

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника


1. Phonetic Drill. Transcribe and pronounce correctly:

queue, tarmac, rear, periodic, commentary, navigator, crew, to scuttle, height, crowned.

2. Give Russian equivalents of:

Adult variety; everybody busily buys magazines; a continual succession of meals and drinks; journeys are deadly; working through the time-tables of the different services; the head of the queue; we fished traveling atlases out of our bags; to pick up an expected town, or wood, or lake; came through on one of his periodic visits to the passengers; passes a bit of paper down to the passengers; powdered with snow; he's a good type.

3. Give English equivalents of:

Самолет (2); кресло (в самолете); место; пояс (на кресле в самолете); пилот; штурман; стюардесса; команда; аэ­ропорт; воздушная линия; расписание самолетов; взлетать (подниматься в воздух); садиться (приземляться); лететь самолетом; полет; воздушное путешествие; посадка; взлет; скорость; высота; предполагаемое время прибытия.

4. Give synonyms to the following words:

Aircraft, obvious, route, timetable, crew, mutter.

5. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Give
your reasons.


For disagreement For agreement

Nothing of the kind. I fully agree.

Not in the least. I think so.

Definitely not. That's quite right.


1. When the flight was at last announced, a boy of about 13 slipped, quite politely, to the head of the queue.

2. It was a good day; there was not a cloud in the sky.

3. We were not far from Edinburgh when the captain of the aircraft came through on one of his periodic visits to the passengers.

4. George was reading an interesting book.

5. The captain tapped him on the shoulder.

6. On most longish flights the captain once or twice passes a bit of paper down to the passengers.

7. The paper gives the aircraft's speed, height, position and E.T.A.

8. After some time a woman's voice came over the speaker.

9. Some of the grown-ups even put down their magazines for a moment and looked out of the window.

10. George came back with a tearful face.

6. Fill in the blanks with prepositions:

1. It takes ages to get ... the air, these days-three-quarters ... an hour to get ... the London traffic ... the bus, per­haps another half-hour ... the airport until the flight is ready.

2. ... some air journeys you spend as much time ... the ground as you do ... the air between terminals.

3. Waiting ... the flight to be announced ... the loudspeaker, I looked ... the passengers who were going to travel... our aircraft.

4. These were buzzing round the waiting-room ... a great deal... zeal-indeed, impatience-looking closely ... all the maps ... air-routes, working through the time-tables ... the different service.

5. When the flight was ... last announced, a boy. fifteen

slipped, quite politely, ... the head ... the queue, and was

one ... the first to board the aircraft when we were...

the tarmac.

6. I sat... behind him.

7. Now and then we got... to look..... the port window, to

pick ... an expected town, or wood, or lake.

8. George was looking...... the window and mumbling ...

... his running commentary.



9. The captain tapped him... the shoulder. 10. Sure enough, along came Windermere, a silver ribbon ... a landscape ... great green hills, crowned ... spring snow.

7. Give all the derivatives to the words:

Some, announce, air, snow, expect.

8. Give antonyms of the following words:

To take off; to loose one's seat-belt; starboard; rear of the aircraft; ETA.

9. Explain the meaning of the following words and phras­
Use them in questions of your own and ask your
classmates to answer these questions:

(1) aircrash (2) non-stop flight (3) to hit an air-pocket (4) forced landing (5) safety card (6) cabin crew (7) ground steward.

10. Retell "Making the Best of Journeys" on the part of George.


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