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Building ConstructionText: Building Construction Grammar: · Word order (Синявская, p. 361) · Word-building suffixes of nouns: -er/-or (Синявская, p. 21) New words: 1. (dis)advantage, n. [dısqd´va:ntıG] преимущество (недостаток) 2. affect, v. [q´fekt] воздействовать, влиять 3. assembly, n. [q´semblı] монтаж, сборка 4. clay, n. [cleı] глина 5. concrete, n. [´kOnkri:t] бетон 6. construction, n. [kqn´strAkS(q)n] строительство 7. determine, v. [dı´tE:mın] определять 8. durable, adj. [´djV(q)bl] долговечный, прочный 9. employ, v. [ım´plOı] нанимать 10. environment, n. [ın´vaırqnmqnt] окружающая среда 11. erection, n. [ı´rekS(q)n] сооружение, возведение 12. exploit, v. [´eksplOıt] использовать 13. property, n. [´prOpqtı] свойство 14. quality, n. [´kwOlıtı] качество 15. span, n. [spæn] пролет; протяженность 16. structure, n. [´strAktSq] конструкция, строение 17. technique, n. [tek´ni:k] метод, способ, технология 18. value, n. [´vælju:] значение, ценность Translate the following derived words. Model : verb stem + -er/ -or/ -ist® noun with the meaning of the doer of the action to build – строить ® builder – строитель To design ® designer; to manufacture ® manufacturer; to contract ® contractor; to separate ®separator; to work ®worker; to use ®user. 2. Read the following international words. What Russian words do they associate with? Activity, architecture, climate, comfort, consultant, control, to coordinate, effect, factor, function, industry, natural, material, metal, to organize, plastic, process, to regulate, social, standard, symbolic, synthetic, system, temperature, tendency, ventilation.
Translate the following word combinations. Building construction, construction methods, controlled environment, to regulate the effects, durable structures, increasing durability, symbolic value, powerful machinery, research establishments, safety standards; user needs, construction management, quality control. Find the antonyms. early exterior natural late interior complicated durable at once advantage fragile powerful synthetic gradually disadvantage simple weak Find the synonyms. 1. to involve a) to consist; b) to include; c) to imply. 2. to erect a) to assemble; b) to work; c) to construct. 3. dwelling a) build; b) building; c) builder. 4. to exploit a) to use b) to employ; c) to operate. 5. significant a) simple; b) complicated; c) important. 6. control a) operation; b) regulation; c) modification. 7. diverse a) safe; b) varied; c) durable. 8. to affect a) to influence; b) to employ; c) to determine.