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Some Definitions of Criminal Acts· Arson: Purposely setting fire to a house or other building or vehicle. · Assault: Threatening to do, or trying to do, or actually doing bodily harm to another person. · Blackmail: Demanding money from somebody in return for not revealing secret or unpleasant information about them. · Bribery: Giving or receiving a reward for a dishonest action, such as a policeman accepting money from someone who has committed a crime, so that the person will not be prosecuted. · Burglary: Entering the premises of another person with intent to commit a crime within; or, having entered the premises of another, then committing a crime. · Disorderly conduct: Behaving in such a way that the quiet and comfort of other people is disturbed or their sense of what is right and decent is offended. · Forgery: Signing another person’s name, or changing something that is written on a cheque or document. This is done by a dishonest person in order to get something that is not rightfully his or hers or to win some other advantage. · Fraud, also known as Theft by Fraud: Cheating another person out of something he or she owns. · Hijacking:Seizing control of a vehicle, especially an aircraft, in order to force it to go to a new destination or demand something from a government in return for the safety of its passengers and crew. · Joy Riding: Going for a ride in a motor vehicle without the owner’s permission. This is a crime even if the vehicle is returned. · Kidnapping:Taking away (a child or a person) and keeping him/her by force (usually asking for money to be paid before he/she is released). · Larceny/ Stealing/ Theft: Taking something that belongs to another person without that person’s consent. Larceny is the term used for theft in the United States. · Mugging: Attacking somebody (e.g. in a dark street, a lift, an empty corridor, etc.) violently and robbing. · Murder: Intentionally or recklessly killing another human being. Homicide simply means killing a human being. Manslaughter is killing a human being without malice. It is not murder, according to the law, to kill someone accidentally or in self-defence, or to kill an enemy of one’s country in time of war. · Perjury: Telling a lie after swearing to tell the truth, usually in a court of law. · Pickpocketing: Stealing money or things from people’s pockets or bags in public places. · Rape: Unlawful sexual intercourse with a female, by force or without consent. · Robbery: Taking something away from another person by force, or frightening that person into letting it be taken. · Shoplifting: Stealing from a shop by hiding things in a bag or in the clothes.