Science of RK (Roza Karibzhanova, Director for Youth Policy Department) H Astana, Munaytpassov str.5, Educational-laboratory building of ENU, room 821
17:15 – 18:00 Project sustainability and further prospects(UIB, ENU, SKSU) H Astana, Munaytpassov str. 5, Educational-laboratory building of ENU, room 821

Friday, June 12th Final project meeting

Time Activity Location
10:00 – 13:00 Final Project Discussion - Open questions (TUD, EPC) - Feedback - Prospects and sustainability (obligatory for all STUDIK project members) H tbd
13:00 – 15:00 Lunch break H.  
15:00 – 18:00 Cultural program H
19:00 – 21:00 Student musical “Chicago” Production by student theatre “Attraktsion” H.Astana, Yanushkevich str.6, Faculty of Humane Sciences, event hall

Saturday, June 13h

Time Activity Location
All day Departure of participants H.




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