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Dynamics of development of pedagogical conflict

Every conflict has its development dynamics (sudden or gradual change in relations between the parties, which depends on the characterological features, aims, factors that affect them).

Conflict always begins as bilateral or multilateral action, the end of which can take various forms and consequences. Mandatory condition is suspension of oppositely directed actions. In its development, conflict has the following stages: 1) preconflict (stage of growth), 2) actual conflict (implementation stage), 3) conflict resolution (extinction). (by N.P.Volkova, p.87-90)

I Preconflict stage. It is determined by certain characteristics: increase of tension in relationship of potential subjects of conflicts. In the pedagogical staff increase of tension is caused by special reasons: - real prejudice the interests, needs, values; ​​- inadequate changes perception; - modified or inaccurate information about the real or unreal facts, events. The most common source of conflict is dissatisfaction, accumulation of wich increases social tension. Representation of such tension is group emotions.

When the tension exceeds the optimal level, it develops into conflict. But tension is not always the leader of the conflict, because it stimulates neutralization of its causes.

Preconflict situation, in turn, has in its development certain phases:

· Appearance of contradictions, increasing of tension and distrust in the relationship, the offence accumulation, presenting of unilateral or bilateral claims;

· The desire to justify claims and accusations; unwillingness to resolve disputed issues by fair practices, "jam" on own stereotypes, prejudices;

· The destruction of structures of interaction, the transition from recrimination to threats, increased aggressiveness, formation of the "enemy image", willingness to fight.

Preconflict situation develops into a real conflict by the occurrence of the incident: formal occasion for the collision of sides. It can be random or exacerbated by one of the subjects or third, interested party.

When incident occurs the conflict acquires a new quality, which is represented in 3 possible variants of behavior:

· The desire to resolve conflict, find a compromise;

· Avoiding conflict (pretending, that "nothing special happened");

· Begining of an open confrontation.

Selection of one of the options of behavior depends on the conflict setting of parties and their goals, expectations, emotional marks.

II Stage of the conflict development (actual conflict) - is the beginning of open confrontation, which is a consequence of conflict behavior (actions aimed at capturing, keeping the object of conflict or forcing of opponent to give up goals or to change them). Conflict behavior can be:

· active (in the form of call);

· passive (response to the call);

· compromise.

At this stage of development of the conflict has the following phases:

1. The transition from the latent state into an open confrontation between the parties, being a local conflict: the fight is limited resources, there are real opportunities to stop and solve the problem by other methods;

2. Further escalation of the confrontation (the parties use new resources to achieve their goals and block enemy forces, losing the possible to find a compromise, the conflict is becoming unmanageable and unpredictable).

3. Apogee of conflict (conflicting parties seemed to forget real reasons and purposes, trying to inflict maximum losses to the enemy).

Conflict parties at some stage of the conflict can change the image of themselves and the enemy, change strategy and tactics of conflict behavior, start looking for ways of reconciliation, process of conflict resolving starts.

III Solution of the conflict. On this stage different variants of scenarios are possible:

· Pressing own conditions upon the weak oponent (when advantage of one party is obvious);

· Continuation of the struggle to complete defeat of one party;

· Protract the fight (because of lack of resources);

· Mutual concessions (due to exhaustion of resources for fight);

· End of a conflict (under the influence of a third party).

The conflict in pedagogical activity will continue as long as conditions for its terminationl will be created:

· Eliminating of the object of the conflict;

· Replacement of one of object by another;

· Elimination of one side of the conflict;

· Changing of the position of a party;

· Changing of the characteristics of object and subject of the conflict;

· Developing of agreed solution by the parties to the conflict .

Postconflict period has two stages:

1. Partial normalization of relations (takes place at the presence of negative emotions, self correction, attitudes to the opposite side, acute sense of guilt for actions in the conflict, but negative attitudes impede to fully normalize relations).

2. Complete normalization of relations (following the full understanding of the parties of further constructive interaction, that contribute to overcoming the negative guidance, productive participation in joint activities, establishment of trust).


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