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Have you ever tried a strawberry pizza? If you went to Oxnard, the “Strawberry Capital of California,” in May, you could!


Oxnard is in Southern California and this part of the state takes its strawberries very seriously. At the two-day California Strawberry Festival you can see and try strawberries prepared in all sorts of ways. In addition to traditional treats such as strawberry shortcake, strawberry jam, strawberry tarts and strawberries dipped in chocolate, there is strawberry pizza! This dessert pizza is topped with strawberries, sour cream, cream cheese and whipped cream on sweet bread baked like a pizza. Straw-berry kеbabs dipped in powdered sugar are another delicacy. And drinks such as a strawberry smoothie can wash it all down.

Strawberries are big business in Oxnard. The annual strawberry revenues are $100 million from Oxnard’s bountiful 6,600 berry acres. Twenty-four companies harvest and cool nearly 16 million trays of berries, which are shipped throughout North America as well as to Germany and Japan. The festival, which attracts more than 85,000 visitors, features three stages with musical entertainment, 335 arts and crafts exhibits, strolling musicians, clowns, artists, face-painting, contests, and a “Strawberryland” for children with puppets, magicians, musicians, and a pet zoo.


1. Which food is not mentioned in the article?

AStrawberry shortcake CStrawberry candy
BStrawberry jam DStrawberry pizza

2. What are the annual revenues from strawberries?

A$100 million B$85,000 million C$335 million D$16 million

3. Who is the target audience of “Strawberryland”?

Aadolescents Bchildren Cyoung adults Dthe elderly


4. What attractions are available for the visitors?

Aarts and crafts exhibits

Bstrolling musicians, clowns, artists

Cface-painting, contests

Dall of the above




Дата добавления: 2015-09-14; просмотров: 164; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!; Нарушение авторских прав

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