

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Make up situations using the English equivalents of the words given above. 31. Explain the meaning of the following words and word combinations in English:


31. Explain the meaning of the following words and word combinations in English:


Top universities; competitive entry requirements; highest reputation; distance education; public higher education institutions


32. Work in pairs and decide whether these statements are true or false:


1. Russia’s top universities do not have any entry requirements.

2. Special entry exams are not held every year.

3. Higher education is provided only by non-public accredited higher education institutions.

4. The academic year lasts from October 1 to the middle of June everywhere.

5. Most of Russia’s universities are located in large cities. Give some examples.

6. The system of distance education in Russia is more developed than in the US and other Western European countries.


33. Find in the text the situations in which the following word combinations are used:


Russia’s top universities; the academic year; highest reputation; distance education; specific professional needs


34. Read and translate the following text about Bauman Moscow State Technical University:


Bauman Moscow State Technical University is a public university located in Moscow, Russia. Bauman MSTU is one of the oldest and biggest Russian educational institutions offering the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in various engineering fields and applied sciences.

The university was established in 1830 as Imperial Vocational School by a decree of Emperor Nicholas I. It was renamed in 1868 as Imperial Moscow Technical School, then after the 1917 revolution to Moscow Highest Technical School (MHTS).

A number of research institutes were created from laboratories and departments of MHTS in 1930. The remaining school was named Bauman Moscow Mechanical and Machine Construction Institute. The name MHTS was revived in 1943. The current name was given in 1989.

Departments of the University:

  • Radioelectronics and Laser Technology
  • Fundamental Sciences
  • Machine Construction Technologies
  • Special Machines
  • Power Machines
  • Robotic Technology and Automation
  • Computer Science and Control Systems
  • Biomedical Technology
  • Social and Human Sciences
  • Engineering Business and Management
  • Radiotechnology
  • Rocket and Space Technology
  • Optico-electronic Equipment
  • Equipment Construction
  • Air and Space


35. Use the plan below to compose your own story about the University in which you study:


1. State/non-state University; 2. Old/new University;
3. Big/small University; 4. Date of the foundation;
5. A brief history of the University; 6. Departments of the University;
7. The teaching staff of the University;
8. Number of students; 9. Achievements of the University


36. Read the text about one of Russia’s top universities and give its brief summary:

Text 1 D

Moscow State University


Lomonosov Moscow State University is the oldest and the most prestigious university of Russia. Moscow University was founded in 1755 on Saint Tatiana’s Day at the decree of the Empress Elizaveta and on the initiative of the great Russian scientist Mikhail Lomonosov. The day of Moscow University’s foundation is celebrated as the Student’s Day in Russia. Started with three faculties in 1755, Moscow State University nowadays offers education in 27 faculties and research training in a number of institutes. Moscow State University has a long-standing tradition of academic excellence. At this oldest and most famous Russian university, scientific and educational schools of international reputation have been formed. A number of its graduates and professors had become Nobel Prize winners and are considered world famous scientists. According to all private and governmental surveys, Lomonosov Moscow State University is the leading national educational establishment. It is internationally recognized and ranked among the top ten in the world. The University has been providing a means for the people from all over the world to learn about the latest advances in sciences, humanities and medicine for about 250 years.

The total number of university students including post-graduates exceeds 30,000. The university employs 8,500 professors, teachers and researchers. About 6,900 of them hold Doctor of Science Degrees. The number of foreign students is growing constantly. Currently the university hosts about 3,000 students from about 100 countries. The university teachers and professors are highly qualified and world recognized for their achievements in modern sciences. Further, the application of the latest techniques in teaching provides the necessary background for an excellent education. The Diploma of Moscow University has won universal prestige and is recognized worldwide. Many educational programmes are carried out in close co-operation with research institutes of the university and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The main building of the university is world famous for its exceptional architecture and size — it is the largest and highest university building throughout the world. The university campus located in one of the most beautiful parts of Moscow supplies the students with all necessary facilities: lecture halls, laboratories, libraries, dining halls, dormitories, movie theatre, conference hall, post office, clinics, pharmacy, and various shops. The university campus includes 12 training halls, 2 swimming pools, baseball and football stadiums, tennis courts and other sport facilities. The university closely cooperates with the leading international organizations including UNESCO and The World Bank.

The University is a member of various international associations and has concluded more than 350 exchange, research and cooperation agreements with universities on all continents. Moscow State University is also the centre of cooperation between the universities of the former USSR. The Rector, Prof. V.A.Sadovnichy, is the President of the Eurasian Association of Universities. Many outstanding scholars, public and state leaders of the world have been elected Honourary Professors and Doctors of the University. Among them are J. Goethe, the beloved German thinker and novellist, the first prime-minister of India Jawaharlal Nehru, Margarete Thatcher, Bill Clinton.

Moscow State University provides a wide range of educational services and educational programmes. It has established modern educational programmes in all basic areas of research and education. The educational system of the University is designed to give a student deep understanding of fundamental disciplines combined with specialization in the applied and concrete scientific problems.

Almost all programmes at the University are delivered in the Russian language. However, some graduate and training programmes are conducted in foreign languages. Courses of different type and duration, pre-university programmes, various specialized courses including teachers’ and researchers’ qualification advancement studies as well as courses of the Russian language, history and culture are open for international students.


Notes on the text


to hostзд. принимать

alumnus (pl. alumni) – (лат.) бывший питомец, выпускник университета или колледжа



37. Find in the text the words or phrases which mean the same as:

§ по инициативе § день студента
§ достижения § аспирантура
§ всемирное признание § сотрудничество
§ благоприятные условия § международные организации

38. Choose the correct word from text 1D to complete the sentences:


1. Moscow State University is the oldest and the most ___ university of Russia.

2. Moscow University was founded on ___ of January.

3. Moscow State University nowadays offers ___ in 27 faculties.

4. A number of its graduates and professors became ___ winners.

5. The University is the ___ national educational establishment.

6. The University teachers and professors are highly ___ and world recognized for their achievements in modern science.

7. The main building of the University is world famous for its exceptional ___ and size.

8. The University closely ___ with the leading international organizations including UNESCO and the World Bank.

9. Moscow State University provides a wide range of ___ services and programmes.


39. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box:


recognized long-standing offers celebrated decree


Moscow University was founded on 12 (25)th of January 1755 on Saint Tatiana’s Day at the 1 ___ of the Empress Elizaveta and on the initiative of the great Russian scientist Mikhail Lomonosov. The day of Moscow University’s foundation is 2 ___ as the Student’s Day in Russia. Started with three faculties in 1755, Moscow State University nowadays 3 ___ education in 27 faculties and research training in a number of institutes. The University has a 4 ___ tradition of academic excellence. Moscow State University is internationally 5 ___ and ranked among the top-ten in the world.


Check your answers on p. 279.


40. Match each word in A with the Russian equivalent in B:


1. initiative a. исследование
2. to celebrate b. бывшие выпускники
3. excellence c. мыслитель
4. establishment d. обеспечивать
5. to supply e. учреждение
6. thinker f. выдающееся мастерство
7. alumni g. праздновать
8. research h. инициатива


41. Read the following text and give it a suitable title to it:


Since 1953, most of the faculties have been situated on Sparrow Hills, in the southwest of Moscow. The Main building was designed by architect Lev Vladimirovich Rudnev. In the post-war era, Stalin ordered seven huge tiered neoclassic towers built around the city.

The MSU Main building is by far the largest of these. It was also the tallest building in the world outside of New York City at the time of its construction, and it remained the tallest building in Europe until 1988. The central tower is 240m tall, 36-stories high, and flanked by four huge wings of student and faculty accommodations. It is said to contain a total of 33 kilometers of corridors and 5,000 rooms.

Facilities available inside the building include a concert hall, a theatre, a museum, various administration services, a library, a swimming pool, a police station, a post office, a laundry, a hairdresser's salon, a canteen, bank offices, shops, cafeterias, a bomb shelter, etc. Along with the university administration, four of the main faculties — the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, the Faculty of Geology, the Faculty of Geography, and the Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts — now remain in the Main buiding. The star on the top of the tower is large enough to include a small room and a viewing platform; it weighs 12 tons.

The building’s facades are ornamented with giant clocks, barometers, and thermometers, statues, carved wheat sheaves, and Soviet crests (recently renovated). It stands before a terrace featuring statues of male and female students gazing optimistically and confidently into the future.

While the Sparrow Hills were on the outskirts of the city at the time of the construction of the Main building, they are now about halfway from the Kremlin to the city limits. Several other buildings and sports facilities were later added to the city campus, including the only baseball stadium in Russia.

Currently, a new building is under construction for the social sciences faculties, and a vast new facility has just been built for the library, which is the second largest in Russia by volume (number of books). The university also has several dormitory buildings in the southwest of Moscow outside the campus.


42. Consult the TEXTS FOR SUPPLEMENTARY READING and complete the information about Russian universities – Tomsk State University (Text 4) and South-Russia State Technical University (Text 5). Be ready to discuss the information you have read.


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