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Модальные глаголы, сослагательное наклонение, условные предложения, многозначность глаголов should, would, could, might, need….



Introductory text

Some Important things from the Educational Environment


COMMUNITY. By the word "community" they mean a village or a town and all the people living in it. A city usually consists of several communities, in this case community represents a district. According to the dictionary, "community” is a group of people living in the same place and united by the shared interests, religion, nationality, etc." University campuses are also considered to be communities, including the big areas of campus grounds, college buildings and facilities located on this territory and professors living nearby.

CAMPUS. A campus is the territory of a university or a college where buildings and halls of residence are located. A campus usually is a really big area. A student spends most of all his/her time there, since on the campus territory you will find not only the administration building and education spaces, but also a library, dorms, fraternities and sororities, cafeterias, gyms and sports fields. The classrooms buildings are usually for all the related departments. For instance, the sciences may be in one building, the social sciences in another, the humanities all together and perhaps music and art off somewhere. A science like engineering may have a building all to itself. One building you will find on every campus is the Student Union. It has a cafeteria and a snack bar which is convenient for those who live off-campus. There is an area with comfortable chairs where students can relax and talk. Some students study there between the classes. The Student Union is the place where discotheques are often held. Last, but not least, every campus has a bookstore where you can buy textbooks and supplies.

There are different payments students can get while studying.

A grant is what students get every month which is taken from the state budget or is paid by local authorities. A scholarship is given to especially bright students who have excellent results, and is usually much higher than grant. An allowance is a one time payment for not so well-to-do students who may find themselves in a difficult financial situation.


Vocabulary to the Text.

Educational – образовательный

Environment – окружение

Mean* - означать, значить

Consist of – состоять из

Case – случай

Represent – представлять

District – район

According (to) – согласно (чего-то)

Unite – объединять

Shared interets – общие интересы

Campus – студгородок

Including – включая, в том числе

Consider – рассматривать

Ground – территория

Facilities – мн.ч. возможности, оборудование

Locate – размещать

Nearby – поблизости

Residence – жилье, жилище

Area – район, территория

Spend* - тратить

Since – поскольку

Spaces – помещения

Education spaces- учебные корпуса

Dorm(itory) – амер. общежитие

Frat(ernity) - братство

Sorority – сестринство

Gym(nasium) – сортзал

Field – область, сфера

Related – родственный

Social – общественный

Humanities – гуманитарные науки

Union – союз

Snack bar – закусочная

Convenient – удобный

Supplies – канцтовары

Payment – платеж

Grant, scholarship, allowance – виды стипендий

bright – умный, яркий

authorities – мн.ч. власти

excellent – отличный

well-to-do - обеспеченный



Ex. Match the phrases with their Russian equivalents.

1. well-to-do student a/ территория студгородка

2. according to the dictionary b/ отдельно

3. live off-campus c/ покупать канцтовары

4. local authorities d/ представлять район

5. live nearby e/ бюджет штата

6. represent a district f/ согласно словарю

7. related departments g/ обеспеченный студент

8. shared interests h/ местные власти

9. buy supplies i/ жить за пределами студгородка

10. state budget j/ родственные факультеты

11. all to itself k/общие интересы

12. campus ground l/жить поблизости


Ex. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Слово «комьюнити» означает деревушку или городок и людейБ проживающих там. 2. Большой город состоит обычно из нескольких «комьюнити», в данном случае это слово обозначает (designate) район. 3. Студгородок тоже обозначается словом «комьюнити» и включает в себя территорию, здания , а также студентов и профессоров. 4. На территории студгородка находится административное здание, а также учебные корпуса, общежития и многое другое (facilities). 5. Студенческий союз – это здание и место, где проводятся дискотеки, вечеринки и другие общественные мероприятия. 6. Студенты могут получать разного рода финансирование, существует три вида стипендий – это деньги, даваемые студентам на учебные цели.


Comprehension Check.

Ex. Answer the following questions.


1. What does the word “community” mean?

2. What description is given to this word in the dictionary?

3. What does the word “campus” mean?

4. What is located on the teritory of the campus?

5. Do the departments have buildings of their own?

6. What kinds of payment can the students get while studying?


Topics to Discuss.

1. Community.

2. Campus.

3. Student Union.

4. Types of payments available for students’ situation.


Text I A.

Across The Nation

Part 1


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