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The concept of conflict in psychology. Types of conflicts.

Conflicts in pedagogical activity

1. The concept of conflict in psychology. Types of conflicts.
2. Classification of conflicts in the system of professional training of students. Features of conflicts in the "student-teacher" system.
3. Structure of conflict and dynamics of progress of pedagogical conflict.
4. The behavior of the pedagogist to resolve the conflict (the main strategies and methods).

The concept of conflict in psychology. Types of conflicts.

The joint activity of teacher and student may be accompanied by conflicts that take place both vertically and horizontally, as participants in educational interaction are people, different by the purpose of various activities, needs, motives, expectations, life experiences, with specific capacity - willful status, level by interest contents, style of activity etc. Research and educational personnel must have a knowledge about the sources of conflict in higher education, their structure, form, course and strategies for their constructive settlement.

1. Conflict is an absence of agreement between two or more parties, individuals, groups, clash of opposite views, positions, interests [1, p.11]. This is the sharpest way to solve the contradictions, that arise in relations between the parties [2, p.535]. The conflict in the modern sense is a complex, multifaceted phenomenon. The name comes from the Latin conflictus - collision. Conflictology is at the final stage of separation into an independent science, that is why under these conditions one of the primary tasks of classification is the specification limits of the multiplicity of conflicts, which are the object of science and highlight the most common structural units of object field of conflictology. Characterization of the conflict depends on who presents conflicting parties.

Let us focus on certain classifications of conflicts.

Classification of conflicts based on the needs of interaction subjects (by A.I.Shipilov)

Needs Object of need satisfaction Conflict type
Material Resource Resource conflict
Social Social status in the group, role in interpersonal relationships Status-role conflict
Spiritual Idea, norm, principle Conflict of ideas, norms, principles

S.M. Emelyanov classifies conflicts based on different criteria.

1. According to the sphere of demonstration of the conflict:

· economic

· ideological

· social and living

· family household

· based on economic differences

· based on differences of opinion

· based on the contradictions of social relations

· based on the contradictions of family relationships

2. According to the degree of duration and intensity of the conflict:

· violent, short-term conflicts (arising on the basis of individual psychological characteristics of personality, there is extreme aggression of conflicting people);

· sharp, long-term conflicts (if there are deep divisions);

· weak and inert conflicts (due to not very sharp contradictions or passivity of one of the parties);

· weak and short-term conflicts (related to surface reasons).

3. According to the peculiarities of the subject of conflict interaction

· internal personal conflicts (occur on the basis of oppositely directed personal motives);

· interpersonal conflicts (conflict of two individuals);

· conflicts "person - group" (the subjects of conflict is personality and group);

· conflicts between groups (the subjects of conflict are small social groups or microgroups).

4. According to social consequences of conflict:

· constructive (due to objective differences; assist in the development of a particular social system);

· destructive (due to subjective reasons; creates social tension and cause destruction of the social system).

5. According to the object of conflict:

· realistic (substantive conflict (have a clear object));

· unrealistic (objectless) conflicts (no object, or have an object that is vital for one or both subjects of conflict).


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