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My Favourite Dish

Today I want to tell you,

How to make my favourite dish.

You need two big potatoes,

And you need a piece of fish.

You need some milk and butter,

And you need a lot of cheese.

You need some salt and pepper,

And you need some nice fresh peas.

You cook the two potatoes,

And you mash them in a pot.

You cook the peas in water,

And you make them nice and hot.


You cook the fish in milk now,

And you put in a dish.

You take the peas and butter,

And you mix them with the fish.


You add the mashed potatoes,

And you put the cheese on top.

You cook it in the oven,

When it’s brown on top, you stop!

Tick yes or no

1. You need two small potatoes. yes no

2. You need a piece of meat. yes no

3. You need some butter. yes no

4. You cook the peas in milk. yes no

5. You put the fish in a dish. yes no

6. You put the cheese on top. yes no



Дата добавления: 2015-09-13; просмотров: 228; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!; Нарушение авторских прав

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