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WORD STUDY. Ex. 1. Study the different meanings of the word following words and use them to translate


Ex. 1. Study the different meanings of the word following words and use them to translate

The sentences.


to manage 1) руководить, управлять, заведовать; стоять во главе

2) управлять, уметь обращаться

managerial - административный

management - управление; заведование, руководство, менеджмент

manageable- выполнимый, осуществимый

manager -глава, директор, топ-менеджер; руководитель, управляющий

manageress - -заведующая


1. Different scholars offer different sets of principles of management.

2. The international manager is said to spend over half of his or her time in negotiation.

3. The managing director has the right to make major managerial decisions.

4. They are part of my management team.

5. The baby can be greatly influenced by the parents’ management.

6. She has been working as the manageress of a bookshop.

7. To be a successful manager you must know your responsibilities and authorities.

8. Private banks are being nationalized, and are to be managed with workers’ participation.

9. To be ready for every English lesson is a quite manageable task.

10. She can't manage her child.

11. The zoo needed better management rather than more money.


Ex. 2. Match the words with their definitions.


_____ skill   _____ executive _____ a shop _____ management _____environment _____ technology   _____ practitioner   _____ to run a business _____ ability _____ psychology a. the technique, practice, or science of managing, controlling or dealing with b. a person who practises a profession or art c. the scientific study of all forms of human and animal behaviour d. ability to do something well e. a place for the performance of a specified type of work f. external conditions or surroundings, especially those in which people live or work g. a person or group responsible for the administration of a project, activity, or business h. necessary skill, competence, or power i. to be in charge of; manage j. the total knowledge and skills available to any human society for industry, art, science, etc


Ex. 3. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words or word-combinations.

Use them in the sentences.

в той или иной степени _____________________________________________

высокоорганизованный _____________________________________________

объединять человеческие усилия _____________________________________

делать соответствующий выбор ______________________________________

небольшие мастерские ______________________________________________

жизненно необходимый _____________________________________________

современный меняющийся мир _______________________________________

обладать способностью ______________________________________________

физические (точные) науки ___________________________________________

с другой стороны ___________________________________________________

Ex. 4. Generate other forms from these words.


Verb Noun Adjective
to work    
to achieve    
to posses    
to predict    
to practice    



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