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Now read the interview with Kim Whittle to find out if your predictions were correct.Interviewer:Right, let's look at what it takes to be a stewardess. Kim:Well, the first thing to say is that we don't use the term stewardess — or steward, or air hostess — any more. The proper term is flight attendant. Interviewer:Of course, I'm sorry. Kim:I'm afraid that there's little hope for you if you're not in your twenties. Of course, some airlines will take you on, say, if you're nineteen, but practically no airline will look at you if you're over thirty. So, sort of 19 to 29 is about it. Interviewer:What about the way you look? Kim:Companies do differ quite a bit when it comes to physical appearance. If you're under five feet two inches — that's about one metre 55 — your chances are slim, and also if you're over six feet two (about one metre 85) you're probably excluded. You should be of average build and your weight should be proportionate to your height. Some of the aisles are a bit narrow and it helps if you can squeeze past the drinks trolley without knocking a passenger's drink out of their hand! Interviewer:Is it the same for men and women? Kim:Yes, more or less. Another thing is that you're on your feet for hours at a time, walking back and forth, so you've got to be in pretty good health. You don't need twenty-twenty vision but you've got to have fairly good eyesight. Naturally accidents can happen so just about all companies insist on your being able to swim. Another important qualification is that you have completed secondary school. I think it's true to say that a lot of companies prefer to take on people with some college education too. It helps if you have a good grasp of geography — passengers sometimes like to know what countries they're flying over, and if a flight attendant doesn't exactly inspire confidence! A good memory also comes in handy when you consider that, on a 747 transatlantic flight for example, there are over 28,000 items loaded on every flight — and a flight attendant has to know every one of them! Interviewer:Presumably a flight attendant also needs to know a language or two.
Kim:Well, I'm afraid to say that airline companies based in English-speaking countries are a little bit guilty here. Some don't have any foreign language requirements at all. English is enough, I'm afraid. However, in other countries at least one foreign language is an absolute necessity, and it's usually English. Interviewer:So let's say you've got the interview — they're interested in you. What's important now? Kim:First impressions are important. I think it's crucial to look smart, but there's no need to put on your most boring outfit. There's nothing wrong with wearing something fashionable — fashionable but smart. Try to come across as being friendly and confident. Some airlines try to test your poise by asking some difficult personal questions, or by making personal remarks about your appearance or your foreign languages. They want to see how you respond to pressure. Try to remain calm and poised is the best advice I can give. Finally, 1 should say it's surprising how many people don't actually think about what the job involves before they apply. For some companies you have to spend up three weeks away from home at a time! So if you've just met the man or woman of your dreams, think twice before you send off that application form! (by Keith Harding) 9. An important part of the selection procedure for an airline is to understand the psychology of an applicant. Here are ten typical questions from a pre-interview questionnaire. 1) How strong and confident are you? 2) How often can you be honest with your friends? 3) What do you look for most in a job? 4) What kind of people do you admire? 5) How do you like to spend Saturday nights? 6) What do you do when you get bad service? 7) When do you work overtime? 8) How do you feel when people criticize you? 9) What do you value most? 10) How easy is it for you to achieve your goals? 10. Match the questions to the multiple-choice options below. A It doesn't bother me at all. 1 don't usually mind. 1 don't like it very much. 1 hate it. Â Dealing with people Security Travel Adventure and excitement Ñ Very — I always get what 1 want. I've never really had to struggle. Not very — it always takes a lot of effort. I've never really had many. D Very — you need to be to survive. Quite — in a quiet way. 1 try to be but it's not easy. Not at all — I'm quite shy really. E Complain — more people should too. 1 get embarrassed but I say something. It depends — sometimes I do something. Nothing — it doesn't really bother me. F My close relationships. My personality and appearance. My intelligence. My knowledge and skills. G Every time my boss asks me to. Only when there is an emergency.
When Iwant toget something finished. Never— I don't need to in my job. H Business people Writers Police officers Film stars I Throwing a wild party. With family and friends. With a special person. On my own, reading. J Very — that's what they are for. Quite — it depends how well I know them. I usually try to bite my tongue. Rarely — people don't appreciate it. 11.Imagine you are the airline's Personnel Officer. Which of these answers would indicate a good applicant? Which would worry you? How would you deal with these worries in an interview? 12.Now complete the questionnaire for yourself. Compare your answers with your partner andsee if you agree with your assessments of yourselves. 13.Retell "Victoria's First Flight" in the Is' person singular on the part of Victoria. VICTORIA'S FIRST FLIGHT Sitting in her seat at Airways Terminal there had come the magic moment when the words "Passengers for Cairo, Bagdad and Teheran, take your places in the bus, please," had been uttered. Magic names, magic words. Devoid of glamour to Mrs. Hamilton Clipp who, as far as Victoria could make out, had spent a large portion of her life jumping from boats into airplanes and from airplanes into trains with brief intervals at expensive hotels in between. ... They arrived at Keith Row and she assisted Mrs. Clipp to alight from the bus. She was already in charge of passports, tickets, money, etc. "My," said that lady, "it certainly is a comfort to have you with me, Miss Jones. I just don't know what I'd have done if I'd had to travel alone." Travelling by air, Victoria thought, was rather like being taken on a school treat. Brisk teachers, kind, but firm, were at hand to shepherd you at every turn. Air hostesses in trim uniform with the authority of a nursery governess dealing with feeble-minded children explained kindly just what you were to do. Victoria always expected them to preface their remarks with "Now, children." The various barriers passed, they sat down to wait once more in a large room giving directly on the aerodrome. Outside the roar of a plane being revved up gave the proper background. Having duly appraised her fellow-travellers, Mrs. Clipp became restless. "I'd like to know what we are waiting for like this? That plane's revved up four times. We're all here. Why can't they got on with things? They are certainly not keeping to schedule!" "Now then, please," said the smart Nursery Governess Air Hostess. "Take your seats in the plane. As quickly, as you can, please." Her attitude implied that a lot of children had been keeping the patient grown-ups waiting. Everybody filed on the airplane. The great plane was waiting, its engine ticking over like the satisfied purring of a gigantic lion. Victoria and a steward helped Mrs. Clipp on board and settled her in her seat. Victoria sat next to her in the aisle. Not until Mrs. Clipp was comfortably settled and Victoria had fastened her safety-belt, did the girl have leisure to observe the man sitting in front of them. The doors closed. A few seconds later the plane began to move slowly along the ground. "We're really going," thought Victoria in ecstasy. "Oh, isn't it frightening? Suppose it never gets up off the ground? Really, I don't see how it can?" During what seemed an age, the plane taxied along the aerodrome then it turned slowly round and stopped. The engines rose to a ferocious roar. Chewing-gum, barley sugar and cotton wool were handed round. Louder and Louder, fiercer and fiercer. Then, once more, the airplane moved forward! Mincingly at first, then faster, faster still, they were rushing along the ground. "It will never go up," thought Victoria, "Wfe'll be killed." Faster — more smoothly — no jars, no bumps, they were off the ground skimming along up, round, back over the car park and the main road, up, higher, a silly little train puffing below, dolls' houses, the cars on the roads ... Higher still, and suddenly the earth below lost interest, was no longer human or alive, just a large flat map with lines and circles and dots. Inside the plane people undid their safety-belts, lit cigarettes, opened magazines. Victoria was in a new world, a world so many feet long, and a very few feet wide, inhabited by twenty to thirty people. Nothing else existed. She peered out of the small window again. Below her were clouds, a fluffy pavement of clouds. The plane was in the sun. Below 'the clouds somewhere was the world she had known heretofore. 14.Read the leaflet "Mackenzie Airport Welcomes First-time Fliers". It describes the procedure for passengers at an airport. Fill in the gaps with words or phrases from the list below. 15.
MACKENZIE AIRPORT WELCOMES FIRST-TIME FLIERS! Welcome to Mackenzie Airport, designed to get your jour comfort. For first-time fliers, we're prepared this leaflet to help you on your way. When you arrive at the 2_______ you'll find plenty of 3____ for your luggage. Once inside the spacious departures concourse there are over fifty 4__ where your ticket will be checked and you'll be given a 5____ . Your luggage will be weighed and put on a 6___ which takes it to the plane. Please note there is a weight limit and any 7__ will have to be paid for. You can keep one small bag with you and take it into the You should then go through 9__ , where an 10___ will look at your passport, and a 11__ to make sure you are not carrying any dangerous or illegal items. Now you'll find your While you're waiting for your flight to be called, why not buy Soon you'll hear an 14___ or see on the 15___ that your flight is 16_____ . It will also tell you which 17___ to go to. Here you'll be helped by a 18__ and on the plane a 19___ will direct you to your seat. Bon voyage! On your return to Mackenzie Airport we try to offer the same efficient service. After you've passed through 20___ , your luggage will be waiting on the moving 21__ in the 22____ hall. Then pass through 23___ where you should take either the 24____ , if you have nothing to declare, or the red chan services. On behalf of everyone at Mackenzie Airport, I wish you a very pleasant journey. Neil Thomson Neil Thomson, Director of Mackenzie Airport Welcome to Mackenzie!