

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Case history #2

A 15-year-old black girl presents for evaluation of irregular periods (нерегулярні місячні) and acne (прищ; запалення сальної залози). Excessive weight gain is not a primary concern of the family, and they feel that she is simply 'big-boned'. However, her weight has been >97th percentile since 5 years of age. Both parents are obese with type 2 diabetes. Her father also has hyperlipidaemia and had a myocardial infarction at 47 years of age. The child drinks at least 5 cans of regular soft drinks (безалкогольні напої) daily and eats at fast food restaurants several times weekly. She has limited physical activity. Her height, weight, and BMI are 168 cm, 121.2 kg, and 42.8, respectively.


Exercise 10. Be ready to speak on the following items:

1. The main causes of childhood obesity.

2. The possible complications of childhood obesity.

3. Preventive measures of childhood obesity.




1. Childhood obesity is a condition where excess body fat negatively affects …. a child's health or wellbeing.

a). on b). to c). upon d). with e). -------


2. As methods to determine body fat directly are difficult, the diagnosis of obesity is often based on … .

a).MIB b). BMI c).BIM d).HBP e). BMW


3. Childhood obesity however can also lead … life-threatening conditions including diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, sleep problems, cancer, and other disorders.

a).too b). from c). in d). to e). out


4. Childhood obesity … epidemic proportions in 21st century, with rising rates in both the developed and developing world.

a). have reached b). reached c). had reached

d). to have reached e). has reached


5. Obesity during adolescence … to increase mortality rates during adulthood.

a). found b). been found c). have been found

d). has been found e). has found


6. Currently … of children worldwide are either overweight or obese.

a). 100% b). 10% c). 0.1% d). 0.10% e). 0.001%


7. …. is approved for adolescents older than 16 and works by altering the brain's chemistry and decreasing appetite.

a). Sibutramine b). Orlistat c). phentermine d). Rimonabant

e). amphetamine


8. … is approved for adolescents older than 12. It works by preventing the absorption of fat in the intestines.

a). Lorcaserin b). Exenatide c). Sibutramine d). Pramlintide

e). Orlistat


9. … is a disorder characterized by compulsive overeating followed by vomiting: sometimes associated with anxiety about gaining weight.

a).Anorexia b). gestational diabetes c). Bulimia nervosa

d). Tonsillectomy e). type 2 diabetes


10. Studies have shown that overweight children are more likely … to be overweight adults.

a). grow up b). grew up c). grows up d). to grow up e). to have grown up



Influenza - Грип


1. Learn the new words and word combinations:

influenza (flu) [ˌɪnflʊˈɛnzə] - грип contagious [kənˈteɪdʒəs] - заразний chill [tʃɪl] - озноб prostration [prəsˈtreɪʃn] - знемога; занепад сил; прострація confuse [kənˈfjuːz] - сплутувати common cold – звичайна застуда suppress [səˈprɛs] - пригнічувати rejection [rɪˈdʒɛkʃn] - відторгнення detergent [dɪˈtɜːdʒənt] - миючий засіб antiviral [ˌæntɪˈvaɪrəl] - противірусний


2. Read the word combinations containing the new words and translate them into Ukrainian:

Influenza viruses, the incubation period of influenza, influenza-like illnesses, influenza's effects, the onset of influenza, a contagious disease, chills and fever, severe prostration, confuse with other flu-like illnesses, confuse with the common cold, suppressed immune system, prevent transplant organ rejection, inactivated by sunlight, disinfectants and detergents, antiviral drugs.


3. Match the terms with their explanations:

1. Influenza 2. Epidemic 3. Pandemic 4. Endemic 5. Infectious disease 6. Antiviral drug 7. Common cold 8. Chill 9. Cough 10. Sneezing a) expelling air or solid matter from the lungs abruptly and explosively through the partially closed vocal chords b) a drug destroying or inhibiting the growth and reproduction of viruses c) an acute contagious viral infection characterized by inflammation of the respiratory tract and by fever, chills, muscular pain, and prostration d) expelling air forcibly from the mouth and nose in an explosive, spasmodic involuntary action resulting chiefly from irritation of the nasal mucous membrane e) prevalent in or peculiar to a particular locality, region, or people f) a disease capable of being transmitted by infections g) spreading rapidly and extensively by infection and affecting many individuals in the area at the same time h) a mild viral infection of the upper respiratory tract, characterized by sneezing, coughing, watery eyes, nasal congestion, etc. i) affecting persons over a wide geographical area; extensively epidemic j) a sensation of coldness, often accompanied by shivering and pallor of the skin.


4. There are different types of diseases, give examples of the following ones:

Congenital diseases  
Hereditary diseases  
Acute diseases  
Chronic diseases  
Infectious diseases  
Communicable diseases  
Non-communicable diseases  


5. Answer the following questions:

a) What diseases of the cardio-vascular system do you know?

b) What diseases of the respiratory system do you know?

c) What diseases of the digestive system do you know?

d) What diseases of the endocrine system do you know?

e) What diseases requiring surgical intervention do you know?


6. Read and translate the text:


Influenza, commonly known as the flu, is an acute infectious disease occurring in endemic, epidemic and pandemic forms. It is caused by the influenza viruses. The disease is contagious and spreads directly from person to person by talking, coughing and sneezing. Healthy carriers may spread the disease. The incubation period is from 1-3 days. The onset is sudden with chilly sensation, followed by fever. The most common symptoms are chills, fever, sore throat, muscle pains, headache (often severe), coughing, weakness/fatigue and general discomfort. The temperature ranges between 37,7 and 40 and persists from 2 to 5 days. The respiratory rate is moderately increased. The pulse in accelerated. Vomiting and diarrhea are frequent. The tongue is dry and coated, the pharynx usually reddened. In some cases catarrhal symptoms are replaced by nervous symptoms or prostration, insomnia, mental depression, intense headache, general pains.

The flu is often confused with other influenza-like illnesses, especially the common cold, but influenza's effects are much more severe and last longer than those of the common cold. Most people will recover completely in about one to two weeks, but others will develop life-threatening complications (such as pneumonia). Influenza, thus, can be deadly, especially for the weak, young and old, or chronically ill. People with a weak immune system, such as people with advanced HIV infection or transplant patients (whose immune systems are medically suppressed to prevent transplant organ rejection), suffer from particularly severe disease. Other high-risk groups include pregnant women and young children. The flu can also worsen chronic health problems. People with emphysema, chronic bronchitis or asthma may experience shortness of breath while they have the flu, and influenza may cause worsening of coronary heart disease or congestive heart failure.

Influenza viruses can be inactivated by sunlight, disinfectants and detergents. As the virus can be inactivated by soap, frequent hand washing reduces the risk of infection. Vaccinations against influenza are usually available to people in developed countries. Antiviral drugs are used for the treatment of the disease. People with the flu are advised to get plenty of rest, drink plenty of liquids, avoid using alcohol and tobacco and, if necessary, take medications such as acetaminophen (paracetamol) to relieve the fever and muscle aches associated with the flu. Since influenza is caused by a virus, antibiotics have no effect on the infection; unless prescribed for secondary infections such as bacterial pneumonia.


7. Answer the questions:

a) What is another name for influenza?

b) What kind of disease is influenza?

c) What is influenza caused by?

d) How does influenza spread?

e) How long does the incubation period in influenza last?

f) What are the most common flu symptoms?

g) What is the difference between the flue and the common cold?

h) How can influenza viruses be inactivated?

i) Who usually suffers from a particularly severe form of influenza?

j) What drugs are used for the treatment of the flu?


8. Find the equivalents of the following word combinations in the text:

Гостре інфекційне захворювання; заразна хвороба; здорові носії; раптовий початок хвороби; відчуття ознобу; біль у горлі; біль у м’язах; температура триває; помірно підвищена швидкість дихання; прискорений пульс; обкладений язик; безсоння; схожі з грипом захворювання; звичайна застуда; повністю одужати; ускладнення, які загрожують життю; низька смертність; пригнічена імунна система; відторгнення трансплантованого органу; особливо важке захворювання; погіршувати хронічні проблеми зі здоров’ям, відчувати задишку; дезактивувати за допомогою сонячного світла, дезінфекційних та миючих засобів; зменшувати ризик інфекції; противірусні ліки; пити багато рідини.


9. a) Match two parts of the word combinations:

1. pandemic complications
2. secondary onset
3. life-threatening infection
4. contagious by talking, sneezing or coughing
5. healthy rate
6. common form
7. sudden pharynx
8. spread groups
9. high-risk chronic health problems
10. reddened disease
11. respiratory cold
12. worsen carriers

b)Make your own sentences with the word combinations.


10. Put questions to the underlined words:

1) The flu can occasionally lead to pneumonia.

2) Influenza may produce nausea and vomiting.

3) Influenza is transmitted through the air.

4) Influenza viruses can be inactivated by sunlight, disinfectants and detergents.

5) Frequent hand washing reduces the risk of infection.

6) Influenza spreads around the world in seasonal epidemics.

7) In the 20th century three influenza pandemics occurred.

8) These pandemics killed millions of people.

9) These pandemics were caused by the appearance of a new strain of the virus in humans.

10) Antiviral drugs such as the neuraminidase inhibitor (Tamiflu) have been used to treat influenza.


11. Open the brackets using the verbs in the appropriate form, translate the sentences:

1) He (to be) ill with the flu since last week.

2) Antiviral drugs (to use) to treat influenza.

3) Influenza often (to confuse) with the common cold.

4) Antibiotics (to prescribe) for the treatment of bacterial pneumonia.

5) He (to hospitalize) with a severe form of the flu last week.

6) After two days of being ill with influenza he (to start) having trouble breathing.

7) Patients with the flu (to recommend) to have plenty of rest and drink lots of liquids.

8) Influenza in which no complications occur usually (to last) from 3 to 5 days.

9) The headache and general pains (to relieve) by the use of Aspirin.

10) Many patients (to have) respiratory symptoms such as laryngitis or tracheitis.


12. Explain the following terms in 5 sentences:


Common cold

Antiviral drugs



1. Influenza is …

a) a congenital disease b) an acute infectious disease c) a hereditary disease

d) a chronic disease


2. Influenza is caused by…

a) bacteria and fungi b) stress c) the influenza viruses d) genetic mutations

3. The incubation period is from … days.

a) 5-6 b) 1-2 c) 1-3 d) 3-7


4. The flu is often confused with…

a) atherosclerosis b) the common cold c) bronchitis d)pneumonia


5. Most people with influenza will recover completely in about …

a) one to two weeks b) one to two days c) three to seven days

d) two to three months


6. Influenza viruses can be inactivated by ...

a) antibiotics b) vaccination c) electric light d) sunlight, disinfectants and detergents


7. … are used for the treatment of the disease.

a) depressants b) anticoagulants c) antiviral drugs d) antibiotics


8. People with the flu are advised to …

a) get plenty of rest, drink plenty of liquids, avoid using alcohol and tobacco

b) change their lifestyle c) take antibiotics d) be hospitalized


9. Antibiotics…

a) are used for treatment influenza b) treat all viral diseases

c) have no effect on influenza d) are used to relieve influenza symptoms


10. Paracetamol is used to …

a) treat influenza b) to relieve the fever and muscle aches associated with the flu

c) to relieve nausea and vomiting d) to help the patient sleep


TETANUS - Правець


Exercise 1. Practise the pronunciation:

Bacillus [bə ' siləs]

Tetanus ['tetənəs]

Vague [veig]

Nightmare [ `nait meə]

Delirious [di 'liriəs]

Lockjaw [` lɔkdʒɔ:]

Trismus [trizməs]

Height [hait]

Drawing [drɔ:iŋ]

Clenched [klentòt]

Protruded [prə 'tru:did]

Opisthotonus [ou 'pisqə…]

Seizure ['si: ʒ ə]

Afebrile [ei 'fi:bril]

Ensue [in ' sju:]

Lessening [lesəniŋ]


Exercise 2. Topic vocabulary:

Bacillus (pl. bacilli) бацила, паличка

Vague нечіткий, неясний, туманний

Nightmare кошмар, жах, страшний сон

To become delirious стати шаленим, божевільним

Lockjaw тризм щелепи, правець

Trismus трізм ( судорожне зціплення щелеп )

Height of disease розпал (пік) хвороби

To draw up витягувати

Clenched міцно стиснутий

Protruded (lips) випнуті губи

Opisthotonus опістотонус

Seizure приступ, напад, припадок

Afebrile безгарячковий

To ensue виникати, випливати

To lessen скорочувати, зменшуватися


Exercise 3. Read the words paying attention to the rules of reading:

c,s,t, before ia, ie, io [ ò ]

Position, sufficient, remission, initial, patient, urination, expression, artificial, potential, incubation, special, infectious, facial, essential, permission, insufficient, motion, deficiency.


Exercise 4. Form the words with the help of negative prefixes. Translate them into Russian:

Dis – like, function, connect, agree, locate, place, continue, section, solvent.

Ir – regular, responsible, relevant, resistible, radiation, reversible, reducible.

Im – possible, practical, mobile, moral, balance, maturity, potency, purity.

Un – necessary, reliable, fortunately, consciousness, dress, infected, mixed.

Mal – formation, nutrition, occlusion, position, treatment, presentation, rotation.


Exercise 5. Read the words with the same root. State the part of speech and translate them into Russian:

Face – facial, slow – slowly; connect – connection; pelvis – pelvic; compose – composition; rapid – rapidly; base – basic; recover – recovery; remove – removal; survive – survival; tender – tenderness, restless – restlessness; breath – breathing.


Exercise 6. Translate the following word combinations:

Incubation period, infectious disease, to open the mouth, typical facial expression, urination, in case, to gain entrance into the body, painful spasms, characteristic picture, angles of the mouth, severe headache , masticating muscles, severe pain, attack, fever.


Exercise 7. Match medical terms with the proper definitions:

1. tetanus 2. tetany   3. toxin   4. urination   5. spasm   6. trismus   Spasm of the jaw muscles, keeping the jaw tightly closed. An acute infectious disease, affecting the nervous system, caused by the bacterium Clostridium tetani. The periodic discharge of urine from the bladder through the urethra. Spasm and twitching of the muscles, particularly those of the face, hands, and feet. A poison produced by a living organism, especially by a bacterium. A sustained involuntary muscular contraction, which may occur either as part of a generalized disorder, such as a spastic paralysis, or as a local response to an otherwise unconnected painful condition.


Exercise 8. Translate the following sentences. Pay attention to the sentences with construction: one (ones), that of (those of).

1. The condition of patient V. is worse than that of patient C.

2. The number of the vertebrae in the coccyx is less than the number of those in the beck.

3. The bones of the lower extremities are longer than those of the upper ones.

4. This lecture is more interesting than the one I attended last week.

5. The walls of the left atrium are thicker than those of the right.

6. Some muscles are more elastic than the other ones.

7. I will examine your patient and that of Dr. Ivanov.

8. The wards in the new hospital are better equipped than those in our old one.

Exercise 9. Read and translate the text:


Tetanus is an acute infectious disease characterized by painful spasms of the muscles and caused by the Bacillus tetani which gains entrance into the body through a wound or break in the skin. The tetanus bacillus produces a toxin which is one of the most powerful poisons.

The incubation period varies on an average from 5 to 15 days. In general, the shorter the incubation period the more serious is the disease. The earliest symptoms are vague. The patient is restless, irritable; he suffers from nightmare, and may become delirious. Severe headache, difficulty in urination, and sweating may be noted. In the majority of cases following a short period when there is pain in the back of the neck and in the muscles of the jaw, a tonic spasm of the masticating muscles occurs so that the patient is unable to open his mouth, producing the characteristic picture known as lockjaw (trismus). Gradually all muscles of the body become affected except those of the forearm and of the hand. At the height of the disease there occurs the typical facial expression known as risus sardonicus, where the patient appears to be laughing, due to the drawing up of the angles of the mouth. The brows are contracted, the eyes are partly closed, the teeth are clenched tightly and the lips are slightly protruded. The body is arched in the position known as opisthotonus. Upon the slightest stimulus the entire body may go into a convulsive seizure of the utmost severity, accompanied by severe pain.

There is no characteristic temperature; the patient may be afebrile or ran a fever as high as 104°F during the attacks.

Death may ensue within the first 48 hours or at any time up to one week after onset. If the patient survives the first week, his chances of recovery are greatly improved, the spasms gradually lessening in frequency and severity.


Exercise 10. Answer the following questions.

1. What is tetanus caused by?

2. What is toxin?

3. What is the incubation period of tetanus?

4. What are the symptoms of tetanus?

5. When does a tonic spasm of masticating muscles occur?

6. How can you describe such typical facial expression known Risus Sardonicus?

7. When are the changes of recovery greatly improved?

8. How does Bacillus tetani gain entrance into the body?


Exercise 11. Complete the following sentences using the text.

1. Tetanus is an acute infectious disease characterized by … .

2. Severe headache, difficulty in urination, and sweating … .

3. The patient is unable to open his mouth, producing the … .

4. Gradually all muscles of the body become … of the forearm and of the hand.

5. … there occurs the typical facial expression known as risus sardonicus.

6. The body … known as opisthotonus.

7. The patient may be …during the attacks.

8. Death may ensue within … after onset.

Exercise 12. Read the sentences and say whether the following ones are true to the text:

1. Tetanus is an acute inherited disease characterized by painful spasms of the muscles.

2. Tetanus is caused by the Bacillus tetani which gains entrance into the body through the blood.

3. The tetanus bacillus produces a toxin.

4. The incubation period varies on an average from 15 to 25 days.

5. Gradually all muscles of the body become affected inclusive those of the forearm and of the hand.

6. The typical facial expression known as risus sardonicus, where the patient appears to be crying, due to the drawing up of the angles of the mouth.

7. The body is arched in the position known as opisthotonus.

8. There is no characteristic temperature; the patient may be afebrile or ran a fever as high as 40,00°C during the attacks.


Exercise 13. Translate the following word combinations.

Cупроводжуватися сильним болю, спазма жувальних м`язів, проникати крізь розрив шкіри, характерна картина хвороби, поступово зменшуватися по частоті та тяжкісті, інкубаційний період хвороби, міцно стиснуті зуби, пік хвороби, сардонічний сміх, сильнодіюча отрута, випадок.


Exercise 14. Translate Russian sentences into English using Complex Subject Construction.

1. Известно, что столбняк является острым хроническим заболеванием, которое характеризуется болезненными спазмами мышц.

2. Оказывается, что при столбняке Bacillus tetani проникает в организм через рану или через разрыв кожи.

3.Известно, что инкубационный период болезни меняется в среднем от 5 до 15 дней.

4. Первичными симптомами столбняка, вероятно, будут возбужденное состояние, раздражительность, кошмарные сновидения, и делирий.

5.Говорят, что в разгар болезни, у пациента часто случалось типичное выражение лица, известное как risus sardonicus.

6.Было отмечено, что при столбняке повышение температуры обычно не наблюдается.

7.Говорят, что смерть может наступить в течение 48 часов или же в любое время после начала приступа.

8. Несомненно, шансы у пациента на выздоровление увеличатся, если он выживет в первую неделю.


Exercise 15. Put questions to the underlined words.

1. Tetanus is an acute infectious disease characterized by painful spasms of the muscles.

2. The Bacillus tetani gains entrance into the body through a wound or break in the skin.

3. The tetanus bacillus produces a toxin.

4. The patient is restless, irritable and suffers from nightmare, and may become delirious.

5. Gradually all muscles of the body become affected except those of the forearm and of the hand.

6. At the height of the disease there occurs the typical facial expression known as risus sardonicus.

7. The patient appears to be laughing, due to the drawing up of the angles of the mouth.

8. The patient may be afebrile .

Exercise 16. Use the verbs in brackets in the appropriate tense. Translate them into Russian.

1. The incubation period is likely (to vary) on an average from 5 to 15 days in future.

2. The patient (to suffer) from nightmare, and (to become) delirious.

3. At the height of the disease there (to occur) the typical facial expression known as risus sardonicus.

4. The brows (to contract), the teeth (to clench) tightly and the lips (to protrude) slightly.

5. Now the patient’s body is reported (to arch) in the position known as opisthotonus.

6. Upon the slightest stimulus the entire body just (to go) into a convulsive seizure of the utmost severity, accompanied by severe pain.

7. It was said that the patient (to ran) a fever as high as 104°F during the attacks for a weak.

8. Death (to ensue) within the first 48 hours or at any time up to one week after onset.


Exercise 17. Topic vocabulary.


Nouns Verbs Adjectives
Recovery Severity Onset Seizure height of the disease lockjaw break in the skin nightmare urination angles of the mouth sweating expression the muscles of the jaw headache wound Lessen Improve Survive Ensue Accompany Gain Appear Occur To be due to To be characterized     Infectious Painful Powerful average restless irritable delirious Severe masticating characteristic afebrile  



1. Tetanus is caused by the … which gains entrance into the body through a wound or break in the skin.

a. Bacillus anthrax b. Bacillus tetani c. Bacillus drumstick

d. Bacillus gas-producing e. Bacillus Koch’s


2. The incubation period varies on an average … .

a. from 5 to 10 days b. from 15 to 25 days c. from 5 to 25 days

d. from 1 to 5 days e. from 5 to 15 days


3. The patient is restless, irritable; … nightmare, and may become delirious.

a. he suffer from b. he suffers from c. he suffering from

d. he is suffering from e. he suffered from


4. In the majority of cases following a short period when there is pain… , a tonic spasm of the masticating muscles occurs so that the patient is unable to open his mouth, producing the characteristic picture known as lockjaw (trismus).

a. in the back of the head and in the muscles of the jaw

b. in the back of the neck and in the muscles of the face

c. in the back of the neck and in the joints of the leg

d. in the back of the neck and in the muscles of the jaw

e. in the back of the head and in the muscles of the trunk


5. Gradually all muscles of the body become affected except … the forearm and of the hand.

a. that of b. these of c. this of d. of those e. those of


6. At the height of the disease there occurs the typical facial expression known as risus sardonicus, where…, due to the drawing up of the angles of the mouth.

a. the patient appears to be laughing

b. the patients appears to be laughing

c. the patient appears be laughing

d. the patient appears to laughing

e. the patient appears to be being laughing


7. …the slightest stimulus the entire body may go into a convulsive seizure of the utmost severity, accompanied by severe pain.

a. On b. At c. Before d. In e. Upon


8. There is no characteristic temperature; the patient may be afebrile or … during the attacks.

a. rans a fever as high as 104°F b. ran a fever as high as 104°F

c. ranning a fever as high as 40°C d. run a fever as high as 104°F

e. ran a fever as low as 104°F


9. Death may ensue … or at any time up to one week after onset.

a. in the first 28 hours b. within the first 48 hour

c. within first 48 hours d. within the first 48 hours

e. after the first 48 hours


10. … the first week, his chances of recovery are greatly improved, the spasms gradually lessening in frequency and severity.

a. If the patients survives b. If the patient survives

c. If the patient survive d. If the patient survived

e. If the patient to survive




Exercise 1. Practice the pronunciation:

Deleterious [ delitiəriəs ], temperate [ 'tempərit ], throughout [θru(:)'aut ], susceptible [sə'səptəbl], menace [ 'menəs ], robust [ rəu'bΛst], faucial [ fə:siəl ], raw [rə:], myocarditis [maio(u)ka:daitis], mandatory [ 'mændətəri ], quarantine

['kwərənti:n ], successive [sək'sesiv ].


Exercise 2. Topic vocabulary:

fibrin – фибрин

deleterious – вредный , вредоносный

temperate – умеренный

dissemination – распространение

experience – испытывать

susceptible – восприимчивый

menace – угроза, опасность

predispose – предрасполагать

robust – крепкий, здоровый

pillar of fauces – небные дужки

dreadful – плохой, ужасный

apt to smth – склонный, подверженный

employment – использование, применение

stiffness – онемение, одеревенение, окостенелость

raw – лишенный кожи, свежий, чувствительный

mandatory – обязательный, принудительный

successive – следующий один за другим, последующий

culture – выращивание бактерий


Exercise 3. Match the following English word combinations with Russian ones:

1. absorbed by blood stream 1. распространяться при прямом контакте

2. produce deleterious effect on 2. внезапное начало

3. spread by direct contact 3. всасываться кровотоком

4. put in an appearance 4. производить вредное действие на

5. healthy carrier 5. по расположению

6. according to the distribution 6. появиться ненадолго

7. insidious onset 7. здоровый носитель


Exercise 4. Read and translate the following sentences. Define the form and function of Participle I in the sentences:

1. Looking at some case reports the doctor explained something to his assistants. 2. The student is examining the patient together with the doctor- in-charge. 3. As the patient complains of a severe headache the nurse is giving him some medicines. 4. Examining the patient the doctor noticed some changes in his recovery. 5. The moaning patient didn’t hear when the doctor on duty entered the ward.


Exercise 5. Read and translate the text:


Diphtheria is an acute contagious disease caused by specific organism bacillus diphtheria.


It is characterized by local inflammation with fibrin formation of the mucous membranes, usually of the upper respiratory tract, with production of a toxin which when absorbed into the blood stream may produce deleterious effects on various parts of the body, especially the heart and peripheral nerves.

The disease exists throughout the world but is more common in temperate zones and during the colder months, autumn and winter. It is commonly spread by direct contact which must be fairly intimate. Dissemination by third objects such as clothes, toys, etc. may also occur and carriage by milk has been reported many times. Healthy carriers may disseminate the disease to susceptible persons and thus constitute a menace to public health. Children appear to be more liable to diphtheria than adults; although the most robust people may be attacked and those whose health is weakened by any cause are especially predisposed.

The incubation period is three to ten days. The disease may be divided into three main forms according to the anatomical distribution of the membrane: a) faucial or pharyngeal; b) laryngeal; c) nasal.

The onset of the disease is insidious with relatively moderate temperature reaction. In general, following an incubation period of about two days, symptoms set in like those commonly accompanying a cold. A slight feeling of uneasiness in the throat is experienced along with some stiffness of the back of the neck. The earliest objective manifestation of the disease is the formation of a thin film of fibrin on the tonsils which increases in thickness to form characteristic yellowish-white or grayish-white pseudomembrane.

The throat appears to be reddened and somewhat swollen. If the pseudomembrane is forcibly removed, it is found to separate from the underlying true mucous membrane with difficulty and leaves a raw, bleeding surface on which in the untreated cases a fresh membrane rapidly reforms. The lesion tends to spread over the pillars and onto the soft palate and uvula. Hence any membranous formation on pharyngeal tissues should immediately be regarded as a suspicion of diphtheria.

Myocarditis is the most dreadful of all complications of diphtheria. It is due to direct action of the toxin on the heart muscle.

Another severe complication is peripheral neuritis. It occurs in the form of paralysis affecting the soft palate and throat. Other forms of paralysis are paralysis of eye or even respiratory muscles, paralysis of a limb or both legs. These symptoms, however, after continuing for a variable length of time, almost always ultimately disappear.

The outcome of the disease depends mainly on one factor, namely, the early administration of adequate doses of antitoxin. Its employment in any recognized or even suspected case of diphtheria is mandatory and no physician can delay its administration. The second important measure is rest, the patient being kept strictly flat.

Patients suffering from diphtheria should be isolated for at least two weeks after the onset of the disease, and then until three successive cultures from the nose and throat taken not less than 48 hours apart are negative.


Exercise 6. Answer the following questions:

1. What is diphtheria caused by?

2. Is it contagious disease?

3. What is the disease characterized by?

4. Where is diphtheria more common?

5. Who is more liable to diphtheria?

6. What is the incubation period of the disease?

7. What are the main forms of diphtheria?

8. What are its main symptoms?

9. What are its main complications?

10.What does the outcome of the disease depend on?


Exercise 7. Translate into English and make up 5 sentences with them:

oстрое инфекционное заболевание, местное воспаление, всасываться кровотоком, слизистая оболочка, вредное воздействие, во всем мире, распространяться при непосредственном контакте, здоровый носитель, быть более подверженным, самые здоровые ( крепкие ) люди, быть особенно предрасположенным, появляться ненадолго, отложить назначение, по крайней мере, начало заболевания.


Exercise 8. Fill in the gaps to read the words and word combinations.

1. _i_ _e_in_t_o_

2. l…c…l in…la…ma…io…

3. _u_ _u_

4. _e_ _r_n_

5. _e_ _t_r _ _ _s e_f_ct

6. m_n_c_

7. r_s_i_e__r_ _u_c_es

8. _ n_ _ _a_i_n _ e_ _ o_

9. _t_f_n_ _s

10. a_ _it_xi_

11. _re_i_ _o_e_


Exercise 9. Give English equivalents to the words in braсkets:

1. Diphtheria is an (острое инфекционное) disease.

2. It is characterized by (местным воспалением) with fibrin formation of the (слизистой оболочки) of the (верхних дыхательных путей).

3. The disease exists (по всему миру) but is more common (в умеренных зонах).

4. It is commonly spread (при прямом контакте).

5. Сhildren appear to be (более подвержены) to diphtheria than (взрослые).

6. Most (крепкие) people may be (инфицированы) and those whose health is weakened by any cause are especially (предрасположены).

7. The earliest objective (проявление) of the disease is the formation of (тонкой пленки на миндалинах).

8. If the pseudomembrane is forcibly removed, it leaves (свежую кровоточащую) surface.

9. (Исход заболевания) depends largely on one factor, namely, (назначения соответствующей дозы антитоксина).

10. Patients suffering from diphtheria should be (изолированы) for at least two weeks after (начала заболевания).


Exercise 9. Fill in the articles where necessary.

1. The old man was seriously ill. He was running … high temperature.

2. I’ve … bad cold in … head. I must have caught … cold yesterday when I ran out into … yard without … cap on.

3. She overworked and had … bad headache. People who do not get enough … sleep often have … headaches.

4. I have only … slight headache. No pills for me, thank you.

5. I have … splitting headache and … bad cold in … head. I must have caught … cold. I am afraid I shall fall ill with … flu.

6. I have … sore throat. I feel … pain in my side. – You must stay in … bed and call … doctor in.

7. Take … table spoonful of … mixture twice … day after … meals.

8. I had … bad cold. I went to bed and drank … cup of hot tea with raspberry jam. It helped to beat down … temperature.

9. … weather was bad yesterday. I must have caught … cold when I was going … home from … work.

10. He stayed at … home and called … doctor in. … doctor diagnosed … case and prescribed him … medicine.


Exercise 10. Put the verbs in brackets in the appropriate tense:

1. Whom … the doctor … at the hospital every day? (treat)

2. What … you … now? (study)

3. What … the surgeon already …? (transfuse)

4. What … the surgeon … for two hours? (perform)

5. What … the lecturer … yesterday at 3 o’clock? (report on)

6. What … you … to do before you saw me? (decide)

7. What … the nurse … for an hour before the surgeon began the operation? (sterilize)

8. What … you … tomorrow at 6 o’clock? (do)

9. What … you … tomorrow? (take part in)

10. How many patients … the doctor … tomorrow by 5 p.m.? (hospitalize)


Exercise 11. Speak on following items:

Epidemiology of diphtheria.






Exercise 12. Compose a case history using the key words:

To be admitted to the hospital, to complain of, on physical examination, symptoms, to reveal, laboratory findings, antitoxin treatment, the course of the disease, convalescence.


1. Diphtheria is an acute contagious disease ... by specific organism bacillus diphtheria.

a) is caused b) caused c) causes d) has been caused e) causing


2. The disease … .throughout the world.

a) exists b) existed c) exist d) is existing e) was existing


3. The incubation period … days.

a) 1-2 b) 7 to 9 c) 30 d) 3 to 10 e) 5 to 10


4. A thin film of fibrin on the tonsils forms characteristic … pseudomembrane.

a) yellowish-white b) white c) grayish d) bluish e) bleeding


5. Children ... to be more liable to diphtheria.

a) appears b) appeared c) is appeared d) appear e) appearing


6. The lesion ... to spread over the pillars and onto the soft palate.

a) tend b) tending c) is tended d) to tend e) tends


7. What ... the outcome of the disease depend on?

a) will b) would c) does d) did e) do


8 The disease may be divided ... 3 main forms.

a) to b) into c) for d) in e) at


9. Peripheral neuritis occurs in the forms of... affecting the soft palate and throat.

a) inflammation b) disorder c) insufficiency d) paralysis e) affliction


10. The outcome of the disease depends mainly on one factor, namely, the early administration of…

a) antibiotic b) vaccine c) laxative d) expectorant e) antitoxin

MALARIA - Малярія


Exercise 1. Practise the pronunciation:

Parasite ['pærəsait], swamp [swəmp], gnat [næt], endeavour [in'devə], tertian ['tə:∫ (ə) n], quartan ['kwə:tn], eventually [iventjuəli], heap [hi:p], height [hait], duly ['djuli], quinine [ 'kwini:n ], drastic [ 'dræstik ].


Exercise 2. Topic vocabulary:

swamp – болото

pool – ставочок, калюжа

gnat – комар

flourish – процвітати

endeavour – намагатися, докладати зусиль

tertian – триденна пропасниця

quartan – чотириденна малярія

respectively – відповідно

offspring – паросток, нащадок

eventually – кінець кінцем, зрештою

betake – утікати, дременути

heap – нагромаджувати, складати

flush – прилив крові, рум'янець

height – пік

break out –спалахнути

duly – у належний час

drastic – радікальний

locality – місцевість

sanitate – поліпшувати санітарні умови

survey – огляд


Exercise 3. Match the following word combinations:

Onset of the attack 1. своєчасно призначене лікування

Course of the disease 2. радикальні заходи

Duly administered treatment 3. поліпшувати санітарні умови місцевісті

Drastic measures 4. огляд населення

To sanitate locality 5. початок приступа

Survey of population 6. течія ( хід ) захворювання

A cause of the disease 7. пік хвороби

A height of the disease 8. причина захворювання


Exercise 4. Choose one or more adjectives from the list B to modify nouns from the list A so as to make sense. Translate the word combinations into the native language.

List A: complications, measures, treatment, stage, form, climate, gland, headache, attack, phase, corpuscles, course, preparations.

List B: drastic, duly, sweating, salivary, red, tropical, severe, administered, hot, tertian, temperate, endocrine, thyroid, bad, malarial, blood.


Exercise 5. Form the following adverbs and translate them.

Model: local- locally

Probable, considerable, chief, late, recent, severe, main, clear, different, deep, necessary, sufficient, tropical, respective, final, successful, extreme.


Exercise 6. Memorize the meaning of the following term-elements.

Cry(o) - [kriəu] – combining form of Greek origin denoting cold

Therm(o) – [Ɵə:məu] – combining form of Greek origin denoting heat, temperature

End(o) – [endəu] – combining form of Greek origin denoting within or inner


1.Absence of the ability to sense heat and coldness - … .

2. Exceptional sensitivity to low temperature -… .

3. A technique for measuring and recording the heat produced by different parts of the body - … .

4. Within the material of a cartilage - … .

5. A device for registering temperature - … .

6.The use of heat to alleviate pain and stiffness in joints and muscles -… .

7. A parasite that lives inside its host - … .

8. Preservation of tissues by freezing - … .

9. A chamber in which frozen tissue is sectioned with a microtome - … .

10. Arising within or derived from the body - … .

11. The physiological process of regulating or adjusting body temperature - … .

12. An abnormal sense of pain that is felt when part of the body is warmed - …

13. The inner cytoplasm of cells - … .

14. The use of extreme cold in a localized part of the body to freeze and destroy unwanted tissue - … .

(Thermometer, thermotazis, thermoanaesthesia, thermoalgesia, thermotherapy, thermography, cryostat, cryopreservation, cryasthesia, cryosurgery,endogenous, endoscope, endochondral, endoplasm, endoparasite )


Exercise 7. Translate into Russian paying Attention to the Complex Subject:

1.The disease is known to exist all round the world.

2. It has long been noticed that gnats seem to flourish together with malaria.

3. The temperature is found to be considerably raised in this patient.

4. Some metastatic liver lesions are found to displace vessels.

5. The drug appears to produce no side effect .

6. Patients with perforated ulcers are known to complain of an acute pain in the stomach.

7. This diagnosis is found to be correct in only a few cases.

8. Penicillin is considered to be the most effective drug in treatment of inflammation.

9. Respiratory function is known to vary considerably.

10. Vitamins are known to be divided into water-soluble and fat- soluble.


Exercise 8. Read and translate the text:


Malaria is an infectious disease caused by the presence in the human blood of the Plasmodium malariae.

The disease is known to exist all round the world but is chiefly found in tropical climates spreading here and there into temperate regions where it occurs in summer and autumn. The presence of swamps, pools are also important factors. It has long been noticed that gnats or as they called in the tropics mosquitoes seem to flourish together with malaria and several scientists endeavoured to establish a connection between the two.

There are three main kinds of malarial parasites to be distinguished; those causing the tertian, the quartan and the tropical forms of malaria respectively. The malarial parasite, Plasmodium malaria, passes one phase of its lifecycle in man (the asexual phase) and the other in the stomach and tissues of the mosquito (the sexual phase). After its development in the mosquito’s stomach the resulting offspring eventually find their way into the mosquito’s salivary glands. When the infected female mosquito bites a human being these parasites enter human red blood corpuscles.

The acute malarial attacks have in general three stages. These are the cold stage, the hot stage and the sweating stage.

The cold stage begins with a feeling of chilliness even in the hottest weather. This increases till the person has to betake him to bed and heap himself with clothes, face and nails being blue and the whole body shaken with shivering. Nevertheless the temperature is found to be considerably raised. This stage lasts an hour or less.

The hot stage comes on as the temperature of the body rises, beginning with hot flushes which lengthen till the body feels burning hot, the temperature rising to 40’ or 41’C. There are also headache, sickness, pains throughout the body and sometimes even delirium. This stage may last several hours.

The sweating stage comes on after the fever reaches its height, as the temperature begins to fall. Profuse perspiration breaks out, the person begins to feel better, and the headache and pains at the same time pass off. Finally after three or four hours the patient feels quite well though much weakened.

Having gone through the three stages of a malarial attack patients feel recovered until the onset of the next attack.

Severe vomiting and diarrhea may sometimes complicate the course of the disease. Duly administered treatment with quinine or other preparations as a rule soon interrupts the course of malarial attacks.

As it is generally known that “prevention is better than cure” drastic measures should be taken to sanitate localities, to reduce the number of mosquitoes, to detect carriers and to carry out the survey of the population.


Exercise 9. Answer the following questions:

1. What is malaria caused by?

2. Where is the disease chiefly found?

3. What are the three main forms of malaria?

4.When do the parasites enter human red blood corpuscles?

5. What three stages have the acute malarial attacks?

6. What are the symptoms of the cold stage?

7. What stage is characterized by hot flushes?

8. When does the fever reach its height?

9. What complicates the disease?

10.What preventive measures should be taken?


Exercise 10. Translate into English the following word combinations:

Встановити зв'язок між чим-небудь, навіть в найжаркішу погоду, відправлятися в ліжко, надягати багато одягу, трястися від тремтіння, горіти від жари, біль по всьому тілу, відчувати себе досить добре, відчувати себе таким, що видужав, своєчасно призначене лікування медичними препаратами, радикальна міра, проводити санітарну обробку території, пік хвороби.


Exercise 11. Is it true or false?

1. Malaria is a chronic disease.

2. There are many kinds of malarial parasites.

3. The disease is chiefly found in temperate climate.

4. Gnats seem to flourish together with malaria.

5.The cold stage starts with the feeling of burning.

6. The acute malarial attacks have in general three stages.

7. The main complications of the disease are blindness and heart failure.

8. Having gone through the three stages of a malarial attack patients feel recovered until the onset of the next attack.

9. The disease isn’t known to exist all round the world

10. It is better to cure than to prevent the disease.



Fever = pyrexia ( also remember PUO – pyrexia of uknown origin)

Fever is also known as temperature. – I’ve got a temperature.

Adjectives = feverich/ febrile and pyrexial

Opposites = afebrile / apyrexial

Some symptoms of fever: sweating, rigors ( severe shivering and sensation of coldness, also known as chills ).

Describe the state of patient with malaria using the new terms.


Exercise 13. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions. Translate the sentences.

1. All infectious diseases are similar … origin.

2. The findings of the intradermal tests proved to be … great diagnostic importance.

3. The patient’s sensitivity … penicillin should be studied before the treatment is begun.

4. Much progress has been achieved … treating bronchial asthma … the last few years.

5. The child was noted to be allergic … definite inhalant preparations.

6. Infections differ … other diseases …a number …aspects.

7. The incubation period is the period between the invasion … the tissues by pathogens and the appearance … clinical features of infection.

8. The period … infectivity is the time that the patient is infectious … others. 9. Many infections are preventable … hygienic measures , … vaccines or … drug prophylaxis ( … example, chloroquine to prevent malaria ).

10. Communicability is another factor which differentiates infections … non -infectious diseases.

Exercise 14 . Translate into English using Complex Subject:

1. Як виявилось, значно зменшена вага і сильна лихоманка є ознаками важкого захворювання.

2 . Вакцина виявилася безпечною.

3. Очікується, що клінічні випробування почнуться наступної весни.

4. Виявилось, що у хворого алергія до антибіотиків.

5. Відомо, що молочні продукти містять 100 різних речовин, корисних для людини.

6. Відомо, що просування їжі по кишечнику може тривати від 12 до 72 годин.

7. Виявилось, що характерними клінічними проявами захворювання є кровотеча, блювота і нудота.



1 .The disease ... to exist all round the world.

a. are known b. know c. knew d. is known e. to be known


2. The drug ... to produce no side effect.

a. to be appeared b. is appeared c. appear d. appears e. are appeared


3. There are... main kinds of malarial parasites to be distinguished.

a. 2 b. 4 c. 3 d. 5 e. 1


4. When the infected female mosquito bites a human being parasites enter

a. red blood corpuscles b. ear c. human body d. white blood corpuscles

e. lungs


5. The cold stage begins with a feeling of ... even in the hottest weather.

a. fever b. chilliness с perspiration d. vomiting e. headache


6. Where ... the disease chiefly ...?

a. does...find b. are ... found с do... find

d. have been found e. is... found


7. When ... the fever ... its height?

a. have... reached b. are ... reached c. does... reach

d. do... reach e. is... reaching


8. Having gone ... the three stages of a malarial attack patients feel recovered until the onset of the next attack.

a. for b. into c. from d. of e. through


9. Duly administrated treatment ...quinine interrupts the course of malarial attack.

a. by b. for c. of d. with e. without


10. As it is generally known preventive measures should be taken to sanitate localities, to reduce the number of mosquitoes, ...

a. to carry out the survey of the population b. to treat the patients

c. to examine the healthy carriers d. to administer duty treatment

e. to prescribe drugs

ACQUIRED IMMUNE DEFICIENCY SYNDROME – Синдром набутого імунодефіциту (СНІД)


Exercise 1. Active Vocabulary:

Acquired [əˈkwaıəd] отриманий

To transmit передавати

Deficiency [dıˈfıʃənsı] недостатність

Mortality смертність

Identify [aıˈdɛntı,faı] визначати

Morbidity захворюваність

Routine [ruːˈtiːn] поточний, звичайний

Sample, specimen зразок

Susceptible [səˈsɛptəbǝl] вразливий

Exposure піддавання

Available [əˈveıləbǝl] доступний

Opportunistic infections оппортунистичні (супровідні) інфекції

To contract (a disease) заразитися


Exercise 2. Form nouns from the words given below:

To identify, to effect, to transmit, to treat, to maintain, to infect, to add, to prevent, to develop, to measure, to assist, to protect, to disturb.


Exercise 3. Translate the following phrases into your native language:

Human immunodeficiency virus, susceptible to opportunistic infections, positive identification, fungi and parasites, available vaccine, bodily fluid, avoid exposure to the virus, reduce mortality and morbidity, routine access, to transmit through direct contact of a mucous membrane.

Exercise 4. Discuss the following problem:

1. What does abbreviation AIDS mean?

2. What organs does AIDS affect?

3. Why is it so widely spoken about?

4. Why is it considered to be so dangerous?

5. Why does it spread so quickly that it becomes pandemic?

6. What is the best way to prevent AIDS?


Exercise 5. Read and translate the text:


Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a disease of the human immune system caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

This condition progressively reduces the effectiveness of the immune system and leaves individuals susceptible to opportunistic infections, which affect nearly every organ system, and different tumors and cancers. HIV is transmitted through direct contact of a mucous membrane or the bloodstream with a bodily fluid containing HIV, such as blood, semen and breast milk. AIDS is now a pandemic.

AIDS was first reported June 5, 1981. The earliest known positive identification of the HIV virus comes from the Congo in 1959 and 1960, though genetic studies indicate that it passed into the human population from chimpanzees around fifty years earlier. Chimpanzees are frequently hunted for food, especially in West-Central Africa, and scientists believe that HIV-1 was introduced into the human population through exposure to chimpanzees’ blood during hunting. Chimpanzees are identical to humans in over 98 percent of their genome (hereditary material), yet they appear to be resistant to the damaging effects of the AIDS virus on the immune system.

The symptoms of AIDS are primarily the result of infections caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites that are normally controlled by the elements of the immune system that HIV damages.

Additionally, people with AIDS often have systemic symptoms of infection like fevers, sweats (particularly at night), swollen glands, chills, weakness, and weight loss.

Many people are unaware that they are infected with HIV. HIV tests are usually performed on venous blood. Individuals whose first specimen indicates evidence of HIV infection will have a repeat test on a second blood sample to confirm the results. The window (incubation) period (the time between initial infection and the development of detectable antibodies against the infection) can vary since it can take 3–6 months to get positive result.

To be infected with HIV is to be HIV-positive, but only when the virus seriously damages the immune system, does one have AIDS. AIDS is different in every infected person. Some people die a few months after getting infected, while others live fairly normal lives for many years, even after they 'officially' have AIDS. A few HIV-positive people stay healthy for many years even without taking anti-HIV medications.

HIV testing is the first step in your personal education in determining if you are infected with the HIV. HIV tests look for antibodies to HIV. Those antibodies are proteins produced by your immune system to fight germs. Blood tests are the most common HIV test, but newer tests can detect antibodies in mouth fluid, from scrapings inside your cheek, or from your urine. Rapid HIV tests are now capable of test results within 10 to 30 minutes after a sample is taken. Between three weeks and two months after becoming infected with HIV, your immune system produces antibodies to HIV, so you should wait two months before being tested, after you think you were exposed to HIV.

There is currently no available vaccine for HIV or cure for HIV or AIDS. The only known methods of prevention are based on avoiding exposure to the virus or an antiretroviral treatment which can just slow the course of the disease. But it also has very unpleasant side effects including diarrhea, malaise, nausea and fatigue. Аntiretroviral treatment reduces both the mortality and the morbidity of HIV infection, but these drugs are expensive and routine access to antiretroviral medication is not available in all countries.


Exercise 6. Answer the questions?

1. Explain the term AIDS?

2. What does AIDS damage or destroy?

3. How is AIDS transmitted?

4. What is the cause of AIDS?

5. Where did AIDS come from?

6. When was AIDS first reported?

7. Why are many people unaware that they are infected with HIV?

8. How is HIV identified?

9. What are the symptoms of AIDS?

10. What is the treatment of AIDS?


Exercise 7. Match English word combinations with their definitions:

Immune deficiency 1. It affects patients only or chiefly when the immune system is depressed
opportunistic infection 2. protein produced in response to and counteracting a specific antigen.
antiretroviral 3. failure of the immune system to protect the body adequately from infection
HIV 4. the time between initial infection and the development of detectable antibodies against the infection
antibody 5. a virus which reduces people's resistance to illness
window period 6. denoting drugs which inhibit the activity of retroviruses

Exercise 8. Write synonyms to the following words:

Syndrome, deficiency, to find out, to spread, neoplasm, damage, sweat, giddiness, medicine, to involve, to decrease, to increase.


Exercise 9. Find the continuation of the sentence:

1. AIDS stands for ___________________________

2. _______________ is the cause of AIDS.

3. AIDS progressively reduces __________________

4. HIV is transmitted __________________________

5. AIDS was first reported _____________________.

6. The earliest known positive identification of the HIV virus comes from __________________.

7. The treatment of AIDS is mostly ______________.

8.__ can reduce mortality and morbidity but there is no ___ .

9.The only known methods of prevention are based on ____.

10.The symptoms of AIDS are __________________.


Exercise 10. Approve or contradict:

1. AIDS affects inner organs such as liver, spleen, stomach.

2. HIV is transmitted through respiratory tract.

3. AIDS originated in the USA in early 90s.

4. The symptoms of AIDS are fever, fatigue, nausea, sometimes vomiting.

5. Many people are unaware that they are infected with HIV because symptoms are vague.

6. The window period can vary from 2-3 years.

7. AIDS is successfully treated with antiretroviral medicine.

8. Antiretrovir


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