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WORD STUDY. Ex. 11. Study the different meanings of the following words and use them to translate

Ex. 11. Study the different meanings of the following words and use them to translate

The sentences.


act (v) 1. действовать, поступать; вести себя

2. действовать, работать (быть исправным)

3. влиять, действовать.


act for представлять, действовать от лица (кого-л.).


act (n) дело, поступок, деяние

activity деятельность, активность


1. Business activity was paralyzed.

2. This weather acts on my nerves.

3. He committed a heroic act.

4. As the chairman is ill, I am asking you to act for him.

5. The brake refused to act.

6. Has the medicine acted?

7. Don't act from instinct.

8. The soldier acted like a real hero.

9. How did they act towards you?

10. The main activity of this enterprise is timber processing.


Ex. 12. Match the verb with an appropriate preposition and word-combination to make a

Phrase. Translate them into Russian.


to apply to put to work to participate to make decisions to take responsibility to deal to be judged   into for in about with on enterprise innovation action crises results a company pay developing objectives



Ex 13. Group the following words into 9 synonymous groups.

to achieve responsibility method target to measure rule purpose to highlight to attain design profession project principle tremendous axiom to stress duty job occupation plan to estimate enormous vast goal to evaluate objective huge to reach to emphasize obligation


Ex. 14. Match the verbs on the right with the nouns on the left.


to attract to make to expect to set to develop to pay to motivate to achieve to measure to consider to manage to have results workers objectives interest attention goals strategies contribution a business’s relation a say the needs performance


Ex. 15. Match the words with their definitions.


_____ plan _____ staff _____ goal _____ individual _____ strategy _____ tactics   _____ direction _____ innovation   _____ authorities _____ crises a. management, control, or guidance b. a detailed scheme, method, etc., for attaining an objective c. something newly introduced, such as a new method or device d. a group of people employed by a company, individual, etc e. the aim or object towards which an endeavour is directed f. an unstable period, esp one of extreme trouble or danger in politics, economics, etc g. a particular long-term plan for success, esp in business or politics h. the manoeuvres used or plans followed to achieve a particular short-term aim i. a single person, esp when regarded as distinct from others j. a person or group of people having the power or right to control, judge, or prohibit the actions of others, such as a government, police force, etc



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