

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Medical treatments

Causes in either sex

Factors that can cause male as well as female infertility are:

· General factors

o Diabetes mellitus, thyroid disorders, adrenal disease

· Hypothalamic-pituitary factors

· Environmental factors

o Toxins such as glues, volatile organic solvents or silicones, physical agents, chemical dusts, and pesticides. Tobacco smokers are 60% more likely to be infertile than non-smokers.

Common causes of infertility of females include:

· ovulation problems

· tubal blockage

· age-related factors

· uterine problems

· previous tubal ligation

· endometriosis

The main cause of male infertility is low semen quality.

Medical treatments

Medical treatment of infertility generally involves the use of fertility medication, medical device, surgery, or their combination. If conservative medical treatment fails to achieve a full term pregnancy, the physician may suggest the patient undergo in vitro fertilization (IVF). IVF and related techniques are called assisted reproductive technology (ART) techniques.


· Some cases of infertility may be avoided by doing the following:

· Avoid drugs and medications known to cause fertility problems.

· Avoid excessive exercise.

· Avoid exposure to environmental hazards such as pesticides.

· Get early treatment for sexually transmitted diseases.

· Have regular physical examinations to detect early signs of infections or abnormalities.

· Keep diseases, such as diabetes and hypothyroidism, under control.

· Avoid smoking.

· Limit caffeine and alcohol intake.

· Practice stress management.

· Use birth control to prevent unwanted pregnancy and abortion.


5. Answer the questions:

1. What is infertility?

2. What are the causes of infertility in either sex?

3. What are the causes of infertility in women?

4. What is the main cause of male infertility?

5. What does the medical treatment of infertility involve?

6. When is a couple considered to be infertile?

7. What does prevention include?


6. Put questions to the underlined words:

1. Sometimes conservative medical treatment fails to achieve a full term pregnancy.

2. In vitro fertilization and related techniques are called assisted reproductive technology.

3. Many biological causes of infertility may be bypassed with medical intervention.

4. Many factors can cause infertility.

5. Tobacco smokers are 60% more likely to be infertile.

6. Medical treatment of infertility involves the use of medications, medical device and surgery.


Exercise 7.Match the explanations with the terms.

1. The expulsion or removal of an embryo or fetus from the uterus at a stage of pregnancy when it is incapable of independent survival a.Pregnancy
2. The presence of tissue similar to the lining of the uterus at other sites of the pelvis: it is thought to be caused by retrograde “menstruation” b. ovulation
3. A substance administered by mouth, applied to the body or introduced into the body for the purpose of treatment c. endometriosis
4. The process by which an ovum is released from a mature Graafian follicle. d. abortion
5. The period during which a woman carries a developing fetus, normally in the uterus. e. medication


Exercise 8. Open the brackets and put the verbs in a correct form:

1. The doctor (to prescribe) the patient necessary physical exercises.

2. After the patient (to sleep) for two hours he felt much better.

3. Smoking (to affect) unfavourably the walls of the blood vessels.

4. The researchers (not to find) the origin of the disease yet.

5. IVF and related techniques (to call) assisted reproductive technology (ART) techniques.

6. The findings of the physical examination (to confirm) by the X-ray examination.

7. We (to complete) already the experimental part of the work.


Exercise 10. Explain the terms:

Infertility, endometriosis, pregnancy


1. Infertility is the ... to naturally conceive a child.

a) ability b) possibility c) inability d) impossibility


2. What... infertility... by?

a) is caused b) cause c) is causing d) has caused


3. Some cases of infertility may be avoided by doing the following:

a) avoid eating spicy food b) avoid sitting in the sun c) limit sweets and cakes d) limit caffeine and alcohol intake.


4. Tobacco smokers are … more likely to be infertile than non-smokers.

a) 20% b) 40% c) 50% d) 60%


5. Common cause of infertility of females is:

a) inflammation of the appendix b) tubal blockage c) peritonitis d) pelvic malformation


6. If conservative medical treatment fails to achieve a full term pregnancy, the physician may suggest the patient undergo …

a) surgical intervention b) uterus transplantation c) in vitro fertilization

d) abortion


7. Medical treatment of infertility generally … the use of fertility medication, medical device, surgery.

a) is involving b) involves c) involved d) has involved


8. The main cause of male infertility is … .

a) inflammation of the scrotum b) inflammation of the testicles

c) inflammation of the bladder d) low semen quality


9. What... preventable measures of infertility?

a) is b) do c) are d) does


10. There are many biological causes of infertility, some of which may be bypassed medical intervention.

a) with b) by c) from d) in

Diabetes mellitus – Цукровий діабет


1.Topic vocabulary:

To respond to – реагувати

To result in - приводити

To result from – виникати внаслідок

Subtle – ледь відчутний

To trigger - спонукати

Juvenile - юнацький

To ensure – забезпечувати


2. Give the Ukrainian equivalents:

Insulin deficiency, gestational diabetes, treatable forms, the most common type, glucose absorption, a common complaint, rapid vision changes, inherited diabetes, gradual changes, subtle development, prolonged high blood glucose, suspected cases, to use properly, blurred vision, prescribed therapy, self-glucose monitoring.


3.Read and translate the text:

Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes mellitus, often simply diabetes, is a group of metabolic diseases in which a person has high blood sugar, either because the body does not produce enough insulin, or because cells do not respond to the insulin that is produced.

There are three main types of diabetes:

· Type 1 diabetes: results from the body’s failure to produce insulin, and presently requires the person to inject insulin (insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, IDDM for short, and juvenile diabetes).

· Type 2 diabetes: results from insulin resistance, a condition in which cells fail to use insulin properly, sometimes combined with an absolute insulin deficiency ( non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, NIDDM for short, and adult-onset diabetes).

· Gestational diabetes is when pregnant women who have never had diabetes before, have a high blood glucose level during pregnancy. It may precede development of type 2 DM.

The cause of diabetes depends on the type. Type 1 diabetes is partly inherited and then triggered by certain infections. Type 2 diabetes is due primarily to lifestyle factors and genetics.

All forms of diabetes have been treatable since insulin became available in 1921, and type 2 diabetes may be controlled with medications. Both type 1 and 2 are chronic conditions that usually cannot be cured.

At least 171 million people worldwide suffer from diabetes, or 2.8% of the population. Type 2 diabetes is by far the most common, affecting 90 to 95% of diabetes population, for example, in the U.S.

Signs and symptoms

The classical symptoms of diabetes are polyuria (frequent urinartion), polydipsia (increased thirst) and polyphagia (increased hunger). Symptoms may develop rapidly (weeks or months) in type 1 diabetes while type 2 diabetes they usually develop much more slowly and may be subtle or absent. The elevated plasma glucose levels cause marked glucosouria and an osmotic diuresis resulting in dehydration.

Prolonged high blood glucose causes glucose absorption, which leads to changes in the shape of the lenses of the eyes, resulting in vision changes; blurred vision is a common complaint leading to a diabetes diagnosis; type 1 should always be suspected in cases of rapid vision change, whereas with type 2 change is generally more gradual, but should still be suspected.

The main complications of diabetes mellitus are diabetic retinopathy, diabetic neuropathy, diabetic nephropathy, foot ulcers.

Treatment regimens differ. Patient education is important to ensure the effectiveness of the prescribed therapy. All patients should be instructed in self-glucose monitoring.


4. Answer the questions.

1. What is diabetes mellitus?

2. How many types of diabetes you know?

3. What is type 1 diabetes?

4. What is type 2 diabetes?

5. What is gestational diabetes?

6. When did insulin become available?

7. What are the classical symptoms of diabetes?

8. What does prolonged high blood glucose cause?

9. What are the main complications of diabetes?


5. Find the terms that match the following definitions.

The state or condition of discharging abnormally large quantities of urine, often accompanied by a need to urinate frequently    
Chronic excessive thirst and fluid intake  
An abnormal desire to consume excessive amounts of food    
Increased urination due to the presence of certain substances in the fluid filtered by the kidneys. This fluid eventually becomes urine. These substances cause additional water to come into the urine, increasing its amount.    
Any disease of the retina, the light-sensitive membrane at the back of the eye.  
A collection of disorders that occurs when nerves of the peripheral nervous system (the part of the nervous system outside of the brain and spinal cord) are damaged.  
Damage to or disease of a kidney  
Excessive loss of body water, with an accompanying disruption of metabolic processes  
The presence of glucose in the urine  


6. Make the corresponding pairs.

metabolic sugar
to inject resistance
gestational condition
diabetes changes
blood disease
insulin insulin
chronic diabetes
classical population
Self-glucose therapy
vision symptoms
prescribed monitoring


7. Find the missing letters and translate the following words and word combinations.

1. B_ _ _ _ e _ _ _ _ i _ _;

2. _i_ _e_ _ s ;

3. to r_ _ _ _t _ _ _ _;

4. _ u _ _ _ _ _e;

5. to s _ _f _ _ _ _ _ _;

6. to _ e _ _ _d _ _;

7. s_ _ t _ e;

8. s _ _ f - _ _ _ c _ _e m_ _ _ _ _ _ i _ _;

9. c _ _ _ _i_ c _ n _ _ _ _ o_;

10. d _e _ _;

11. t_ _ r _ _ y.

12. r _ _ _ s _ _ _c _.

13. d _ _ _c _ _n _ _.

14. l _ n_ ;

15. p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ y.


8. Approve or contradict the following statements:

1. There are two main types of diabetes.

2. Type 2 diabetes: results from the body’s failure to produce insulin, and presently requires the person to inject insulin.

3. Type 1 diabetes is partly inherited and then triggered by certain infections.

4. The main complications of diabetes mellitus are diabetic retinopathy, diabetic neuropathy, diabetic nephropathy, foot ulcers.

5. The cause of diabetes does not always depend on the type.


9. Fill in the table with appropriate translation of the words and terms.

metabolic   produce  
  повышенный   постепенно
genetics   trigger  
  обезвоживание   подозревть
Diabetes population   certain  
  впитывание, поглощение   обеспечивать
cure   depend on  
  хрусталик   неясный, расплывчатый
rapidly   subtle  


10. Read some facts about diabetes and fill in the gaps with the word combinations given in the table below:

complications diabetes capital under the age  
sedentary lifestyle   delay 'silent killer disease'
middle-income group   silent epidemic 246 million people in the world
kidney failure 3.2 million people feeling thirsty


1. Diabetes is a …………… and according to WHO there are ……………. living with diabetes. This is almost 6% of the world's adult population.


2. India is the……….. of the world. It is estimated that currently there are 40 million people with diabetes in India and by 2025 this number will swell to 70 million. This would mean every fifth diabetic in the world would be an Indian.


3. Diabetes causes 6 deaths every minute and one in 20 deaths in the world is due to the condition. Every year it is estimated that ………….in the world die due to the diabetes or its related causes.


4. Diabetes is an important……………… as there is usually no early symptom of the disease. The commonest early symptom is……………………. .


5. Almost 90 to 95% of diabetes is of type 2 or maturity onset type; that affects people in their middle age. Type 1 or juvenile diabetes affects 70,000 children………………of 15 years every year.


6. The major cause of increase in the incidence of diabetes is a ………… . Exercise and diet can either reduce or .…… the incidence of diabetes by over 50%.


7. Diabetes is the number one cause of …………… in the world. Besides this every year it is responsible for 5% or 5 million blindness in adults and one million limb amputations. Diabetes is also an important cause of heart disease, stroke and cataract.


8. The current cost of treating diabetes and its ………… in the world is estimated as US $ 215-375 billion. The disease is growing fastest in developing countries where there are more people in the lower and …………. .


11. Fill in the table.

Causes of diabetes  
Signs and symptoms  


12. Fill in prepositions where necessary.

1. … night I felt a sharp pain … my right side … my leg.

2. A lot of people worldwide suffer …… diabetes.

3. Doctors should instruct their patients … self-glucose monitoring.

4. The cause of diabetes depends ….. the type.

5. You look ill. Why don’t you go and consult … the doctor. Health is worth taking care … .

6. Glucose absorption leads … changes in the shape of the lenses of the eyes.

7. Type 2 diabetes may be controlled … medications.

8. Most unfortunately he fell ill … pneumonia just … the middle … his holidays when he was on a tour … the south.

9. The boy falls ill … quinsy practically every other month.

10. I must have caught a flu on coming … an overheated cinema … the cold, damp air. I thought, judging … the symptoms, that it was only a cold, but when my temperature rose and my headache grew worse, I sent … a doctor. The doctor looked … my tongue, felt … my pulse. Listened … my heart and lungs and took my temperature. “It’s quite clear what’s wrong … you,” he said. You have got the flu. Stay … bed … few days and drink hot tea … lemon.”

11. He complained … splitting headache.

12. The doctor told the patient to strip … the waist and listened … his heart and lungs.

13. This medicine is very good … quinsy.

14. What’s the matter with you? – Oh, I’m feeling fit … nothing.

15. I was ill … bronchitis and had to stay out … … shool … a aweek.


13. Put the questions to the underlined words:

1. There are three main types of diabetes.

2. Type 2 diabetes results from insulin resistance.

3. 171 million people worldwide suffer from diabetes.

4. The classical symptoms of diabetes are polyuria, polydipsia and polyphagia.

5. Type 2 diabetes may be controlled with medications.

6. Symptomatic hyperglycemia may persist for days or weeks.

7. All patient should be instucted in self-glucose monitoring.


14. Open the brackets and put the verbs in the correct tense and voice.

1. The patient (to suffer) from diabetes for 10 years.

2. The cause of diabetes (to depend) on the type.

3. Type 2 diabetes (to result) from insulin resistance.

4. Diabetes (to suspect) in case of rapid vision changes.

5. Symptomatic hyperglycemia (persist) for days or weeks.

6. All patients (to instruct) in self-glucose monitoring.

7. Treatment regimens (to differ).

8. Insulin (to become) available in 1921.

9. Lifestyle and genetics ( to cause) type 2 diabetes.

10. One of the main Mr. Willis’s complaints (to be) blurred vision.


15. Explain the following terms.

Diabetes mellitus, polyuria, dehydration, foot ulcer, insulin.



1. Diabetes mellitus, often simply diabetes, is a group of ……. diseases.

a) hereditary b) metabolic c) contagious d) chronic


2. Type 2 diabetes results from ……… .

a) body’s failure to produce insulin b) insulin resistance

c) nutritional deficiency d) immunity failure


3. There are …… main types of diabetes.

a) 2 b) 3 c) 5 d) 4


4. The cause of diabetes depends on ….. .

a) the type b) blood group c) character d) age


5. When did insulin become available?

a) 1898 b) 1921 c) 1914 d) 1941


6. The classical symptoms of diabetes are:

a) headache, nausea, vomiting b) insomnia, fatigue, general malaise

c) breathlesnes, cyanosis, itching d) polyuria, polydipsia and polyphagia.


7. The main complications of diabetes mellitus are:

a) diabetic retinopathy, diabetic neuropathy b) nocturia, hernia

c) diabetic nephropathy, foot ulcers d) gastritis, dizziness


8. Both type 1 and 2 are chronic conditions that usually ………. be cured.

а) can b) cannot c) might d) mustn’t


9. Prolonged high blood glucose can result in:

a) hearing problems b) vision changes c) insomnia d) hallucinations


10. …………is important to ensure the effectiveness of the prescribed therapy:

a) patient control b) patient education c) patient’s emotional poise d) bed regimen




Exercise 1. Practise the pronunciation of the following words:

Thyroid ['θairɔid], iodine ['aiəudi:n], mountainous ['mauntinəs], survey ['sə:vei], cretinism ['kretinizm], impairment [im'pεəmənt], dwarfism ['dwɔ:fizm], fortify ['fɔ:tifai], require [ri'kwaiə]


Exercise 2. Topic vocabulary:

Goitre - зоб

Lack (of) - нестача, відсутність

To require - вимагати

Soil - земля, грунт

To affect - уражати

Community -спільність

Stillbirth – народження мертвого плода

Miscarriage - викидень

Dwarfism - карликовість

Impairment - порушення

To fortify – укріпляти, посилювати

To result in – мати результатом, приводити

To involve – спричиняти, включати


Exercise 3. Translate the word combinations:

Noncancerous , thyroid gland , the most common cause, mountainous regions, iodine, mental, brain , salivary glands, a runny nose, table salt, production, diet, metabolism, taste, disorder, weakness, seafood, to detect, to regulate, condition, diffuse, nodule.


Exercise 4. Form the following new words and translate them:

-Y: run, rain, sun, wind, fun, fog, bone, blood, health, sleep, taste, water, noise, dirt, ease.

-MENT: enlarge, impair, develop, achieve, treat, require, equip, move, establish, appoint, measure, excite, argue, state.

-ISM: cretin, giant, hyperthyroid, hypoinsulin, narcotic, embole, iodine, human, alcohol, fatal, hero, Darwin, evolution, modern, criticize;

-NESS: weak, deaf, dull, cold, ill, fresh, red, tired, restless, calm, kind, polite, cool, dry, dark.


Exercise 5. Choose the correct definitions to the following terms:

1) metabolism 1) poisoning induced by ingestion of iodine or its compounds;

2) iodism 2) an endocrine gland of vertebrates, consisting in man of two lobes near the base of the neck. It secretes hormones that control metabolism and body growth;

3) thyroid gland 3)the condition of being a dwarf;

4) dwarfism 4) a condition arising from a deficiency of thyroid hormone, present from birth, characterized by dwarfism and mental retardation;

5)cretinism 5)the sum total of the chemical processes that occur in living organism, resulting in growth, production of energy, elimination of waste material, etc.


Exercise 6. Form the degrees of comparison of the following adjectives and adverbs:

little, warm, lately, frequent, high, clear, shy, bad, far, good, comfortable, great, much, big, rare, rich, fur, necessary, dangerous, little, cold, many, useful, easy.


Exercise 7. Give English equivalents to the following words:

Бідний, самий розповсюджений, самий кращий, менше, більше, рідкий, більш (у розмірі), достатній , гірше, цікавий, далекий, cамий небезпечний.


Exercise 8. Read and translate the text:


A goitre is a noncancerous enlargement of the thyroid gland in the front of the neck. The enlargement may be diffuse – involving most of the gland, or localized – limited to a particular area, as in a solitary ( single) nodule. Many conditions can cause goiter, but the most common is a lack of sufficient iodine in the diet, which is usually a result of the soil in which food is grown being iodine-poor—a condition that occurs in many mountainous regions away from the sea. Iodine is required for the production of thyroid hormones, which regulate the body's metabolism.

Surveying communities for goiter is one of the best ways of detecting iodine deficiency, which, if not treated, can cause stillbirths, miscarriages, cretinism, mental impairments, deafness, and dwarfism.

An excess too much, or a deficiency –too little, of circulating hormones causes a wide range of medical conditions, for example hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. Where there is an excess of hormone , one form of treatment consists of giving the patient something which inhibits the production of hormone, as in the use of carbimazole to treat hyperthyroidism. When a hormone is deficient, treatment may be by replacement therapy, for example injections of insulin in the treatment of Type I diabetes.

Iodine deficiency is the most common preventable cause of brain damage and mental retardation, affecting about 50 million people worldwide. However, these disorders have been reduced simply by using table salt fortified with iodine.

Adults require at least 20 micrograms of iodine daily, but 150 micrograms is recommended. Seafood is excellent source, while the iodine content of other foods varies depending on animal feed and soil. Iodism (iodine poisoning) is a rare condition that results in weakness, swollen salivary glands, a metallic taste in the mouth, and a runny nose.


Exercise 9. Answer the following questions:

1. What is goitre?

2. What is required for the production of thyroid hormones?

3. What is the most common cause of goitre?

4. What is hyperthyroidism?

5. What is hypothyroidism?

6. What can goitre cause?

7. What does iodism result in?

8. What is one of the best way of detecting iodine deficiency?

9. How much iodine do adults require daily?

10. What is the excellent source of iodine?


Exercise 10. Give English equivalents of the following word combinations:

Розумова відсталість, пошкодження мозоку , гірській район, поганий грунт, збільшення щитовидної залози, столова сіль, отруєння йодом, рідкий ста, металевий смак у роті, опухлі слинні залози, самітний вузлик, лікування хвороби, нежить, регулювати обмін речовин, замінне лікування.


Exercise 11. Continue the sentences:

1. The most common cause of goitre is … .

2. Thyroid hormones … .

3. Surveying communities for goitre is … .

4. If not treated goitre can cause … .

5. Iodine deficiency affects … .

6. Seafood is … .

7. The enlargement may be …. .

8. Iodism results in … .

9. Iodine deficiency may lead to … .

10. A lack of sufficient iodine in the diet occurs in … .


Exercise 12. Find 7 words formed by conversion:


E.g. play– to play


Exercise 13. Open the brackets and use verbs in the correct tense and voice:

1. The number of goitre cases ( to vary) greatly by region.

2. Iodine ( to require) for the production of thyroid substances.

3. Thyroid hormones (to regulate) the body’s metabolism.

4. Iodine deficiency ( to affect) about 50 million people worldwide.

5. Iodine deficiency (can, to cause) mental impairments, miscarriages, cretinism, etc.

6. The table salt (to fortify) with iodine.

7. A lack of sufficient iodine in the diet (to result from) the iodine - poor soil in which food is grown.

8. The examination ( to reveal ) an enlarged thyroid, red sweaty palms and a fine tremor of the hands.

9. An enlarged thyroid gland ( to call ) a goiter.

10.Hyperthyroidism ( to confirm ) by the correct examination.


Exercise 14. Make up questions to the underlined words:

1. Adults require 20 micrograms of iodine daily.

2. Iodism is a rare condition.

3. Iodism results in weakness, swollen salivary glands and a runny nose.

4. Iodine is required for the production of thyroid hormones.

5. Many conditions can cause goiter.

6. About 740 million people have goiter.

7. A lack of sufficient iodine in the diet occurs in many mountaneous regions.

8. She has noticed that her hands have a tendency to shake.

9. Recently she has developed palpitations, heat intolerance and diarrhea.

10. Sufferers of type I diabetes are deficient in insulin.


Exercise 15. Match Mrs Davis’s symptoms (1-7) with the questions her doctor asked ( a-g).

1. diarrhea a) Do you prefer hot weather or cold?

2. eating more b) Is your weight steady?

3. heat intolerance c) What is your appetite like?

4. overactivity d) Are your bowels normal?

5. palpitations e) Are you able to sit and relax?

6. weight loss f) Do your hands shake?

7. tremor g) Have you ever felt your heart beating rapidly?

Exercise 16. Explain the following terms in English:

1. hormone

2. thyroid

3. deafness

4. weakness



1. A goitre is … of the thyroid gland.

a) mental impairment b) inflammation c) noncancerous enlargement

d) calcium deficiency e) diminution


2. Iodism is a … condition.

a) frequent b) rare c) periodic d) chronic e) acute


3. The most common cause of goitre is … .

a) overweight b) lack of iron c) lack of calcium d) underweight

e) lack of iodine


4. Iodine is required for the production of … .

a) erythrocytes b) leucocytes c) thyroid hormones d) thrombocytes

e) proteins


5. Brain disorders have been reduced by using … fortified with iodine.

a) iron b) calcium c) vitamin D d) meat e) table salt


6. Adults require at least … micrograms of iodine daily.

a) 5 b) 10 c) 15 d) 20 e) 30


7. Iodine deficiency affects mainly …

a) physical condition b) mental sphere c) movement d) running

e) diet habits


8. … is excellent source of iodine.

a) wet soil b) vegetables c) fruit d) seafood e) vitamins


9. A lack of sufficient iodine in the diet is a result of …

a) wet soil b) dry soil c) uncultivated soil d) iodine-poor soil

e) soil rich in fertilizers


10. Thyroid hormones regulate … .

a) respiratory functions b) body’s metabolism c) reproduction

d) excretory function e) mental activities



OBESITY - Ожиріння


Exercise 1. Topic vocabulary:

Due Due to To be due to   burden succumb premature obese obesity curtail overindulgence injurious secured hazard to convince span   [dju:]   [bə:dn] [sə 'kʌm] ['premətòə] [əu 'bi:s] [əu 'bi:siti] [kɜ: 'teɪl] [əuvərin 'dʌldʒəns] [ɪn 'dʒuərɪəs] [sɪ 'kjuəd] ['hæzəd] [kən 'vins] [spæn] належний внаслідок обумовлюватися   тягар;вага;ноша вмирти (від чогось) передчасний гладкий, ожирілий гладкість; ожиріння скорочувати, урізувати надмірне зловживання шкідливий забезпечувати, гарантувати безпеку шанс, ризик, ризикувати переконувати тривалість життя


Exercise 2. Give Russian equivalents to the following English ones:

Heavy burden, shortening of the life span, premature death from, average or below average, obese individuals, retention of normal weight, preventive medicine, the energy requirement of the body, a daily caloric intake, a positive energy balance, dietary habits, excessive amounts of starchy food, compensative diminution, risk in overindulgence, normal gain of weight, consumption of food, to burn the excessive fat, to be due to the efforts.


Exercise 3. Choose the proper definitions for the terms:

1. fat 2. food   3. habit   4. retention   5. overweight 6. obesity   1. Substance taken in to maintain life and growth. 2. A substance that contains one or more fatty acids and is the principal form in which energy is stored by the body. 3. The condition in which excess fat has accumulated in the body, mostly in the subcutaneous tissue. 4. Inability to pass urine, which is retained in the bladder.   5. Above the weight allowed or desirable. 6. A sequence of learned behavior occurring in a particular context or as a response to particular events.  


Exercise 4. Find the stem in the following words. Point out prefixes and suffices.

Physically, hopefully, necessity, extremity, shortening, blindness, sleeplessness, unnecessary, unfortunately, discomfort, in-patient, overweight, unalterable, treatment, punishment, decreased, inferiority, fatty, instigation, overindulgence, injurious, unknown, disinfection, irreversible, possibly.


Exercise 5. Form words with the help of negative prefixes. Translate into English.

Dis- like, function, connect, agree

Un- fortune, necessary, forgettable, reliable

In- different, human, visible, dissolution, effective

Im- possible, practical, mobile, moral

Ir- regular, responsible, relevant, resistible

Mis- understand, translate, place, pronounce, carriage

Mal- nutrition, formation, position, treatment


Exercise 6. Read the following words according to the rules of reading:

[òn] - station, resolution, institution, dissolution, introduction, session, discussion;

[tòә] - nature, picture, future, lecture, creature, rupture, puncture, fracture, mixture;

[әs] - dangerous, viscous, numerous, obvious, nervous, infectious, previous, serious.


Exercise 7. Revise grammar material. Translate into Russian. Pay attention to the sentences with Complex Subject.

1. The patient is supposed to have been discharged from the hospital.

2. He is thought to suffer from pneumonia.

3. Leucocytosis is known to develop in inflammation.

4. They seem to study Biochemistry.

5. He appears to suffer from tuberculosis.

6. The pain proved to be sharp on physical exertion.

7. The doctor is likely to discharge this patient.

8. Acute appendix is sure to be removed immediately to prevent its rupture which may result in peritonitis.


Exercise 8. Read and translate the text:


Overweight, particularly in individuals past middle life, is a burden which many persons carry about quite without necessity. In many instances, this heavy burden will result in a definite shortening of the normal life span; they are more likely to succumb to premature death from coronary thrombosis, from diabetes, or from infections, such as pneumonia or cholecystitis, as well as many other diseases, than persons in the same age group whose weight is average or below average. Furthermore, the obese individual suffers from unnecessary fatigue, from heat intolerance, and from arthritis, as well as from other serious discomforts, much more commonly than do persons of normal weight. Thus, the prevention of obesity and the retention of normal weight is a matter of importance in the field of preventive medicine.

The important factor in production of overweight is a daily caloric intake which exceeds the energy requirement of the body — in brief; the fat person eats too much rich food.

A positive energy balance may be due to a variety of causes: one of the important factors is dietary habits. Some people tend to eat excessive amounts of starchy or fatty foods. The overweight of persons past middle life is almost always the result of the decreased energy output of the individual, as the years advance, with no compensative diminution in diet intake. People over 50 eat as much as they did at 20, although their activities are greatly curtailed. Probably the most common cause of overweight is the fact that individuals overeat because they enjoy food, and do not realize that there is any risk in overindulgence.

Prevention of overweight centers is teaching each individual that overweight, particularly with increasing age, is an unnecessary hazard to a normal life. The person must be convinced that the "normal" gain of weight with increasing age is injurious, in a direct ratio to the degree of increase of weight to increasing age.

The other essential educational feature that must be emphasized is that weight reduction can best be secured by maintaining a slow and gradually progressive negative energy balance. In other words, the daily consumption of food should be slightly less than the energy demands of the body. Thus, the body will burn the excess fat in place of food.


Exercise 9. Answer the following questions.

1. At what age may overweight frequently occur?

2. What diseases does obesity usually result in?

3. What serious conditions does an obese individual suffer from?

4. What is a matter of importance in the field of preventive medicine?

5. Why is a daily caloric intake important factor in production of overweight?

6. What causes may a positive energy balance be due to?

7. What is the most common cause of overweight?

8. Why do the persons over 50 more frequently suffer from this heavy burden?

9. What do the prevention of overweigh centers teach obese individuals?

10. By what can weight reduction best be secured?


Exercise 10. Join the parts of the sentence in the column A with the correct ones in the column B.

1. Overweight will result in …   2. The obese individuals are more likely to succumb to premature death from … 3. Furthermore, they suffer from …     4. The prevention of obesity and the retention of normal weight is … 5. A daily caloric intake exceeds the … 6. A positive energy balance may be due to … 7. The overweight of persons past middle life is almost always the result of … 8. The person must be convinced that…     9. The daily consumption of food should be … 10. The body will …   1. …the "normal" gain of weight with increasing age is injurious. 2. …the energy requirement of the body.   3. …unnecessary fatigue, heat intolerance, and arthritis, as well as other serious discomforts. 4. …a matter of importance in the field of preventive medicine. 5. …burn the excess fat in place of food. 6. …slightly less than the energy demands of the body. 7. …a definite shortening of the normal life span.   8. …coronary thrombosis, diabetes, or infections, such as pneumonia or cholecystitis, as well as many other diseases. 9…. dietary habits.   10. …the decreased energy output of the individual.


Exercise 11. Put questions to the underlined members of sentences.

1. In many instances, overweight will result in a definite shortening of the normal life span.

2. The obese individual suffers from unnecessary fatigue, from heat intolerance, and from arthritis, as well as from other serious discomforts.

3. The prevention of obesity and the retention of normal weight is a matter of importance in the field of preventive medicine.

4. The important factor in production of overweight is a daily caloric intake which exceeds the energy requirement of the body.

5. A positive energy balance may be due to a variety of causes.

6. The overweight of persons past middle life is almost always the result of the decreased energy output of the individual.

7. Probably the most common cause of overweight is the fact that individuals overeat because they enjoy food, and do not realize that there is any risk in overindulgence.

8. The body will burn the excess fat in place of food.


Exercise 12. Use the verbs in brackets in the appropriate tense. Translate them into Russian.

1. Overweight, particularly in individuals past middle life, is a burden which a person (to carry) about quite without necessity.

2. Positive energy balances (to be due to) a variety of causes.

3. Obese individuals are more likely (to succumb) to premature death from coronary thrombosis, from diabetes, or from infections, such as pneumonia or cholecystitis.

4. The obese individuals (to suffer) from unnecessary fatigue, from heat intolerance, and from arthritis.

5. It’s known that a daily caloric intake (to exceed) the energy requirement of the body.

6. They knew, that some people (to tend) to eat excessive amounts of starchy or fatty foods.

7. People over 50 eat as much as they did at 20, although their activity (to be greatly curtailed).

8. Preventions of overweight centers (to teach) each individual that overweight, particularly with increasing age, is an unnecessary hazard to a normal life.


Exercise 13. Match Russian word combinations in column A with English ones in the column B.


надлишкова вага caloric food

тяжкий тягар (ноща) excessive amount

тривалість життя premature death

передчасна смерть overweight

нетерпимість тепла heavy burden

профілактика ожиріння dietary habits

калорійна їжа life span

дієтичні звички prevention of obesity

надмірна кількість heat intolerance


Exercise 14. Translate into English:

1. Відомо, що тучність зустрічається у людей після 40 років.

2. Напевне, що ожиріння зможе вплинути, в большій ступені, на скорочення тривалості життя.

3. Виявилось, що причиною раптової смерті цього гладкого пацієнта був коронарний тромбоз.

4. Навряд чи, людина з нормальною вагою, буде страждати від ожиріння.

5. Стверджують, що підтримка нормальної ваги та профілактика ожиріння є головним завданням превентивной медицини.

6. Безсумнівно, що у людини, котра споживає велику кількість жирной їжі, порушиться енергетичний баланс.

7. Вважають, что люди переїдають, тому, що вони насолоджуються їжею, при цьому, вони не усвідомлюють, що це може призвести до зловживання.

8. Певно, що цьому гладкому пацієту назначать низькокалорійну дієту, котра не буде вміщувати великої кількості жиру і крохмалю.

9. Навряд чи, організм зможе спалити таку велику кількість жиру самостійно.

10. Відомо що, для того, щоб дієта була сбалансованою людям, схильним до ожиріння, не рекомендують вживати висококалорійну їжу кожного дня.


Exercise 15. Explain the following diseases in English:






Exercise 16. Be ready to speak on the following items:


The main causes of obesity.

The cardinal symptoms of obesity.

Preventive measures of obesity.



1. Overweight, particularly …individuals past middle life, is a burden which many persons carry about quite without necessity.

a. at b. on c. from d. by e. in


2. In many instances, this heavy burden will result in a definite shortening of the normal life span; they … to premature death from coronary thrombosis, from diabetes, or from infections, such as pneumonia or cholecystitis, as well as many other diseases, than persons in the same age group whose weight is average or below average.

a. are more likely to succumb b. are more likely to be succumb

c. are more likely to be being succumb d. is more likely to succumb

e. am more likely to succumb


3. …, the obese individual suffers from unnecessary fatigue, from heat intolerance, and from arthritis, as well as from other serious discomforts, much more commonly than do persons of normal weight.

a. Further b. Furthermost c. Furtherance d. Furthermore e. Furthest


4. Thus, the prevention of obesity and the retention of normal weight is a matter of importance in the field of… .

a. prenatal medicine b. preventive medicine c. physical medicine

d. postclinical medicine e. preserving medicine


5. The important factor in production of overweight is a daily caloric intake which exceeds the energy requirement of the body — in brief; the fat person eats … rich food.

a. too many b. too little c. too small d. too big e. too much


6. A positive energy balance … a variety of causes: one of the important factors is dietary habits.

a. might be due to b. may be due to c. may due to d. may to be due to e. may be due


7. People … eat as much as they did at 20, although their activities are greatly curtailed. Probably the most common cause of overweight is the fact that individuals overeat because they enjoy food, and do not realize that there is any risk in overindulgence.

a. over 20 b. over 30 c. over 40 d. over 50 e. over 60


8. Prevention of overweight centers … each individual that overweight, particularly with increasing age, is an unnecessary hazard to a normal life.

a. teaching b. is teaching c. be teaching d. to be teaching

e. is being teaching


9. The person must be convinced that the … with increasing age is injurious, in a direct ratio to the degree of increase of weight to increasing age.


a. "increased" gain of weight b. "permanent" gain of weight

c. "normal" gain of weight d. "gradual" gain of weight

e. "decreased" gain of weight


10. The other essential educational feature that must be emphasized is that weight reduction … by maintaining a slow and gradually progressive negative energy balance.


a. can best be secured b. could best be secured

c. can best is secured d. can worst be secured

e. can best to be secured


Childhood obesity


Exercise 1. Topic vocabulary:

1. acceptable 2. adolescent 3. adulthood 4. percentile 5. overweight 6. threatening 7. puberty 8. reflect 9. approve 10. manage 11. alter 12. lifestyle 13. intervention 14. behaviour 15. techniques 16. success 17. bulimia [ək 'septəbl] [ædə ' lesənt] [ə 'dʌlthud] [pə 'sentail] [əuvə 'weit] [laif 'θretəniŋ] [pju:bəti] [ri 'flekt] [ə 'pru:v] [mænidʒ] [ɔ:ltə] [lafstail] [intə 'venʃn] [bi 'heiviə] [tek 'ni:k] [sək 'ses] [bju: ' limiə] прийнятний підліток період статевого дозрівання процентиль надлишкова вага що загрожує статеве дозрівання відображати схвалювати надавати допомогу змінювати(ся) образ, стиль життя втручання поведінка техніка успіх; удача булімія


Exercise 2. Give Russian equivalents to the following English ones:

Obesity in children; obese children; the diagnosis of obesity; for determining obesity; excess body fat; child's health or wellbeing; to determine directly; life-threatening conditions; sleep problems; early puberty; anorexia and bulimia; mortality rates; the family's environment and genetics; during adolescence and adulthood; approved for the treatment; approved medication; in managing moderate obesity; approved for adolescents; the absorption of fat; lifestyle interventions; behavioral techniques; to increase activity in children; to have little success.


Exercise 3. Choose the proper definitions for the terms:

1. puberty 2. adolescence 3. diabetes 4. cancer 5. bulimia 6. tonsillectomy 7. adenoidectomy 8. hyperlipidaemia a)a disorder characterized by compulsive overeating followed by vomiting: sometimes associated with anxiety about gaining weight; b)the period in human development that occurs between the beginning of puberty and adulthood; c)surgical removal of the palatine tonsils; d)an abnormally high level of lipids, esp cholesterol, in the blood, predisposing to atherosclerosis and other arterial diseases; e)weighing more than is usual, allowed, or healthy; f)the period at the beginning of adolescence when the sex glands become functional and the secondary sexual characteristics emerge; g)surgical removal of the palatine tonsils; h)any type of malignant growth or tumour, caused by abnormal and uncontrolled cell division: it may spread through the lymphatic system or blood stream to other parts of the body.    


Exercise 4. Revise Complex Subject Construction. 1). Translate the words in brackets. 2).Translate the whole sentences into native language.

1.Excess body fat (відомо) negatively to affect a child's health or wellbeing.

2.Obese adolescents (напевне) to have prediabetes, a condition in which blood glucose levels indicate a high risk for development of diabetes.

3.The diagnosis of obesity (вважають) to be often based on body mass index.

4.Childhood obesity (повідомили) to have reached epidemic proportions in 21st century.

5.Studies have shown that overweight children more (напевно) to grow up to be overweight adults.

6.The excess intake of calories above the daily expenditure (витрачання) of energy (кажуть) to lead to weight gain and can eventually lead to obesity.

7.Efforts to increase activity in children (виявилось) to have had little success.

8.Obese youth (без сумніву) to have risk factors for cardiovascular disease, such as high cholesterol or high blood pressure.

9.Overweight in children and adolescents (думали) to have been caused by a lack of physical activity, unhealthy eating patterns resulting in excess energy intake, or a combination of the two.

Exercise 5. Read and translate the text:

Childhood obesity

Childhood obesity is a condition where excess body fat negatively affects a child's health or wellbeing. As methods to determine body fat directly are difficult, the diagnosis of obesity is often based on BMI (Body mass index). Body mass index is acceptable for determining obesity for children two years of age and older. Obesity in children and adolescents is defined as a BMI greater than the 95th percentile.

Childhood obesity has reached epidemic proportions in 21st century, with rising rates in both the developed and developing world. Currently 10% of children worldwide are either overweight or obese.

The first problems to occur in obese children are usually emotional or psychological. Childhood obesity however can also lead to life-threatening conditions including diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, sleep problems, cancer, and other disorders. Some of the other disorders would include liver disease, early puberty , eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia, skin infections, and asthma and other respiratory problems. Studies have shown that overweight children are more likely to grow up to be overweight adults. A 2008 study has found that children who are obese have carotid arteries which have prematurely aged by as much as thirty years as well as abnormal levels of cholesterol. Obesity during adolescence has been found to increase mortality rates during adulthood.

CAUSES: The greatest risk factor for child obesity is the obesity of both parents. This may be reflected by the family's environment and genetics.

There are no medications currently approved for the treatment of obesity in children. Orlistat may however be helpful in managing moderate obesity in adolescence. Sibutramine is approved for adolescents older than 16. It works by altering the brain's chemistry and decreasing appetite. Orlistat is approved for adolescents older than 12. It works by preventing the absorption of fat in the intestines.

Treatments used in obese children are primarily lifestyle interventions and behavioral techniques, although efforts to increase activity in children have had little success.


Exercise 6. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the main difference between adult and child obesity?

2. What is the diagnosis of childhood obesity often based on?

3. What life-threatening conditions can childhood obesity lead to?

4. What are the main causes of obesity in children?

5. What medications may be helpful in managing moderate obesity in adolescence?


Exercise 7. Give English equivalents of the following word combinations:

Ожиріння у дітей; надлишок жиру; впливати на здоров'я; показник маси тіла; який загрожує життю; статева зрілість; сонна артерія; смертність; юність; лікувальний засіб; зниження апетиту; всмоктування жиру в кишечник; медичне та хірургічне втручання; методи поведінки; надлишкова вага; в даний час.


Exercise 8. Open the brackets and use verbs in the correct tense and voice:


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