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Frank's POV. "Mmmmm," I moaned, half awake as I felt Gerard sucking and biting my neck

"Mmmmm," I moaned, half awake as I felt Gerard sucking and biting my neck. It was the next morning and I was slowly waking up to Gerard's amazing wake up call.

"Wake up sleeping beauty, I made you breakfast," he said to me softly. I allowed my eyes to flutter open as I rubbed them, getting rid of the sleep in my eyes. The smell of waffles and coffee hit me and I couldn't help but smile that my man had made me breakfast.

"What time is it?" I asked him.

"We have to be at work in an hour," he told me. "So eat up," he instructed me, passing me a tray off his night stand. There were waffles and toast and coffee.

"What would I do without you?" I questioned, pulling his face close to mine and kissing his lips.

"I'm gonna take a shower so that we won't be late," he told me as I got stuck into my breakfast.


An hour and a half later, we were at work. The owner had actually come in and told us that after work this afternoon we all had to stay back and attend a meeting. He wanted to go over a few things with everyone. I sincerely hoped that he hadn't actually read the performance reviews, because if he had, I was in deep shit for what I wrote in Gerard's that time. But as the day neared its end and we all found ourselves sitting around the shop, the owner explained why we were all here.

"So in two weeks, Frank will be going to Los Angeles to listen to some presentations on new technology that I would like to implement in the shop. And I need a manager to cover for the week while he is gone," the owner explained.

Well, this was certainly news to me. I was going on a business trip? Why the fuck did I have to go? Why couldn't Mimi go! She always wanted to go to LA to meet celebrities and see Hollywood.

"Uh is there any way that I can get out of going?" I asked the owner.

"No. You're the manager, therefore you will go. It will all be paid for. All you have to do is follow the itinerary I have for you. I will call you each day at 9am LA time to check that everything is going according to plan," the owner explained. I was so annoyed. I didn't want to go anywhere by myself. How boring would that be?! I wondered if there was a way to smuggle Gerard along by paying for his ticket myself and just having him sleep in the hotel room with me.

"So I actually got around to reading your performance reviews," the owner said, looking directly at me. I gulped as I blushed. What if he'd read Gerard's comment? "And I must say that according to Frank, Gerard can't do a thing wrong. He's great in every way. And while I was a little disturbed reading about what he's like in the bedroom," he said making people laugh, "I have decided that he will be the acting manager for the week while Frank is in LA. So for the next two weeks, Gerard, you'll be taught by Frank how to manage the place and Frank, I'm going to find you an example of an appropriate performance review so that I don't ever have to read again about how good Gerard is with his hands," the owner announced, causing a roar of laughter among the employees. I just blushed and looked down at the floor.

"So that's all I have to tell everyone. And I would also like everyone to make life easier on Gerard as he's not as experienced at managing as Frank is, but from the sound of it, he's experienced at giving Frank pleasure," he said to another chorus of laughter. Seriously, I got it, no more fucking around with performance reviews. But did he have to keep going on about it? "You're all free to go home," the owner announced as everyone got up and left.

"I can't fucking believe it! I wonder if there's any way to get you out of being manager so that I can smuggle you with me to LA," I said to him.

"It's a week Frank. It'll go so quickly. And I'll speak to you on the phone every night for hours and hours and we'll watch TV while we're on the phone so it'll feel like we're watching it together and we'll take long bubble baths at the same time so that we feel like we're together. It'll go so quickly. Don't worry about me. Just go have fun on your business trip. I expect lots of pictures of lots of different attractions," he said to me, trying to help me get my head around the whole idea.

"Plus, it gives Mikey a break from hearing the sex. And speaking of sex, don't worry about the owner's issue with us being in a relationship. No doubt he knows. He probably made me manager for that week to stop you from smuggling me to LA, so let's not give him the satisfaction of us both being miserable. When you go to LA, order heaps of room service," he suggested, making me giggle.

"It's just gonna be so weird without you. I mean, ever since we got together, we've always stuck together," I pointed out.

"Yeah, but maybe it'll do us good to have some time away from one another. You know, keep our relationship healthy?"

"I guess. But the second I get home, we are having the best sex we ever had," I planned.

"It's a date. Now we should probably get home and get ready for our regular costume party, because no doubt Bob and Ray are planning something," Gerard replied.

And with that, we went home.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 153; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!; Нарушение авторских прав

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