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World Cancer Day 2013 4 страница

7. The type … antibiotics you take depends … the type of infection you have and what kind of antibiotics are known to be effective.


Exercise 13. Put questions to the underlined words:

1. The discovery of antibiotics greatly improved the quality of human life in the twentieth century.

2. Antibiotic drugs are made from living organisms such as fungi, molds.

3. Antibiotics can also be produced synthetically (artificially).

4. Prontosil was discovered in 1935 by German chemist Gerhard Domagk.

5. Bacterial resistance occurs when some bacteria survive attack by the antibacterial drug.

6. In 1928, British bacteriologist Alexander Fleming discovered the bacteria-killing property of penicillin.

7. The antibiotic works by blocking the formation of the bacterial cell wall, thus killing the bacteria.

Exercise 14. Open the brackets using the necessary form of the infinitive:

1. This is the patient (to give) a painkiller.

2. She wanted (to send) to the conference in medicine.

3. My friend appears (to recover) rapidly.

4. (To operate) this patient we will have to give him a general anesthesia first.

5. The nurse brought the blood (to transfer) to the patient (to operate).

6. The sutures (to remove) on the 4th day.

7. The patient (to take) to an operating room immediately to prevent the rupture of the appendix.


Exercise 15. Read the additional text. Before reading it answer the following questions:

1) What are the main ways of taking antibiotics?

2) Is it important to complete the whole course of the medication?

3) What will happen if a patient doesn’t complete the course of antibiotics?

4) How should some antibiotics be taken?

5) What is it necessary to do if you want the medication to be effective?

6) When do most antibiotics start having an effect on an infection?

7) What must be avoided when taking certain types of antibiotics?

How to Use Antibiotics

Antibiotics are usually taken by mouth (orally); however, they can also be administered by injection, or applied directly to the affected part of the body.

Most antibiotics start having an effect on an infection within a few hours. It is important to remember to complete the whole course of the medication to prevent the infection from coming back. If you do not complete the course, there is a higher chance the bacteria may become resistant to future treatments – because the ones that survive when you did not complete the course have had some exposure to the antibiotic and may consequently have built up a resistance to it. Even if you are feeling better, you still need to complete the course.

Some antibiotics should not be consumed with certain foods and drinks. Others should not be taken with food in your stomach – these would normally be taken about an hour before meals, or two hours after. It is crucial that you follow the instructions correctly if you want the medication to be effective. If you are taking metronidazole do not consume alcohol. Dairy products should not be consumed if you are taking tetracyclines, as they might affect the absorption of the medication.


Exercise 16. Be ready to discuss:

the way of how antibiotics are obtained;

the types of antibiotics and their effects;

side-effects of antibiotics.


Exercise 17. Explain in English:

Antibiotics, bacterium, fungus, microbe, penicillin


GRAMMAR IN USE: Infinitive, its forms and syntactic functions


Infinitive   Forms
Active Passive
Simple   Continuous   Perfect   Perfect Continuous   To ask   To be asking   To have asked   To have been asking To be asked   -----------------   To have been asked   --------------


Syntactic functions

To study well is our duty. (підмет)   The doctor’s duty is to treat the patients. (присудок)   I want to become a doctor. (додаток)   Pirogov was the first to have used plaster-of-Paris. (означення)   This lecture is one of the most important to attend. (означення)   I entered the Medical University to study and become a doctor. (обставина мети)   The patient was too weak to get out of the bed. (обставина мети) Добре навчатися – наш обов’язок.   Обов’язок лікаря – лікувати пацієнтів.   Я хочу стати лікарем.   Пирогов був першим, хто використав гіпс.     Ця лекція одна з найважливіших, яку слід відвідати.   Я вступив до медичного університету, щоб навчатися і стати лікарем.   Пацієнт був дуже слабким, щоб вставати з ліжка.


Exercise 18. Define the forms and syntactic functions of Infinitive and translate the sentences into Ukrainian:

1. The doctor wanted to examine the patient in the morning.

2. To know Anatomy well is necessary for every surgeon.

3. Our students came to the Institute to listen to the lecture on bones.

4. My friend was the first to have taken the examination in Biology.

5. The surgeon will begin to be operating on this patient at 10 o’clock.

6. He wants to determine the direction of muscular fibers.

7. He seems to have finished his work.



1. Antibiotic is a drug produced by certain ...

a) plants; b) insects; c) animals; d) microbes (bacteria and fingi).

2. Antibiotic sub­stances are obtained from bacteria and fungi that …

a) are grown synthetically at laboratories; b) live in the air, soil, and water;

c) live in swamps; d) are obtained from plants and animals.


3. Antibiotics are selectively toxic, i.e.

a) they are harmful to the cells of pathogenic microbes, but do not damage others;

b) they damage human cells;

c) they damage cells that are in the process of dividing;

d) they are not harmful to any types of cells.


4. Antibiotics are sometimes called "wonder drugs" because …

a) they make a patient feel euphoria;

b) they can treat only cancer and tuberculosis;

c) they can be used as a prophylaxis of infectious diseases;

d) they can cure many diseases that once were often fatal.


5. Antibiotics are used in …

a) heavy industries; b) agriculture; c) chemistry; d) biology.


6. Most antibiotics are used to fight … various diseases caused by harmful microbes.

a) on; b) in; c) against; d) for.


7. The number of deaths that are caused by meningitis, pneumonia, and scarlet fever has declined drastically … people began using antibiotics.

a) since; b) when; c) after; d) before


8. Antibiotics are selectively …

a) venomous; b) poisonous; c) malignant; d) toxic


9. Antibiotics are often called "… drugs".

a) surprise; b) wonder; c) miracle; d) marvel


10. … add antibiotics to livestock feed to stimulate the animals’ growth.

a) surgeons; b) physicians; c) manufacturers; d) farmers.


CARDIO-VASCULAR DRUGS – Серцево-судинні препарати


Exercise 1. Learn the following words.

advance improve category diuretics anticoagulant anti-platelet digitalis vasodilators calcium channel convert enzyme cholesterol lengthen warfarin arrhythmia angina congestive switch [əd ' va:ns] [im'pru:v] [' kætəgəri] [daiju 'retiks] [æntikəu' ægjulənt] [ənti' pleitlit] [didʒi ' teilis] [veizədai ' leitə] [' kælsiəm] [' tʃænəl] [kən 'və:t] ['enzaim] [kə' lestərol] [' leŋƟən] [' wɔ:fərin] [ə' rɪ∂miə] [ən' ʤainə] [kən' ʤestiv] [' switʃ] поліпшення; прогрес поліпшувати(ся) категорія сечогінний (засіб) антикоагулянт антитромбоцитарний дигиталис, наперстянка судинорозширювальний кальцій канал перетворювати фермент, ензим холестерин подовжувати(ся) варфарін аритмія стенокардія застійний перемикати

Exercise 2.Translate into Ukrainian, paying attention to Participles.

Used as a means to control; advanced heart disease; broken into groups; depending upon their action; the following; as cholesterol-lowering drugs; to be retaining fluid; the intent with using diuretics; may be preferred to anticoagulants; to keep blood clots from forming; chest pain associated with angina; a pharmaceutical drug used primarily for the treatment; for those taking cardiovascular meds.


Exercise 3. Find corresponding equivalents:

1. insoluble compound 2. sodium salt 3. optically active 4. coagulation thrombi 5. platelet aggregation 6. arterial circulation 7. leaves or seeds of the foxglove 8. dilatation of the walls 9. feelings of suffocation 10. inadequate blood supply a) агрегація( склеювання) тромбоцитів b) нерозчинна сполука c) розширення стінок d) натрієва сіль e) відчутя задихання f) недостатнє кровопостачання g) артеріальна ціркуляція h) оптично активний i) листя та насіння наперстянки

Exercise 4. Match the words with their definitions.

angina pectoris ...a crystalline insoluble optically active compound, used as a rodenticide and, in the form of its sodium salt, as a medical anticoagulant. Formula: C19H16O4
anti-platelets ...acting to prevent or impair coagulation, esp. of blood.
anticoagulants ...is a member of a class of pharmaceuticals that decrease platelet aggregation and inhibit thrombus formation. They are effective in the arterial circulation, where anticoagulants have little effect. They are widely used in primary and secondary prevention of thrombotic cerebrovascular or cardiovascular disease.
arrhythmia ...a drug prepared from the dried leaves or seeds of the foxglove: a mixture of glycosides used medicinally to treat heart failure and some abnormal heart rhythms.
warfarin …a drug, agent, or nerve that can cause dilatation (vasodilatation) of the walls of blood vessels.
heart failure (HF) ...any variation from the normal rhythm in the heartbeat.
digitalis …a sudden intense pain in the chest, often accompanied by feelings of suffocation, caused by momentary lack of adequate blood supply to the heart muscle.
vasodilators …often called congestive … (CHF) is generally defined as the inability of the heart to supply sufficient blood flow to meet the needs of the body.

Exercise 5. Read and then translate the following word combinations into Ukrainian:

To prevent heart disease; to change treatment; to switch to other types of medications; to be broken into groups; to depend upon the action of a drug; to unable to control cholesterol levels; to reduce fluid retention; through diet and exercise; first line blood pressure medications; to lengthen the time; to cause stroke; formation of blood clots; to be preferred to anticoagulants; to slow fast arrhythmias; beta-blockers; in congestive heart failure; to beat more forcefully; to work more effectively; drug’s side effects and interactions.


Exercise 6. Read and translate the text:


Cardiovascular medications are used as a means to control or to prevent certain forms of heart disease. Many people with advanced heart disease may take several of these drugs, and drug treatment may change if the disease advances or improves.

Types of cardiovascular drugs may be broken into groups depending upon their action or what they treat. Categories that might describe drug actions include the following: statins, diuretics, anticoagulants, anti-platelet, beta-blockers, digitalis drugs, vasodilators, calcium channel blockers, and ACE (angiotensin-converting enzymes) inhibitors.

Statins may be better known to people as cholesterol-lowering drugs. When people are unable to control cholesterol levels through diet and exercise, doctors may prescribe different types of statins.

Diuretics are cardiovascular drugs that help to reduce fluid retention. These may also reduce blood pressure, though they usually aren’t first line blood pressure medications. When the body is retaining fluid, though, this can often make the heart work harder, and the intent with using diuretics is to reduce heart workload.

Anticoagulants lengthen the time it takes for blood to clot, which can help prevent formation of blood clots that might cause stroke. People who have artificial valves, who have had a stroke, or who are at risk for one may need an anticoagulant like warfarin to minimize future risk.

Anti-platelet drugs may be preferred to anticoagulants, and simple ones include medication like aspirin. These also work to keep blood clots from forming but through a different mechanism than most anticoagulants.

Beta Blockers have numerous uses. They may help control blood pressure, slow fast arrhythmias, and reduce chest pain associated with angina. The various beta-blockers result in a slower heartbeat that may help control numerous heart disease symptoms and which may reduce future risk of heart attack.

Digitalis is a good contrast to beta-blockers. Medications with digitalis stimulate the heart to beat more forcefully. Some people with arrhythmias may require this medication, and other times it is used when a person is in congestive heart failure.

Vasodilators like beta-blockers may reduce the work of the heart and they are often prescribed to treat chest pain resulting from angina.

Calcium Channel Blockers (CCB) are another group of cardiovascular drugs useful in the treatment of some forms of angina, and may also be prescribed to treat certain arrhythmias or high blood pressure.

An ACE inhibitor (or angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitor) is a pharmaceutical drug used primarily for the treatment of hypertension (high blood pressure) and congestive heart failure, although they may also be prescribed for cardiac failure, diabetic nephropathy, renal disease, systemic sclerosis, left ventricular hypertrophy and other disorders. An ACE inhibitor decreases some blood supply to the heart which reduces its work. Cardiovascular drugs that fall into this category might lower blood pressure and increase heart function.

The number of cardiovascular drugs and even the number of categories is extensive. Doctors may use a combination of drugs, or may try some, only to switch to other types that appear to work more effectively for an individual patient. For those taking cardiovascular meds, it’s always important to understand their purpose and have facts about each drug’s side effects and interactions. This is especially the case when a person must take more than one medication, since some drugs may have very significant interactions with others or a combination of medications may result in more difficult side effects.

Exercise 7. Answer the following questions:

1. What medications are used as a means to control or to prevent certain forms of heart disease?

2. In what cases may any drug treatment be changed?

3. What groups may all types of cardiovascular drugs be divided into?

4. Depending upon what are all types of cardiovascular drugs broken into groups?

5. What drugs are better known to people as cholesterol-lowering drugs?

6. What pharmaceutical drugs are primarily used for the treatment of hypertension (high blood pressure) and congestive heart failure?

7. What cardiovascular drugs may doctors prescribe when people are unable to control cholesterol levels through diet and exercise?

8. What helps to prevent formation of blood clots that might cause stroke?

9. In what case does a doctor switch to other types of medication?

10. What is always important to know for those taking cardiovascular meds?


Exercise 8. Choose one or more words from list B to modify the verbs from list A so as to make sense. Translate the word combinations into Ukrainian.

List A: significant; cardiovascular; side; ventricular; systemic; pharmaceutical; blood; cholesterol; blood; heart; fluid.

List B: pressure; interactions; drug; levels; retention; clots; meds; failure; effects; hypertrophy; sclerosis.


Exercise 9. Find the appropriate sentence endings:


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