

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Task 13. Fill the gaps with the right form of either “rob” or “steal”.

1. Last night an armed gang … the post office. They … 2000 pounds.

2. My handbag … at the theatre yesterday.

3. Every year large numbers of banks …

4. My first offence was … a pair of binoculars.

5. The only way he could get the money was … a shop.

6. A masked man … a bank last night.

7. A large sum of money … from the bank in High Street.


Task 14. Read the case history and decide which offences Jack Thatcher has committed.

Like his father, Jack Thatcher was a jailbird1 – at the age of 40 he has spent most of his life in prison for various offences of violence and theft. He comes from a broken home, has had no real education and has never had a job. The only way he knows how to make money is by stealing it. When he came out of prison last week, he decided to rob a village post office. During the robbery, the postmaster tried to ring the alarm, so Jack hit him on the head with his gun. At that moment a customer came into the post office. She screamed2. In panic, Jack shouted at her to keep quiet. When she continued to scream, he shot her. Jack thought quickly. He took a box of matches from his pocket and set fire to the building, then escaped3 with the money.


1jailbird /'GeIlbE:d/ - уголовник, закоренелый преступник

2to scream /skrJm/ - пронзительно кричать

3to escape /I'skeIp/ - бежать, совершать побег

Task 15. Arrange the following crimes into two groups: a) crimes against people, b) crimes involving things or property.

Murder, rape, assault causing grievous bodily harm, mugging, robbery, burglary, car theft, homicide, arson, blackmail, embezzlement, fraud, pickpocketing, shoplifting, stealing.


Task 16. Match the beginnings and the endings of the sentences; translate the sentences.

  1. Harold Jones was sent a. before he was arrested.
  2. The rapist had committed b. several previous attacks.
  3. The hijacker demanded c. broken the law in my life!
  4. He had mugged d. you may have to pay a fine.
  5. If you break the law e. to prison for twelve years.
  6. The thief stole f. two people before.
  7. I’m innocent! I’ve never g.to be flown to another country.
  8. He has committed two murders h. diamonds worth £ 200,000.


Task 17. Complete the chart.

crime criminal verb
ü blackmail ü drug-trafficking ü ü robbery ü ü burglary ü ü shoplifting ü ü terrorist ü ü ü pickpocket ü ü arsonist ü ü smuggler ü ü kidnapper ü ü ü to forge ü ü to mug ü ü to hijack ü ü to murder ü ü to steal


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