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Exercise 3. Match the names of alternative therapies in Column A with their correct definition in Column B.


Exercise 1. Which of the treatments and procedures below, relate to conventional and which to alternative medicine?

Herbalism, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, injection, aromatherapy, steroid creams, blood tests, meditation, tooth extraction, homeopathy, acupuncture, X-ray, surgery, yoga, transplants.

Exercise 2. Look at the pictures and put the letters, which are in mess, in the right order to compose the name of the alternative therapy which uses finger pressure rather than fine needles on specific points along the body to treat ailments such as tension and stress, aches and pains, menstrual cramps, arthritis. The number of dashes is identical with the number of letters in the missing word.

s e u p s e a u r c r

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


Now translate the parts of the body which corresponds to each point along the body and on a palm.

Exercise 3. Match the names of alternative therapies in Column A with their correct definition in Column B.

Column A Column B
1. Chromotherapy or Colour Therapy   a) It is the study of the human body during movement.
2. Hydrotherapy     b) It is a traditional Chinese medical technique which applies suction to diseased parts of the body using ceramic glass or bamboo cups in order to increase the regional circulation and thereby promote healing.
3. Magnetotherapy c) The use of sound waves to heal.
4. Yoga Therapy   d) A potential healing method using pyramidal structures.
5. Sound Therapy e) The use of colour ( usually in the form of coloured light) to produce beneficial or healing effects.
6. Pyramid Healing   f) It is defined as the scientific application of water for therapeutic purposes.
7. Cupping     g) The use of yoga to address mental and physical problems while integrating body and mind.
8. Kinesiology     h) It is a clinical system by which human ailments are treated and cured through the application of magnets to the body of the patients.

Exercise 4. Some diseases can be treated with the help of certain therapies. Read the descriptions of therapies and decide what kind of them it is written about. Use the words from the box.


1. ___________________is a humanistic attempt at trying to understand the cycles that we share with the forces in the Universe. The planets have corresponding rulership to certain vitamins, minerals, cell salts, herbs, metals, colors and parts of the body. Through the chart, one can look to see what natal health conditions exist. Through these precepts, we can then look at the present and into the future to see what areas of our lives are being affected and potentially how we can head off ill health and promote wellness.

2. ___________________ is a collection of procedures which involves the stimulation of points on the body using a variety of techniques, such as penetrating the skin with needles that are then manipulated manually or by electrical stimulation. It is one of the key components of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), and is among the oldest healing practices in the world.

3. _______________ is the manipulation of superficial and deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue using various techniques, to enhance function, aid in the healing process, decrease muscle reflex activity, inhibit motor-neuron excitability, promote relaxation and well-being, and as a recreational activity.

4. ____________________ is the study and use of medicinal properties of plants. The scope of herbal medicine is sometimes extended to include fungal and bee products, as well as minerals, shells and certain animal parts. Plants have the ability to synthesize a wide variety of chemical compounds that are used to perform important biological functions, and to defend against attack from predators such as insects, fungi and herbivorous mammals. Many of these phytochemicals have beneficial effects on long-term health when consumed by humans, and can be used to effectively treat human diseases.

5. ­____________________________ uses expressive movement as a therapeutic tool for both personal expression and psychological or emotional healing. Practitioners work with people with physical disabilities, addition issues, sexual abuse histories, eating disorders, and other concerns.

6. Primarily used for wax buildup and related hearing problems, ________________ is also used for ear infections and sinus infections. Treatment involves placing the narrow end of a specially designed hollow candle at the entry of the ear canal, while the opposite end is lit.

7. _____________________ is a method of alleviating negative emotional states that may contribute to illness or hinder personal growth. Drops of a solution infused with the captured "essence" of a flower are placed under the tongue or in a beverage. The practitioner helps the client choose appropriate essences, focusing on the client's emotional state rather than on a particular physical condition.

8. _________________ is a form of alternative medicine that uses volatile plant materials, known as essential oils, and other aromatic compounds for the purpose of altering a person's mind, mood, cognitive function or health. Some essential oils such as tea tree have demonstrated anti-microbial effects, but there is still a lack of clinical evidence demonstrating efficacy against bacterial, fungal, or viral infections.

9. According to ________________ a substance that causes the symptoms of a disease in healthy people will cure similar symptoms in sick people.

10. A means of bypassing the conscious mind and accessing the subconscious, where suppressed memories, repressed emotions, and forgotten events may remain recorded. __________________ may facilitate behavioral, emotional, or attitudinal change such as weight loss, or smoking cessation. It is also used to treat phobias, stress, and as an adjunct in the treatment of illness.

11. During times of emotional stress our sympathetic nervous system is stimulated and effects a number of physical responses. Our heart rate rises, we perspire, our muscles tense and our breathing becomes rapid and shallow. If this process happens over a long period of time, the sympathic nervous system becomes over stimulated leading to an imbalance that can effect our physical health resulting in inflammation, high blood pressure and muscle pain to name a few. ________________ can be used to directly influence these stressful changes causing a direct stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system resulting in relaxation and a reversal of the changes seen with the stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system.


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