

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

World Cancer Day 2013 1 страница

February 4th is World Cancer Day, a time when organizations and individuals around the world send a message: ………….. should be a global health priority.

One of the most visible events marking the occasion in the United States will be in …………., where the Empire State Building was lit blue and orange on Monday, February 4, for the third year in a row. The colors are those of the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC), which organizes World Cancer Day.

Every year, 7.6 million lives are lost to cancer worldwide – more than AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria combined – according to the ……………. .

This year the UICC focused on dispelling damaging myths and misconceptions about cancer, under the tagline “Cancer - Did you know?” The organization used World Cancer Day to improve …………… about cancer and dismiss these 4 myths:

· Myth 1:Cancer is just a health issue. Truth: Cancer is not just a health issue. It has …………… social, economic, development, and human rights implications.

· Myth 2: Cancer is a disease of the wealthy, elderly and developed countries. Truth:Cancer is a …………… epidemic. It affects all ages and socio-economic groups, with developing countries bearing a disproportionate burden.

· Myth 3: Cancer is a death sentence. Truth: Many cancers that were once considered a ……………... can now be cured and for many more people, their cancer can be treated effectively.

· Myth 4:Cancer is my fate. Truth: With the right ………., a third of the most common cancers can be prevented.

UICC   New York wide-reaching   global  
strategies knowledge death sentence   ending cancer  


Exercise 10. Read the description of the situations and answer the questions.

a) Your doctor examined you, did the tests, and recommended a treatment for a medical problem you have. You understand the doctor's instructions but you don't really understand what is wrong with you and what the treatment is all about. Would you ask for an explanation or would you simply trust the doctor's training and experience?

b) Your aunt has been sick for some time and has undergone a lot of tests to find out what is wrong with her. Her doctor sees the test results and feels that the patient has a disease that will probably be fatal. Your aunt is an emotional person and the doctor isn't sure whether to tell her the real diagnosis or simply to treat her symptoms and try to make her comfortable. What would you advise?


Exercise 11. In the sentences below, fill in the correct participles of the verbs in parentheses.

1. People who constantly complain are very __________ (annoy) to me.

2. Whenever Adrian gets __________ (bore), he goes fishing.

3. The students were __________ (confuse) by the Professor’s lecture.

4. Most of the news on television is __________ (depress).

5. The Ruttles were very ________ (excite) to learn that their concert was sold out.

6. Babysitting young children can be __________ (exhaust) for many people.

7. Steve was so __________ (fascinate) by the book that he finished it in one


8. Would you be __________ (frighten) if you saw a vampire?

9. After eating a __________ (satisfy) meal, the cat washed her face.

10. When Dagmar looked in the mirror, she was __________ (surprise) to see that she had a leaf in her hair.


1. Where does cancer arise from?

a) from the healthy tissue; b) from the surrounding structures;

c) from the connective tissue; d) from the epithelial cells


2. What plays a major part in the etiology of lung cancer?

a) drinking alcohol; b) exposure to dust;

c) cigarette smoking; d) inflammatory diseases


3. Among which group of people is lung cancer higher?

a) among Africans; b) among Americans;

c) among Asians; d) among Europeans.


4. Who was the term “cancer” first used by?

a) Gallen; b) Hippocrates;

c) R. Koch d) A. Fleming.


5. What is the most important thing in the prognosis of patients with carcinoma?

a) age of the patient; b) grade of malignancy;

c) geographical factors; d) family history.


6. The incidence of carcinomas comprises ……… of all malignant tumours, the rest are sarcomas.

a) 50%; b)90%; c)85%; d)30%.


7. ………. significantly affects the incidence of cancer.

a) the age; b) environmental factors; c) lifestyle; d) diet.


8. Many investigators suggest that …..… could represent a precancerous disease.

a) pyelonephritis; b) obesity; c) viral hepatitis; d) nephrolithiasis.


9. Cancer was mentioned about ……. years ago.

a) 3500; b) 200; c) 1000; d) 5000.


10. ……… plays a major part in the aetiology of lung cancer.

a) alcohol; b) drugs; c) cigarette smoking; d) junk food.


HEADACHE – Головний біль


Exercise 1. Practice the pronunciation of the following words:

Migraine ['mi:grein], atherosclerosis [æθərəusliə'rəusis], crisis ['kraisis], yawning ['jɔ:niŋ], consciousness ['kɔn∫əsnis], myocardium [maiəu'ka:diəm], peculiarity [pikju:li'æriti], encounter [in'kauntə], psychiatric [saiki'ætrik], fatiguability [fəti:gə'biliti]


Exercise 2. Topic vocabulary:

To encounter зустрічати(ця)

Value значення

On the background на фоні

Indisposition нездоров'я, легке нездужання

Formidable yawning сильне зевание

Fatiguability стомлюваність

In particular особливо, зокрема

To arise виникати

To omit пропускати

Peculiarity особливість

Appropriate відповідний

To be inclined to бути схильним до


Exercise 3. Form the new nouns with the meaning “inflammation”.

Model: appendix – appendicitis

Retina, sinus, esophagus, parodont, meninges, pulp, bronchus, vagina, trachea, myocardium, nerve, gingiva, thyroid, mastoid, conjunctiva.


Exercise 4. Read the definitions and fill in the blanks with the words given in brackets.

1. Study of the structure and functions of the brain - … .

2. Any disease of the brain - … .

3. Virus being the etiological factor of poliomyelitis - … .

4. Incision of part of the brain - … .

5. Inflammation of the brain - … .

6. Inflammation of the grey substance of the brain - … .

7. Any swelling or tumour of the brain - … .

8. Examination of the brain - … .

9. Inflammation of the spinal cord - … .

10. Atrophy of the brain grey substance - … .

11. Headache - … .

12. Any disease affecting the grey substance of the spinal cord - … .

13. Abnormal accumulation of fluid in the brain - … .

14. Neoplasm of the spinal cord - … .

15. Resembling brain, brain –like - … .

(Encephalitis, encephaloscopy, encephaloma, encephalagia, cerebrology, cerebroid, cerebropathy, cerebrotomy, hydrocephalus, polioencephalitis, poliomyelopathy, poliovirus, poliodystrophy, myelitis, myelosis)


Exercise 5. Translate the word combinations:

A great value, the so-called vascular variant, brain vessels, infectious inflammatory processes, sensation of weakness, throbbing pain, pressing pain, squeezing pain, appropriate treatment, increased fatiguability, moderate headache, internal organs, insufficiency of brain circulation, prolonged attack, cervical radiculitis.


ACTIVE asking having asked asked
PASSIVE being asked having been asked


Exercise 6. Translate the sentences paying attention to the Participles:

1.The blood coming from the lungs is rich in oxygen.

2. The accompanying symptoms of the flu are high temperature, muscular pains and vomiting.

3. The count made a week ago was normal.

4. Scarlet fever is characterized by rash covering the whole trunk.

5. The excised mass measured 2 cm in diameter.

6. The patient operated on yesterday complained of a severe headache.

7. Being very ill, he couldn`t go to university.


Exercise 7. Read and translate the text:


Headache is one of the most frequent symptoms encountered in medical practice.

The great value in development of a headache is given to the vascular factor. The so-called vascular variant of a headache is observed in many vascular, cardiovascular diseases and pathological conditions, including migraine, hypertonic disease, arterial hypotension, atherosclerosis of brain vessels, disturbed brain circulation, acute and chronic cardiac insufficiency.

Other kind of a headache develops in pathological processes, primarily affection of sensitive receptors and nerves. It may include headache observed in pathological processes in the brain (a tumour, abscesses, hematomas and so on), in infectious inflammatory processes of the brain matter and brain membranes (encephalitis, meningitis, arachnoiditis), in cervical radiculitis, diseases of the nose, ears, eyes.

The third kind of a headache is caused basically by damage of muscles of the skull. Character of a headache can be various. A throbbing or pressing headache localized in the area of the back of the head and accompanied by dizziness, tinnitis, nausea (sometimes vomiting), "flash spots " before eyes on the background of high arterial pressure (it is most often observed in hypertonic crisis) are signs of a headache of this etiology. In a low level of arterial pressure, the headache in most cases is moderate, the most expressed in the mornings. It is often accompanied by sensation of weakness, indisposition, formidable yawning. Such patients are inclined to faints, they often complain of palpitation and increased fatiguability.

Headache is a frequent symptom of some acute and chronic diseases of internal organs, in particular diseases of the heart.

Some patients complain of squeezing headaches, dizziness in prolonged attack of stenocardia, in acute myocardial infarction. In some cases in the patients with acute myocardial infarction the headache is accompanied by losing of consciousness.

Complete medical, neurological and psychiatric examinations are sometimes necessary to get at the root of the trouble. The ophthalmoscopic examination must never be omitted when the symptom of headache is evaluated.

In conclusion it is necessary to emphasize that the headache is a symptom of many diseases and pathological conditions. The analysis of its peculiarities together with other signs makes it possible to make the correct diagnosis and to administer appropriate treatment.


Exercise 8. Answer the following questions.

1. What is headache?

2. What diseases is the vascular factor observed in ?

3. When does other kind of a headache develop?

4. What is the 3rd kind of a headache caused by?

5. What kind of a headache do patients complain of in stenocardia and acute myocardial infarction?

6. What examinations are necessary to understand the root of the trouble?

7. What must never be omitted when the symptom of a headache is evaluated?


Exercise 9. Agree or contradict the following statements:

1. The vascular factor of headache is observed in migraine, arterial hypertension and other diseases associated with damaged vessels.

2. There are no headaches in pathological processes in the brain.

3. The ophthalmoscopic examination should be excluded in evaluation of headache.

4. A complete history is essential in frequent headaches.

5. Headaches in myocardium infarction arise due to insufficiency of brain circulation.

6. In low arterial pressure the headache is the most expressed in the evening.

7. Headache is a rare sign in some acute and chronic diseases of inner organs.


Exercise 10. Find English equivalents of the following word combinations:

Найчастіший симптом, чутливі рецептори, тривалий напад, відповідне лікування, оболонки мозку, запальний процес, серцево-судинні захворювання, шийний радикуліт, пульсуючий головний біль, гіпертонічний криз, недостатність мозкового кровообігу, помірний головний біль, стискаючий головний біль.

Exercise 11. Put the special questions to the underlined words and words combinations:

1. Headache may be observed in pathological processes in the brain.

2. Headache due to low arterial pressure is often accompanied by weakness, formidable yawning and fatiguability.

3. The ophthalmoscopic examination must never be omitted when the symptom of headache is evaluated.

4. Some patients complain of squeezing headaches, dizziness.

5. Headache is accompanied by losing of consciousness.

6. Character of a headache can be various.

7. In the low level of arterial pressure the headache is moderate.

Exercise 12. Description of pain. It`s interesting to remember.


Patient`s description of pain: Explanation

Aching ( an ache) a general pain,often in muscles and joints

Boring a drill

Burning with heat

Colicky an intermittent pain which varies in intensity

Crampy (cramp) an involuntary spasmodic muscle contraction

Crushing a feeling of pressure

Dull a background pain, opposite of sharp

Gnawing biting

Gripping a feeling of tightness

Scalding like boiling water

Sharp acute

Stabbing like a knife

Stinging sharp, burning , like an insect sting

Throbbing with a pusle or beat


Exercise 13. Translate into English:

1. Другий вид головного болю розвивається при патологічних процесах, перш за все поразці чутливих рецепторів і нервів.

2. Третій вид головного болю викликаний пошкодженням м'язів черепа.

3. Головний біль третього типу характеризується пульсуючим або тиснучим болем в потилиці.

4. Хворий скаржиться на запаморочення, шум у вухах, нудоту і навіть блювоту.

5. Головний біль – частий симптом деяких гострих і хронічних захворювань внутрішніх органів.

6. Офтальмологічний огляд повинен бути зроблений при оцінці головного болю.

7. При низькому рівні артеріального тиску головний біль носить помірний характер.


Exercise 14. Explain the terms in English: headache, tinnitus, faint

Exercise 15. Translate into English paying attention to the Participles.

1. Будучи дуже зайнятий, він не відразу почув мене.

2. Дівчинка, що плаче, була голодна.

3. Вона любила дивитися на граючих дітей.

4. Читаючи англійську книгу, він виписав багато нових слів.

5. Вислуховуючи серце хворої дитини, лікар почув шуми.

6. Пошкоджена рука дуже хворіла.

7. Готуючись до операції, хірург завжди обробляє руки ретельно.


Exercise 16. Open the brackets and put the correct form of the verb.

1. My doctor thinks I (to be) allergic to pineapples.

2. We understood that she ( to see) nothing.

3. Bill said he (to feel) ill.

4. We thought she still (to be) in hospital.

5. I knew he (to pass) his examination at that time.

6. I am afraid I (not can) answer your question.

7. I asked her when she (to give) me that book to read.



1. Headache is one of the most... symptoms in medical practice.

a) rare b) short-term c) frequent d) long-term e) obscure


2. Headache is a frequent symptom of diseases of internal organs, in particular diseases of the...

a) liver b) heart c) stomach d) kidneys e) spleen


3. The ... examination must never be omitted when the symptom of headache is evaluated.

a) neurological b) psychiatric c) internal d) ophthalmoscopic

e) cystoscopic


4. Headaches in myocardium infarction arise due to insufficiency of...

a) respiration b) pulmonary circulation c) brain circulation

d) systemic circulation e) kidneys


5. In a low level of arterial pressure, the headache is the most expressed... .

a) in the evenings b) at night c) in the afternoon

d) at dusk e) in the mornings


6. A pressing or throbbing headache localized in the area of the ... of the head is due to damage of the skull muscles.

a) temples b) upper jaw c) back d) facial part e) low jaw


7. The patients with low arterial pressure are inclined to ... .

a) nausea b) faint c) vomiting d) dizziness e) loss of weight


8. In some cases of the patients with acute myocardial infarction the headache is accomponied by ... .

a) diarrhea b) constipation c) prolonged dizziness d) losing of consciousness

e) vomiting


9. The patients with low arterial pressure often complain ... palpitation and increased fatiguability.

a) at b) of c) on d) about e) for


10. A headache develops ... pathological processes primarily affection of sensitive receptors and nerves.

a) at b) by c) on d) with e) in


NEUROSES - Неврози


Exercise 1. Topic vocabulary

Distress - дистрес, страждання, нездужання

Hypochondria [haɪpəˈkɔndrɪə] - пригнічений стан

Pyromania - піроманія

Obsessive-compulsive disorder – невроз нав’язливих станів

Over-excitation - надмірне збудження

Over-inhibition - надмірне гальмування

in virtually [ˈvəːtjuəlɪ] - практично

Incapacitate [ɪnkəˈpæsɪteɪt] - вивести з ладу, зробити непрацездатним

Trigger [ˈtrɪgər] - приводити в дію, провокувати

Apprehension -побоювання, недобре передчуття

Arsonist - підпалювач (поджигатель)

Revenge [rɪˈvɛndʒ] - помста (месть)

Intrusive [ɪnˈtruːsɪv] - нав’язливий

Rid - позбутися

Handle - керувати, контролювати, тримати в руках

Consuming fear - всепоглинаючий страх

Interfere - заважати, втручатися


Exercise 2. Translate into Ukrainian

A relatively mild mental illness; an umbrella term used for mental illnesses; a radical loss of touch with reality; work capacity of the nerve cells; to disrupt the brain activity; to be out of proportion to the circumstances of a person’s life; to experience feelings of apprehension, worry, and fear; strong unreasonable fears of specific objects; to suffer from intrusive, repetitive, and disturbing thoughts; to be focused on an imagined illness; to lose all self-control as a result of the consuming fear


Exercise 3. Write the given words in Singular (remember the words of the Latin and Greek origin) and use them in sentences

Neuroses, activities, bacteria, crises, children, atria, alveoli, lives, analyses, ganglia, fungi, diagnoses, laboratories, cocci, curricula, bacilli, mice, phenomena, vertebrae, criteria, metastases


Exercise 4. Read the text. Group the symptoms of neuroses into two groups: subjective and objective ones.


Neuroses are relatively mild mental illnesses that are not caused by organic diseases, involving symptoms of stress but not a radical loss of touch with reality. Though the term neuroses is no longer used formally within the medical community, it is still a common umbrella term used for mental illnesses such as anxiety, pyromania, obsessive-compulsive disorder, hysteria, and phobias.

The work capacity of the nerve cells in the cerebral cortex is limited, so over-excitation, over-inhibition, or simultaneous overstimulation of both processes or their mobility may disrupt brain activity resulting in a neurosis.

Neuroses are characterized by anxiety, depression, or other feelings of unhappiness or distress that are out of proportion to the circumstances of a person’s life. They may impair a person’s functioning in virtually any area of his life, relationships, or external affairs, but they are not severe enough to incapacitate the person. Neurotic patients generally do not suffer from the loss of the sense of reality seen in persons with psychoses.

One of the common neuroses is anxiety. A person suffering from anxiety may experience feelings of apprehension, worry, and fear. Physical symptoms are also common with this form of neurosis, including nausea, palpitations, chest pains, and shortness of breath. The person may also experience elevated bloodpressure and heart rate, sweating, pale skin, dilated pupils, and trembling. While some anxiety is normal in certain situations, such as when sad, angry, or afraid of a specific situation, those with this form of neurosis may experience anxiety for no known reason or for reasons that should not normally trigger that type of response.

Phobias, a type of anxiety disorder, are characterized by strong unreasonable fears of specific objects, people, situations, or activities. Some common objects of phobias are open or closed spaces, fire, high places, dirt, and bacteria.

Pyromania is another of the common neuroses. A person suffering from pyromania is fixated on fire. A pyromaniac is not the same as an arsonist, as a person suffering from pyromania gains a sense of happiness from fires, whereas an arsonist may set fire for revenge or for personal gain. In general, there are no other symptoms associated with this type of neurosis.

Another of the common neuroses is obsessive-compulsive disorder. Individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder generally suffer from intrusive, repetitive, and disturbing thoughts. In an attempt to rid themselves of these thoughts, they engage in certain rituals or tasks. Compulsive behaviour includes rituals such as repetitive hand washing or door locking. This leads to a cycle of thoughts and behaviors over which the person feels he or she has little or no control.

Somatoform disorders, which include the so-called hysterical, or conversion, neuroses, manifest themselves in physical symptoms, such as blindness, paralysis, or deafness that are not caused by organic disease. Hysteria is one of the common neuroses. A person suffering from hysteria experiences substantial feelings of fear or other emotions that he or she cannot seem to handle. Often, the fear is focused on an imagined illness or other problem of a specific body part. The person may lose all self-control as a result of the consuming fear.

Psychoneurotic disorders are formed in children more easily than in adults.


Exercise 5. Answer the questions

1) What is neurosis?

2) When may the brain activity be disrupted?

3) What are the most common symptoms of neuroses?

4) What is the principal difference between the neurotic patients and those with psychoses?

5) What physical symptoms are common in anxiety?

6) What do phobias mean?

7) What phobias do you know?

8) How can we distinguish a pyromaniac from an arsonist?

9) What do individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder generally suffer from?

10) What group of neuroses does hysteria belong to?


Exercise 6. Translate into English

Повна втрата зв’язку з реальністю, надмірна стимуляція діяльності головного мозку, невроз нав’язливих станів, розширені зіниці, бліда шкіра і тремтіння, відкритий чи замкнений простір, часте миття рук, нав’язлива поведінка, позбутися тривожних думок, проявлятися у фізичних симптомах, сліпота і глухота, зосередитися на уявних хворобах, втратити самоконтроль, всепоглинаючий страх


Exercise 7. Find out the wrong use of words and change them by the proper ones

1) Sweating, enlarged blood pressure, and trembling may not be caused by organic diseases.

2) The changes in the bones resulted from calcium insufficiency.

3) The normal palpitation of the adult is 72-80 beats per min.

4) Psychoneurotic disorders are relatively easy mental illnesses that are not caused by organic diseases.

5) He had to visit his dentist to extract an ill tooth.

6) Blindness, paralysis, and deafness are the often symptoms in hysteria.

7) Elevated heart rate, sweating, pale skin, increased pupils may be the manifestations of neuroses.

8) The neurotic persons can’t hand their emotions and feelings.


Exercise 8. Find out the grammar mistakes and correct them

1) Children may to form serious neurotic disorders.

2) Neurosis are characterized by feelings of unhappiness or distress.

3) What kind of fears may experience persons with phobias?

4) A person’s functioning in virtually any area of his life may be impair by psychoneurotic disorders.

5) Does elevated blood pressure may be symptom of anxiety?

6) Persons with psychoses suffers from the loss of the sense of reality.

7) The patients, which suffer from conversion neuroses, may be focused on an imagined illness.

8) What do a pyromaniac gains a sense of happiness from?


Exercise 9. Put questions to the underlined words

1) A person suffering from pyromania is fixated on fire.

2) The term neurosis was coined by the Scottish doctor William Gullen.

3) A person with an inborn strong type of nervous activity may become unbalanced or in active due to faulty upbringing.

4) William Gullen coined the term neurosis in 1769.

5) Neuroses impair a person’s functioning not enough to incapacitate the person.

6) The patient has been suffering from elevated blood pressure and heart rate, sweating, and trembling for three month.

7) Revealing the causes of neuroses will facilitate their rapid cure.

8) Over-excitation and over-inhibition of the cortex cells may influence the brain activity unfortunately.

9) Neurosis in children is most frequently observed at the age of 2 to 4, 7 to 8, and the period of puberty development.

10) When the causes of somatoform disorders are determined the neurotic symptoms will be controlled.

Exercise 10. Open the brackets

1) The non-biological basis of neurosis (to maintain) with Sigmund Freud at the beginning of the psychoanalytic movement.

2) Carl Jung (to see) collective neuroses in politics: "Our world is, so to speak, dissociated like a neurotic".

3) Neurotic tendencies (to manifest) themselves as depression, acute or chronic anxiety, obsessive-compulsive tendencies, specific phobias.

4) The origin of the term hysteria commonly (to attribute (приписывать) to Hippocrates..

5) Hippocrates (to think) that the cause of hysteria was irregular movement of blood from the internal genitalia to the brain.

6) During the mid 19th century the term neurosis (to use) as a key to characterize disorders that (to be) neurological in origin.

7) Neurotic people (to tend) to have more negative feelings such as depression, anxiety, insecurity.

8) The prescribed anti-depressants (to take) by the end of the next month.

Exercise 11. a) Read about fears and phobias in famous people and tell about other similar facts you’ve heard.

George Washington, the first president of the United States of America, had a very serious fear of premature burial. This was clearly expressed on his deathbed, in 1799, where he made his attendants promise that his body would be left out for two days, in case he was still alive.


Woody Allen has taken fear to an extreme. The 74-year-old actor and screenwriter is afraid of practically everything. Although he has normal phobias that cause him to fear heights, enclosed spaces and insects, he also has more abnormal fears. Among his weirder terrors are fears of bright colours, animals, elevators and peanut butter sticking to the roof of his mouth!


Alfred Hitchcock, a famous Hollywood director and producer, had an extreme fear of eggs. He said that they are revolting (вызывают отвращение) to him! He stated that he never tasted an egg in his whole life, and he refused to even be around them.


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