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Peter and Mary Almar have arrived at Istanbul airport to catch a plane to Athens. They register their tickets and check-in their luggage.

Mary:Is this the check-in for the flight to Athens?

Check-in clerk:Yes, that's right. Can I see your tickets and pass­ports, please? And could you put your baggage on the scale?

Peter:Can 1 take this briefcase as hand baggage?

Check-in clerk:Yes, that's all right. Smoking or no smoking?

Mary:No smoking, please.

Check-in clerk:Here are your boarding cards. You'll need to show them again at the gate.

Mary:Can we board the aircraft now?

Check-in clerk:Can you wait until it's announced, please, and then go to Passport Control.

Announcement:Sabena Airways flight SN 862 to Athens and Brussels. This flight is now boarding at Gate 6.

Check-in clerk:Boarding now at Gate 6.

Mary:Thank you.

Read, memorize and practice the dialogue.
11. Read the extracts (dialogues) andcomplete thischart-
extract destination problem solution





Check-in clerk:Good morning.

Passenger:Good morning. Is this the check-in for BA113

to Paris?

Check-in clerk: Itis. Can Isee your ticket?

Passenger:Sure, here you are.

Check-in clerk:Thank you. Can you put your suitcases on the

baggage scales?


Check-in clerk:Three cases. Hmmm. They are a bit heavy.

You'll have to pay an excess baggage charge, I'm


Passenger:Oh, dear. What's the limit then?

Check-in clerk:Thirty kilos on this flight. And you have nearly forty kilos.

Passenger:How much do I have to pay then? Or can I take this one on as hand baggage?

Check-in clerk: Isuppose so — if you put your other bag inside it-

Passenger:OK.Yes, it fits. Is that under thirty kilos now?

Check-in clerk:Yes, just about.

Passenger:Good, that's saved some money! Thank you very much indeed.

Check-in clerk:Now, would you like an aisle seat or window seat...?


Check-in clerk:Unfortunately, I can't put you all together.

Passenger: What!

Check-in clerk: Ican do two in row 6 and two in row 11.

Passenger:Oh no! Can't you do anything else? It's an eight-hour flight to Orlando. We don't want to be separated for that length of time.

Check-in clerk:Well, I don't think there's any other possibility, I'm afraid. As 1 said, I haven't got four seats to­gether.

Passenger: That isn't good enough. Isn't there something else to do?

Check-in clerk:Let me see. Well, what about two together in row 14 — an aisle seat and a middle seat — and two aisle seats in 13 and 15. At least you'd be able to talk to each other.

Passenger: OK, Isuppose that'll do if you've nothing bet­ter, but 1 would have thought that as we'd have been able to sit in the same row....


Check-in clerk:Would you like a window seat or an aisle seat?

Passenger:Could 1have an aisle seat, please?

Check-in clerk:Of course. Seat 15C.

Passenger:Good, because 1 want to keep my guitar with me.

Check-in clerk:Oh, I'm sorry. You won't be able to put anything in the aisle.

Passenger:Really? Yes, of course, I didn't really think. But what do I do with this guitar case?

Check-in clerk: I'llhave to check it in with your suitcase.

Passenger:But 1 don't really want it to get damaged in the hold — it's very valuable to me personally.

Check-in clerk:I'm sure it'll be safe.

Passenger:Hmm, 1 don't know... .

Check-in clerk:Well, what you could do is check it in with one of the ground staff just before you board the plane. They'll put it in a special place in the hold reserved for fragile items.

Passenger:OK, 1 guess that's all right.

Check-in clerk:Right, I'll just put this tag on.

Passenger:Thank you.

Check-in clerk:And here's your boarding pass... .

Which of thepassengers would you describe as:

— angry and a little aggressive?

— vague and nervous?

— polite and passive?





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