

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Ex.8 Translate into English.

1.Скорость ветра составляет 5 метров в секунду.

2.Идёт дождь.

3.Идёт снег.

4.Гроза закончилась.

5.Небо ясное.

6.Небо покрыто облаками.

7.Температура за бортом составляет минус 50 градусов.

8.Взлётная полоса мокрая/скользкая/покрыта льдом.

9.Рейс задерживается из-за погодных условий.

10.Мы летим в условиях плохой погоды.

11.Какая погода в Москве?

12.Температура на борту составляет плюс 22 градуса.


WOULD LIKE часто употребляется в значении want, особенно в вежливых просьбах и предложениях.

Would you like to change seats?

Would you like a cup of tea?


Ex.9 Use a more polite way:Take your seat. – Would you take your seat, please?


1. Go up the steps.

2. Take any vacant seats.

3. Put your hand luggage under the seat in front of you.

4. Put your light items to the overhead bin.

5. Keep your briefcase briefcase on the floor under your seat.

6. Fasten your seat belts.

7. Do not smoke.

8. Change seats with this lady.

9. Take a window seat.

10. Use a baby-cot for your baby.

11. Show me your boarding card.

12. Put your baby into the cradle.


Ex.10 Use would like in the following sentences:


1. Will you take a seat here?

2. Will you take this seat?

3. Will you put your baby into the cot?

4. Will you put these things into the overhead bin?

5. Where will you take a seat?

6. Where will you keep your bag?


Ex.11 Practice your own dialogues between the CA and the passengers having some problems:


1. A passenger wants to locate his seat;

2. A passenger is sitting in the wrong seat;

3. A passenger would like to seat by the window;

4. A passenger sitting in the first class, has an economy class card;

5. Two passengers are arguing over the same seats;

6. A young mother asks you to help her with her baby;


Special meal/food Children meal Baby meal/infant meal Diabetic meal Low-calorie meal Hindu meal Kosher meal Moslem meal Vegetarian meal Breakfast/lunch/dinner Dessert Snack/appetizer Garnish/side dish Soup/broth Sour cream Cottage cheese, dumplings Yoghurt Cheese(processed/hard/soft) Egg(soft//boiled egg) Fried eggs Scrambled eggs Omelette Vegetable oil Olive oil Butter Ketchup Mayonnaise Mustard Sauce/dressing/seasoning Vinegar Salt, pepper Horseradish Spicy Salty, sweet Bitter Sour Piquant Rice, buckwheat Pasta/macaroni/noodles Mushrooms Roll (white, poppy, seeds, bran, sesame) Bread (rye, white, brown, fresh, stale) Pancake Sippets Confectionary Sweets (with cream filling) Chocolate bar Pastry/cake Sponge cake Flaky cake Chocolate sweets/Assorted chocolates Cracker Biscuits/cookie Waffles Jam Sugar/lump of sugar Sugar substitute Ice cream Canned fruit to taste Tasty/delicious/tasteless Tray/serving tray


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