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The banking industry has «-hanged radically over the lasl 10 years. As part of that industry National Westminster Bank has grown quickly and is still growing. We have more cus-




lomers lhan ever before, people who have realised thai hav­ing a hank account is a greater help in organising Ihcir finan­cial affairs. Nal West has built a range of financial services so diverse lhal we can now offer lo our customers assistance across the whole range of money matters — from simple things like cashing cheques and looking after savings to the com­plexities of insurance, taxation and investment.

It takes a lot of people lo run one of the biggest and mosl 'efficient financial organisations in the world. Our clerical jobs are graded from J lo 4 according lo Ihc demands and respon­sibilities of each particular position.

Grade 1.This is the mosl junior of Ihe clerical jobs. Be­cause we believe in a system of progressive promotion, every­one slarls here, no matter whal they see as Iheir ultimate role. You will probably begin by preparing customers' state­ments, sorting cheques and learning to use accounting ma­chines.

Grade2. Work in this grade gives you more personal con­tact with the customers. This is particularly so when looking after Ihe enquiry coupler, helping Ihe customers lo solve any problems they may have wilh Ihcir accounts, answering their questions, outlining the bank's services.

Other grade 2 jobs which you could find yourself doing in­clude controlling your Branch's records. Duties cover open­ing new accounts, transferring existing accounts lo and from our many Branches throughout the country and ensuring lhal information relating lo your customers is kepi up lo dale.

Then Ihere is Ihe Standing Order Clerk. Many of our cus­tomers arrange for regular payments lo be made from Ihcir accounts for such items as mortgage deductions, insurance premiums and subscriptions. 11 is the Standing Order Clerk who ensures that these payments are made correctly and on time.

Perhaps the best known of all Ihe jobs in banking is lhal of the cashier and thai is usually a grade 2 job. Al the counter you will meet many different people, your own customers,

customers from other branches and banks as well as people who do not have a bank account. You will be dealing wilh many thousands of pounds every day so accuracy is vital.

Grade3. By Ihe time you reach Ihis slage the work is be­coming more complex and each job carries a greater degree of responsibility. Being a foreign clerk, for instance, means lhal you will be dealing wilh customers' Iravel rcqujremenls, sup­plying foreign currencies and Iravel cheques and assisting with passport applications and Iravel insurance.

The Sale Custody Clerk helps customers lo manage Iheir financial affairs, acting on Iheir behalf to buy or sell slocks and shares, obtaining advice from stockbrokers, or arranging insurance cover. Also Ihcre are valuables and documents, which customers deposit at Ihe branch for safe keeping, to be looked after — which explains the lille of Ihe job.

Grade 4.This is Ihc senior of the clerical grades and con­tains among others the jobs which really involve you for the first lime in one of Ihe bank's major aclivitics — lending money. Whether the loan is lo a privalc individual, lo a small busi­ness or lo a large industrial company the bank will often re­quire some form of security lo be provided by Ihe borrowers as lo reduce the risk lo the bank. Such security can conic in many different forms including mortgages over houses or life policies and there are several legal formalities lo be completed before the bank's interests arc fully safeguarded. Dealing wilh these formalities is Ihe job of Ihc Security Clerk who natu­rally works closely wilh Ihe Branch Manager.

Even more involved wilh Ihc Manager is Ihe Manager's Clerk who acls as a Personal Assistant providing all the in-formalion needed for the day to day control of accounts. As Manager's Clerk you will be given opportunity to exercise your own judgement in a number of matters.

Adapted from National Westminster Bank's booklet.




identification in lieu of issue (v) legal tender mature (v) negotiable payee payer sight draft
Unit Two Currency and Other Forms of Exchange


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