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New campus to train for future


MESA—The design objective of the new campus of East Valley Institute of Technology (EVIT), the state's First regional technological public school district, was to provide a facility to support a productive, technically trained workforce that meets the needs of today's business and industry.

The $46 million campus, which can accommodate up to 5,000 students each day in two half-day sessions, is located on 40 acres of the former site of the University of Arizona's agricultural farm. Twelve new buildings total 336,565 square feet, and six separate buildings are devoted to the study of cosmetology, culinary arts, child care and guidance, fire fighting technology and law enforcement, automotive technology and collision-repair technology.

In the culinary-arts area, students learn commercial food preparation with equipment that allows up to 30 students to be working simultaneously. The great hall can be divided into three sections with two operable walls for dining-room service.

The Fast Break restaurant is an alternative to a traditional cafeteria. It has both indoor and outdoor space, and serves beverages and food items to students and staff throughout the day.

A new conferencing facility for students, as well as the community, features a 500-seat auditorium. The facility can accommodate lectures, TV and stage productions and community meetings.

BPLW Architects & Engineers was responsible for design, engineering and architectural services.


Part 5

Meeting student and community needs

MIAMI—When construc­tion began on Northwest Miami Middle School, the goal was to "build a contem­porary system of buildings and courtyards that would be an asset to the neighbourhood. Slated for completion in Feb­ruary 2000, the $13 million school will enhance the neighbourhood by providing a place for social gatherings, meetings and learning envi­ronments in a landscaped setting.

Consisting of 152.000 square feet, the school will have a courtyard composi­tion of various one-story clusters and three-story wings, creating a version of the hacienda open space plan in a subtropical envi­ronment. The courtyard scheme will have a north-south axis and will exhibit transparency to the school ' s two street-fronts.

Through a system of vari­ous classroom and commu­nal-type buildings, the court­yard will provide a link from all points of access to (he recreation playfields and parking, making it the school's most important spa­tial ingredient.

Frankel & Associates Ar­chitects is in charge of the project.



· public school - государственная школа (финансируемая государством);

· to meet the needs (of) - отвечать потребностям...;

· devoted to - здесь: предназначен для...;

· child care and guidance - забота и уход за детьми;

· to serve - подавать; обслуживать;

· item - вопрос, пункт; наименование; здесь: блюда и напитки;

· to feature - здесь: представлять собой;

· facility - здесь: сооружение, здание, помещение;

· facilities (pl.) - удобства, оборудование; возможности;

· community meetings - собрания жителей общины (т.е. района);

· stage productions - театральные постановки (разного рода).


Ex.2. Match the words with their Russian equivalents.


1. objective а/ цель
2. to train b/ бывший
3. to feature d/ обеспечивать
4. simultaneously e/ напиток
5. former f/ отдельный
6. outdoor g/ представлять собой
7. site h/ вмещать
8. equipment i/ обучать
9. operable j/ одновременно
10. beverage в k/ на открытом воздухе
11. to accommodate l/ передвижной
12. indoor m/ столкновение (о транспорте)
13. separate n/ место, участок
14. to provide о/ в закрытом помещении


Ex.3. Translate the following phrases from the text and use them in the translation below.


throughout the day, to accommodate, to be divided, facility, operable wall, former site, objective, equipment, community meetings, to meet the needs (of), to serve, alternative (to), staff, indoor and outdoor spaces, beverage and food items, to be located, in two-half day sessions, to train workforce, simultaneously, TV and stage productions, to feature.

1. Студгородок находится на территории бывшей сельскохозяйственной фермы университета штата Аризона.

2. Ежедневно он будет принимать до 5 тысяч студентов, которые будут учиться в две смены.

3. Шесть отдельных зданий предназначены для изучения косметологии, кулинарии, ухода за детьми и т.д.

4. Ресторан быстрого обслуживания является альтернативой традиционному кафе.

5. Столики в ресторане располагаются внутри помещения и на улице.

6. Здесь подают напитки и блюда студентам и преподавателям в течение всего дня.

7. Здесь есть оборудование для одновременной работы 30 студентов.

8. Этот огромный зал может быть разделен на три части при помощи передвижных стен.

9. Институт будет обучать рабочим профессиям, которые соответствуют потребностям современного бизнеса и промышленности.

10. Данное помещение представляет собой аудиторию на 500 мест, где можно проводить лекции, показывать фильмы и спектакли, проводить собрания жителей района.


Ex.4 Answer the following questions:


1. What was the design objective of the new campus of East Valley Institute of Technology?

2. What is the total area of the campus buildings?

3. How many students can the campus accommodate?

4. Where is it located?

5. What professions will the students be trained here?

6. What does the culinary-arts area look like?

7. What for is the new conferencing facility designed?

8. What other facilities are there in EVIT?



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